
Now showing items 1-20 of 37

    • Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks The Legacy of Alan Turing and John von Neumann 

      Muehlenbein, Heinz (BrSTU, 2006)
      The work of Alan Turing and John von Neumann on machine intelligence and artificial automata is reviewed. Turing's proposal to create a child machine with the ability to Ieam is discussed. Von Neumann's had doubts that with teacher based learning it will be possible to create artificial intelligence. ...


    • Information-Based Algorithmic Design 

      Hiromoto, Robert E.; Manic, Milos (BrSTU, 2006)
      An information-based design principle is presented that provides a framework for the design of both parallel and sequential algorithms. In this presentation, the notion of information (data) organization and canonical separation are examined and used in the design of an iterative line method for pattern ...


    • Applying Natural Computation to Real World Business – Selected Highlights from Cercia 

      Frayn, Colin M. (BrSTU, 2006)
      Bringing cutting-edge natural computation research into industry is a challenging task, with numerous obstacles to overcome. In this paper I describe a few selected projects that we have developed at the Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications (Cercia) and I ...


    • Modular Connectionist Systems: Toward Higher Level Intelligent Functions 

      Kurosh Madani (BrSTU, 2006)
      Recent advances in “neurobiology" allowed highlighting some of key mechanisms of animal intelligence. Among them one can emphasizes brain’s “modular" structure and its ".self-organizing” capabilities. The main goal of this paper is to show how these primary supplies could be exploited and combined in ...


    • Fusion of Detectors on the Basis of Recirculation Neural Networks for Intrusion Detection 

      Kochurko, Pavel (BrSTU, 2006)
      The identification of attack class plays great role in intrusion detection. In this paper the method of recognition of a class of attack by means of the cumulative classifier with nonlinear recirculation neural networks as private detectors is described, strategy of detector selection – by a relative ...


    • Artificial Immune Systems for Information Security: Comparative Analysis of Negative and Positive Selections 

      Безобразов, Сергей Валерьевич (BrSTU, 2006)
      The artificial immune system is a new, perspective system for protection of computer systems from viruses. Training and selection of detectors is necessary in artificial immune system, as it prevents break-in of unnecessary detectors. This paper presents comparative analysis of two methods detectors ...


    • How Many Parachutists will be Needed to Find a Needle in a Pastoral? 

      Akira Imada (BrSTU, 2006)
      This article is a consideration on computer network intrusion detection using artificial neural networks, or whatever else using machine learning techniques. We assume an intrusion to a network is like a needle in a haystack not like a family of iris flower, and we consider how an attack can be detected ...


    • A Steganographic Method Using Learning Vector Quantization 

      Gorbashkо, Larisa; Golovko, Vladimir (BrSTU, 2006)
      The new technique for embedding image data is presented. The message is subjects to vector quantizer by neural network. The modified data is inserted into the coiner in the wavelet transform domain. The vector quantization enables to increase the capacity of embedded data. The experimental results ...


    • Neural Network Techniques for Intrusion Detection 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Vaitsekhovich, Leanid (BrSTU, 2006)
      This paper presents the neural network approaches for building of intrusion detection system (IDS). Existing intrusion detection approaches have same limitations, namely low detection time and recognition accuracy. In order to overcome these limitations we propose several neural network systems for ...


    • Modular Neurocontroller for a Sensor-Driven Reactive Behavior of Biologically Inspired Walking Machines 

      Manoonpong, Poramate; Pasemann, Frank; Roth, Hubert (BrSTU, 2006)
      In this article, a modular neurocontroller is presented. It has the capability to generate a reactive behavior of walking machines. The neurocontroller is formed on the basis of a modular structure. It consists of the three different functionality modules: neural preprocessing, a neural oscillator ...


    • A Fuzzy-CMAC Based Hybrid Intuitive Approach for Biped Robot’s Adaptive Dynamic Walking 

      Sabourin, Christophe; Kurosh Madani; Bruneau, Olivier (BrSTU, 2006)
      In this paper, we have proposed a new neural network based hybrid intuitive approach for biped robot's adaptive walking. Our approach takes advantage on the one hand from a Fuzzy-CMAC based stage and on the other hand from high level intuitive control strategy involving only the regulation of the ...


    • An Artificial Neural Network Based Approach to Mass Biometry Dilemma Taking advantage from IBM ZISC-036 Neuro-Processor Based Massively Parallel Implementation 

      Kurosh Madani; Abdennasser Chebira; Damien Langlois (BrSTU, 2006)
      Over the recent past years, new public security tendency to fit up public areas with biometric devices has emerged new requirements in biometric recognition dealing with what we call here "mass biometry". Ifthe main goal in "individual biometry" is to authenticate and/or identify an undesired individual ...


    • Simulation Modelling of Neural Control System for Coal Mine Ventilation 

      Turchenko, Iryna; Kochan, VoIodymyr; Sachenko, Anatoly (BrSTU, 2006)
      In this paper it is developed simple simulation model of a mine section in order to model sequential neural control scheme of the mine airflow. A technique of neural network's training set forming, neural network structure and a training algorithm are described. The results of simulation modeling of ...


    • Computer-aided technique for defect and project rules inspection on PCB layout image 

      Doudkin, Alexander; Inyutin, Alexander (BrSTU, 2006)
      A technique o f PCB layout optical inspection based on image comparison and mathematical morphology methods is proposed. The unique feature of the technique is that the inspection is performed at different stages of image processing. The presence of all layout elements is checked up, then positions ...


    • Analysis of approaches to design voice conversion systems 

      Thai Trung Kien (BrSTU, 2006)
      Analysis of approaches to design voice conversion systems is proposed in this paper. Base on analysis we give principles of voice conversion system, speech modes will be used to represent parameters of speech signal and acoustic characteristics will influence the quality of system. Moreover, we compare ...


    • Algorithm for calculating the mutual correlation function for a video surveillance system 

      Sadykhov, Rauf Khosrovovich; Lamovsky, D. V. (BrSTU, 2006)
      This paper describes a new algorithm to calculate cross-correlation function. We combined box filtering technique for calculation of cross correlation coefficients with parallel processing using MMX/SSE technology of modem general purpose processors. We have used this algorithm for real time optical ...


    • Soft Computing as a solution to Time/ Cost Distributor 

      Nabil M. Hewahi (BrSTU, 2006)
      In this paper we present a theoretical model based on soft computing to distribute the time/cost among the industry/machine sensors or effectors based on the type of the application. One of the most unstudied significant work is to recognize which sensor in an industry for example has higher priority ...


    • On Application of the Ternary Matrix Cover Technique for Minimization of Boolean Functions 

      Pottosin, Yu. V.; Shestakov, E. A. (BrSTU, 2006)
      To solve the task of recognizing features of objects used in expert systems the Boolean function approach can be attracted. In particular, the relation between the features can be given as a disjunctive normal form (DNF) of the Boolean function whose arguments correspond to the features, and the rise ...


    • Matching on Graphs 

      Shut, Vasily Nikolaevich; Svirsky, V. M.; Solomiyuk, K. S.; Gryazev, E. V. (BrSTU, 2006)
      This work is devoted to development of new algorithm of the decision of a matter about matching. In the result the algorithm of search maximal matching in graphs has been developed and realized, the estimation of its complexity, and comparison with existing algorithms have been made. Its characteristics, ...


    • Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction via Artificial Neural Network Technique 

      Nechval, Konstantin N.; Bausova, Irina; ŠķiItere, Daina; Nechval, Nicholas A.; Strelchonok, Vladimir F. (BrSTU, 2006)
      The artificial neural network (ANN) technique for the data processing of on-line fatigue crack growth monitoring is proposed after analyzing the general technique for fatigue crack growth data. A model for predicting the fatigue crack growth by ANN is presented, which does not need all kinds of materials ...
