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Algorithm for calculating the mutual correlation function for a video surveillance system

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BrSTUБиблиографическое описание
Sadykhov, R. Kh. Algorithm for calculating the mutual correlation function for a video surveillance system / R. Kh. Sadykhov, D. V. Lamovsky // International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence : proceedings, Brest, 31 May – 2 June, 2006 / Edited: V. Golovko [et al.]. – Brest : BSTU, 2006. – P. 103–106 : il. – Bibliogr.: p. 106 (17 titles).Аннотация
This paper describes a new algorithm to calculate cross-correlation function. We combined box filtering technique for calculation of cross correlation coefficients with parallel processing using MMX/SSE technology of modem general purpose processors. We have used this algorithm for real time optical flow estimation between frames of video sequence. Our algorithm was tested on real world video sequences obtained from the cameras of video surveillance system.
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