Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 170
Modern methods for purifying phenol from waste water
(БрГТУ, 2019)В данной статье впервые проведена фотохимическая диссоциация фенола с наночастицами GO / TiO2, продолжительность снята на 1 час, а фотохимическая диссоциация с УФ-излучением раствора подтверждена. Кроме того, состав и количественный анализ раствора фотолиза для получения более точных результатов ...2020-10-06
Особенности проведения сплошных санитарных рубок в сосновых насаждениях Чечерского спецлесхоза
(БрГТУ, 2019)In this article was described local experience of clear-cutting sanitary felling in conditions of forest nuclear pollution. Also there were described technology of logging and method of reforestation.2020-10-06
Экологические проблемы, связанные с производственной деятельностью в городе Пинске
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article describes some environmental problems that result from the pollution of natural waters and atmospheric air in the city of Pinsk.2020-10-06
Изменчивость конхиометрических признаков Helix pomatia из двух популяций Барановичского района
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article shows differences between the populations studied according to the morphometric features of the Helix pomatia shell. The most probable cause of the phenomenon described is different levels of biotope urbanization and microclimatic differences in habitats which are also related to the ...2020-10-06
Анатомическая структура ассимиляционного аппарата Rhododendron maximum L. и Rhododendron smirnovii (Trautv.)
(БрГТУ, 2019)The study of the anatomical structure of the leaf is necessary to solve the problems of physiology, diagnosis, taxonomy. Comparison of the climatic conditions of natural areas, as well as the areas of introduction of the studied species of the genus Rhododendron L., makes it possible to find ways ...2020-10-06
Трансграничные водные проблемы экосистемы р. Ертис (Иртыш)
(БрГТУ, 2019)The main water problems of the ecosystem of the transboundary river Ertis (Irtysh) and the ways to solve them are identified. Particular attention is paid to the absence of a trilateral international agreement on water sharing. Compensatory measures are proposed for anthropogenic reduction and ...2020-10-06
Теоретико-методические подходы к проведению оценки геоэкологического состояния городов
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article describes national and foreign approaches to assessing a geoecological state of cities with the use of theoretical concepts and particular assessment techniques.2020-10-06
Современное состояние проблемы утилизации медицинских отходов, а также вторичных ресурсов и отходов различных электронных изделий и оборудования
(БрГТУ, 2019)The work analyses contemporary issue of medical waste products utilization together with that of secondary resources and waste materials from electronic wares and equipment.2020-10-06
Использование носителя биомассы для интенсификации работы аэротенков
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article discusses commonly used boot materials for aerotanks. An example of the use of polymer loading in the wastewater treatment plant of the city of Kobryn is shown. Biomass carriers are widely used for reconstruction.2020-10-06
Сохранение подроста при сплошнолесосечных рубках главного пользования в сосновых насаждениях
(БрГТУ, 2019)There are main normatives of clear-cut felling in pine forests were established. Logging technology and system of machines are providing preservation of young forest generation for future reforestation.2020-10-06
Распространение и видовой состав орнитофауны в условиях урбанизированного ландшафта
(БрГТУ, 2019)The importance of studying the characteristics of animal synantropization is explained, above all, by the necessity to create a hospitable environment within the city grounds that allows for cohabitation with humans. The goal of this study is to identify ornithocomplex spread and species diversity ...2020-10-06
Видовое разнообразие фитопланктона водных объектов разных типов (на примере водоёмов Волковысского и Свислочского районов Гродненской области)
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article is devoted to the study of different types of reservoirs of the Grodno region during two seasons. We studied the phytoplankton of lake Rustici, river Polonka and fire reservoir. The number of detected species in 2018 is higher than in 2017. Most rich in species diversity of the divisions ...2020-10-06
Эколого-таксономическая характеристика cфагновых мхов в окрестностях г. Малориты
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article presents the results of a survey conducted by the routing method of pine and birch forests of sedge and sedge-sphagnum type in the vicinity of Malorita. Six species of the genus Sphagnum from 4 sections were identified. The most common species of the section is Acutifolia. The species ...2020-10-06
Экологизация молокоперерабатывающего производства
(БрГТУ, 2019)To order to solve environmental problems in such areas as a dairy industry, it is necessary to deal with them comprehensively. It is worth using capacities of related industries, which can result in maximum effects for not only one type of enterprise. The problem of environmental protection is global.2020-10-06
Экологические аспекты добычи озерного сапропеля
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article reveals the concept of sapropel. It also examines some environmental aspects caused by mining sapropel from a lake bed in various ways. Removal of benthal deposits can have both positive and negative effects on the state of limnosystem.2020-10-06
Влияние температурного режима г. Бреста на созревание винограда
(БрГТУ, 2019)Brest region of Belarus refers to the northern zone of viticulture. In our study, the maturity index of red and white grapes was calculated as a sugar-to-titrableacidity ratio. The maturity index for grapes of late harvest dates ranges from 6.77 to 42.99.2020-10-06
Оценка системы экологического налогообложения антропогенного воздействия на компоненты природной среды в Республике Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2019)The polluter-pays principle is being formed in the society and legislation today. The implementation of this principle in the life practice is fully promoted by the modern Tax Code.2020-10-06
Современные тенденции загрязнения подземных вод соединениями азота
(БрГТУ, 2019)Increase and accumulation of nitrogen-containing compounds in natural waters requires removing anthropogenic impact and improves the quality of drinking water. A brief description of the conditions for operating groundwater and their quality in the areas of existing water intakes is given. The ...2020-10-06
Фотолиз 5 г/л фенольного раствора в присутствии наночастиц TIO₂
(БрГТУ, 2019)It was carried out a photochemical decomposition of 5 g / l of phenol solution (20 ml) and 0.0 5 g of nano-TiO2 particles for purification of wastewater. After irradiating the sample using a UV lamp, the adsorption coefficient of the solution on the “Varian” was determined. The decomposition of ...2020-10-06
Экологическое состояние водоёмов г. Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article considers conditions of monitoring water reservoirs in the Western Bug catchment. The directions of studying an anthropogenic impact on the reservoirs are defined. The degree of studies of an ecological condition of the reservoirs around Brest is presented in the article.2020-10-06