Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 170
Оценка изменения температуры воздуха по Брестской области
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article deals with the main temperature changes observed at meteorological stations in Brest region. The temperature changes in the 1981-2010 period are compared with the results of generalizations in the 1881-1990 period.2020-09-07
Пищевая специализация зеленых лягушек в условиях урбанизированного ландшафта
(БрГТУ, 2019)Spectra of feeding of aquatic amphibians of the genus Pelophylax in a reservoir with a high anthropogenic load are considered in the article. The purpose of the study is to reveal peculiarities of nutrition and trophic relationships of various species of tailless amphibians in Grodno’s reservoirs ...2020-09-07
Природно-антропогенные ландшафты Припятского Полесья в пределах Брестской области
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article reveals the theme of the spread of the natural-anthropogenic landscape of Pripyatsky Polesye (within the Brest region). The theme is relevant because as a result of anthropogenic impact, there is a change in landscapes which entails a change in biota and sometimes geomes, therefore ...2020-09-07
Видовой состав птиц зеленых зон города Гродно в зимний период
(БрГТУ, 2019)The basis of the Grodno winter avifauna by 25 birds species from 12 families is represented. The stability of the birds species composition in areas, closer to the city center located (in parks) can be explained by the urbanization of the territory maximum degree. Synanthropic bird species can live ...2020-09-07
Влияние температурного фактора на выращивание цыплят-бройлеров
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article describes dynamics and speed of raising broiler chickens under conditions of cage keeping, but under different temperature conditions. At present, poultry production is a high-tech, dynamically developing promising direction in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Belarus. It is ...2020-09-07
Восстановление пропущенных значений температуры воздуха с использованием вейвлетов
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article discusses the possibility of restoring gaps in the series of monthly mean values of air temperature using the wavelet transform. The author compares the results of reconstruction done with the use of some well-known interpolation methods.2020-09-04
Совершенствование системы управления водными ресурсами в Республике Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article is about the functioning of the water management system, its problems and possible solutions in the Republic of Belarus based on an analysis of existing approaches to the use and protection of water, taking into account international experience.2020-09-04
Некоторые особенности развития эхиноцистиса лопастного (Echinocystis lobata) в пойме реки Днепр Рогачевского района
(БрГТУ, 2019)Currently, the study of issues related to the introduction of invasive species into natural ecosystems is relevant. More than 300 alien plant species are known in Belarus, of which about 10 species are currently included in the list of the most dangerous invasive species. Their distribution throughout ...2020-09-04
Состояние почвенного покрова в городе Бресте
(БрГТУ, 2019)As a result of the research the main substances which cause soil pollution in the city were identified. Also a number of measures were undertook to reduce the risk associated with soil pollution.2020-09-02
Динамика загрязнения артезианской воды нитратами в городе Щучин и Щучинском районе
(БрГТУ, 2019)The results of the assessment of groundwater nitrates in 2016 – 2018 are analyzed in the article.The main aim is to study the level of nitrate pollution of water sources of Shchuchin and Shchuchin region.2020-09-02
Определение категории воздействия предприятия на атмосферный воздух (на примере строительного предприятия)
(БрГТУ, 2019)The work and assessment of the impact of an industrial enterprise producing construction materials of the Grodno KSM (Belarus) on the quality of atmospheric air was checked. The main sources of emissions of pollutants have been identified, the quality and quantity of the composition of pollutants ...2020-09-01
Пластиковая упаковка и её воздействие на окружающую среду и человека
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article discusses plastic packaging, its impact on the environment and possible methods to reduce this impact. Attention is focused on sorting and recycling of plastic waste.2020-09-01
Применение экологичного разметочного противоскользящего материала как улучшение состояния окружающей среды
(БрГТУ, 2019)The use of environmentally friendly acrylic anti-slip cold plastics in horizontal road marking for special purposes allows increasing the service life of the marking coating, saving materials and energy resources, and increasing traffic safety.2020-09-01
Анатомическое строение листовых пластинок некоторых представителей семейства Oleaceae L.
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article discusses the anatomical structure of leaf plates of some members of the Olive family. The study showed that the internal structure of the leaf plate of the studied species of the olive family has a significant set of anatomical features that can be used in the diagnosis of plants.2020-09-01
Биофлавониды черешни при культивировании в условиях Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2019)Data on the bioflavonoids content of 9 varieties and 2 hybrids of Belarusian sweet cherry are presented in this article. The total anthocyanins content varies from 10.27 to 83.38 mg of cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside, the total phenolic acids content varies from 18.24 to 47.27 mg of caffeic acid and the ...2020-09-01
Интенсивность загрязнения ¹³⁷СS рыб вида карась серебряный в водоёмах Лунинецкого района
(БрГТУ, 2019)In Luninets district people are actively engaged in fishing. Hardly anybody thinks that fish or some of its organs may be a source of radiation for a human. That is why it is important to study not only the content of radiocesium in fish organs but also a way to reduce this radionuclide by heat ...2020-08-31
Применение экологически безопасных регуляторов роста и развития плодовых культур
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article discusses the use of environmentally friendly growth and development regulators on the example of epibrassinolide in different concentrations. The influence of epibrassinolide on the ripeness parameters of grape fruits (titratable acidity, content of soluble sugars, ripeness index) is ...2020-08-31
Экологическая безопасность как составляющая устойчивого развития регионов
(БрГТУ, 2019)Sustainable development is a model of socio-economic development that provides the current generation with their vital needs without depriving future generations of this opportunity due to depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation. Ecological safety is one of the main factors of ...2020-08-31
Способы борьбы с шумом при производстве свайных работ
(БрГТУ, 2019)The purpose of the article is to reduce the noise when working with the piling equipment. New means and methods of protection from noise and environmental improvement, protected by the patents of RB for inventions are proposed. This article solutions have practical implications for reducing noise ...2020-08-31
Высокие и низкие температуры воздуха в г. Бресте как опасное метеорологическое явление
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article is supposed to give a theoretical justification for the occurrence of severe heat and severe frosts in Brest from 1995 to 2015. In order to achieve this, long-term observations are analyzed in the article.2020-08-31