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How Many Parachutists will be Needed to Find a Needle in a Pastoral?
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BrSTUБиблиографическое описание
Akira Imada. How Many Parachutists will be Needed to Find a Needle in a Pastoral? / Akira Imada // International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence : proceedings, Brest, 31 May – 2 June, 2006 / Edited: V. Golovko [et al.]. – Brest : BSTU, 2006. – P. 53–60 : il. – Bibliogr.: p. 60 (18 titles).Аннотация
This article is a consideration on computer network intrusion detection using artificial neural networks, or whatever else using machine learning techniques. We assume an intrusion to a network is like a needle in a haystack not like a family of iris flower, and we consider how an attack can be detected by an intelligent way, if any.
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