
Now showing items 1-20 of 3901

    • 3D-моделирование самосвала МАЗ-5551 в рамках научно-исследовательской работы студентов 

      Морозова, Виктория Александровна; Дмитрук, Владислав Витальевич; Сидорук, Дмитрий Иванович (2018)
      В статье рассматривается повышение знаний и опыта студентов в работе с трехмерными моделями при создании 3D-модели самосвала МАЗ-5551 в КОМПАС-3D.


    • 50-я гвардейская стрелковая Сталинская (Донецкая) дважды Краснознамённая, орденов Суворова и Кутузова дивизия 

      Данилов, Юрий Дмитриевич (Дзержинец, 2021)
      Статья посвящена одному из первых воинских соединений РККА, которым было присвоено почетное наименование Гвардейских. Автор рассказывает об истории формирования дивизии, ее славном боевом пути в годы Великой отечественной войны, командирах, послевоенной жизни. Отдельное место статье отведено периоду ...


    • A neural net for prediction prodlems 

      Golovko, Vladimir Adamovich; Savitsky, Yuri Viktorovich; Gladyschuk, Vitaly B. (Politehnica university of Timişoara, 1996)
      In this paper are presents and investigates the various modifications of gradient descent method for Back-Propagation algorithm. Opportunity on reduction of neural network training time and increasing of training algorithm stability are considered The particular expressions for choosing of optimum ...


    • A New Technique for Restricted Boltzmann Machine Learning 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Kroshchanka, Aliaksandr; Turchenko, Volodymyr; Jankowski, Stanislaw; Treadwell, Douglas (Information Science Warsaw University of Technology, 2015)
      Over the last decade, deep belief neural networks have been a hot topic in machine learning. Such networks can perform a deep hierarchical representation of input data. The first layer can extract low-level features, the second layer can extract high-level features and so on. In general, deep belief ...


    • Adaptive robot control technique for dynamic environments 

      Diomin, Vladimir (Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012)
      This paper presents the technique of adaptive robot control for dynamic environments. The technique is designed for low cost sensors that make the developed system applicable for economic models of robots. This approach is based on the hierarchy method of robot control, that came from behavior based ...


    • Algorithm of Distribution of Scarce Goods 

      Nosko, Natalia Viktorovna; Pilipyuk, Ivanna Mikhaelovna (ЖДТУ, 2015)
      At the enterprise, in connection with inconstancy of demand and impossibility to expect new clients, there can be a deficiency on some goods. And there is a question: "To what buyer to ship scarce goods? [1]. It causes relevance drawing up the scheme of distribution of scarce goods on buyers It is ...


    • An Optimal Design Problem for Two-dimensional Composite Materials. A Constructive Approach 

      Makaruk, Svetlana F.; Mityushev, Vladimir; Rogosin, Sergei V. (Cambridge Scientific Publishers Printed, 2006)
      We consider an optimal design problem, when it is necessary to locate circular inclusions of fixed size having a given conductivity in a material of fixed shape and a given conductivity in such a way that with prescribed concentration of the inclusions and prescribed external field the whole composite ...


    • Analysis of Lake Water Levels Fluctuations in Poland and Belarus 

      Choiński, Adam; Volchak, Aleksander; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey; Sidak, Svetlana; Kirvel, Pavel (SGGW Water Center, 2020)
      On the basis of the mean volume of annual water levels for 25 lakes (9 Belarusian and 16 Polish) in the period of 55 years (1956-2010) the spectral time analysis of water levels fluctuations has been executed. The spectral time analysis included two parts: analysis based on calculating the variance ...


    • Analysis of water resources in Belarus in view of climate changes 

      Kirvel, Ivan I.; Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Siarhei I.; Kirvel, Pavel I.; Machambietova, Rosa (Pomeranian University, 2018)
      The surface water resources of Belarus for the period 1956-2015 were specified. The redistribution of water resources in the basins of the main rivers and administrative regions was investigated. The refined map of the Belarusian river runoff has been built. Runoff forecasts for 11 rivers in the Neman ...


    • Application of algorithms for searching motion in the frame for the detection of vehicles 

      Анфилец, Сергей Викторович; Касьяник, Валерий Викторович; Шуть, Василий Николаевич (BSUIR, 2011)
      In the paper discusses methods for detecting moving objects in the video stream. It is proposed combined algorithm applied to the detection of vehicles. The results of testing under real conditions revealed a fairly high percentage of detection in order to be able to apply it in the detectors of transport.


    • Assessment of changes in the Viliya River runoff in the territory of Belarus 

      Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Sergey I. (De Gruyter Poland, 2018)
      The research results of runoff changes in the River Viliya at 3 stations (Steshitsy Village, Vileyka Town and Mihalishki village) during the period 1946–2014 for the average annual, maximum, minimum summer-autumn and winter runoff are presented. It has been concluded that heterogeneity in the time ...


    • Assessment of existing reinforced concrete structures with usage of the fuzzy logic – based expert system 

      Tur, V. V.; Yalavaya, Y. S. (ОГУ имени И. С. Тургенева, 2019)
      Fuzzy logic is a useful tool when assessing the existing reinforced concrete struc-tures. The introduction of expert system in assessing the technical condition of the existing structures built on the fuzzy logic represents a transition to a new and higher-quality level for the survey of con-structions ...


    • Assessment of the current state and prospects for the development of Belarusian-Chinese cooperation 

      Кайдановская, Татьяна Васильевна; Чжао Тяньюй (Колоград, 2024)
      The analysis of the results of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the People’s Republic of China within the framework of the “One Belt, One Way” initiative is carried out. The economic, social, and political advantages of this cooperation for Belarus and China are considered. Positive ...


    • Assessment of Waterpower Potential of Rivers in the Yaselda Catchment 

      Volchak, A.; Vouchak, An.; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2017)
      Volchak, A. Assessment of Waterpower Potential of Rivers in the Yaselda Catchment / A. Volchak, An. Vouchak, M. Barushka // 7th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM7) : Abstacts Book, 17–19 July 2017, Canary Islands, Spain / Edited by: ScienceKnowconferences. ...


    • Atlas "Weather hazards in Belarus" and its application in training environmental engineers 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Meshyk, Aleh; Shpoka, Iryna; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (ФГБОУ ВО РГАТУ, 2017)
      В статье рассматриваются особенности и перспективы использования Атласа опасных метеорологических явлений на территории Беларуси в учебном процессе при подготовке студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов по специальностям природоохранного направления.


    • Atlas. Weather hazards in Belarus 

      Volchak, Аliaksandr; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Meshyk, Aleh; Shpoka, Iryna (All-Russian Research Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation, 2017)
      The Atlas contains maps with the most widespread weather hazards registered in Belarus from 1975 till 2015. The authors provide short description and quantitative criteria for each weather phenomenon which are defined according to the regulatory requirements of the Republic of Belarus. The main ...


    • Automatic identification of the semantically equivalent fragments of the text documents 

      Krapivin, Yury (Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012)
      The article presents a definition of plagiarism identification problem and its solution via automatic identification of the semantically equivalent fragments of the text documents using SAO relations retrieved from the texts.


    • Behavior Patterns of adaptive Multi-Joined Robot learned by Multi-Agent Influence Reinforcement Learning 

      Kabysh, Anton; Golovko, Vladimir; Mikhniayeu, Andrei; Rubanau, Uladzimir; Lipnikas, Arunas (BSUIR, 2011)
      This paper describes behavior patterns produced by Multi-Joined Robot learned via Influence Reinforcement learning. This learning technique used for distributed, adaptive and self-organizing control in multi-agent system. This technique is quite simple and uses agent’s influences to estimate learning ...


    • Belarus Rivers Runoff: Current State, Prospects 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (2018)
      Volchak, A. Belarus Rivers Runoff: Current State, Prospects / A. Volchak, М. Barushka // International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming (ICCCGW 2018), October 29–30, 2018, Paris, France: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Environmental and ...


    • Bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne procesów nwestyczyjno-budowlanych w Republice Białoruś 

      Kisel, Alena (Centrum Rzeczoznawstwa Budowlanego Sp. z o.o., 2019)
      W procesie tworzenia nieruchomości nieunikniony jest negatywny wpływ na środowisko. Wpływ ten jest nierownómierny i wymaga zastosowania przepisów prawnych i analizy iyzyka w obszarze bezpieczeństwa środowiska. Można to osiągnąć dzieki wprowadzeniu zarzqdzania ekologicznego.
