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Assessment of changes in the Viliya River runoff in the territory of Belarus

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De Gruyter PolandБиблиографическое описание
Volchak, A. A. Assessment of changes in the Viliya River runoff in the territory of Belarus / A. A. Volchak, S. I. Parfomuk // Limnological Review. – 2018. – № 4. – P. 185–196. – Bibliogr.: p. 194–196.Аннотация
The research results of runoff changes in the River Viliya at 3 stations (Steshitsy Village, Vileyka Town and Mihalishki village) during
the period 1946–2014 for the average annual, maximum, minimum summer-autumn and winter runoff are presented. It has been concluded
that heterogeneity in the time series of the river runoff is caused by natural-climatic and anthropogenic factors. At Mihalishki Village the
average annual runoff is about 59.7 m3 s–1, the maximum 1570 m3 s–1, minimum summer–autumn is 22.0 m3 s–1, the minimum winter runoff is
17.3 m3 s–1, and the environmental runoff is 21.1 m3 s–1. A forecast of runoff changes for the River Viliya, depending on forecasted climate change
using the “Atlas of Global and Regional Climate Projections” was made on the basis of four scenarios RCP8.5, RCP6.0, RCP4.5, RCP2.6. The
results of research indicate that significant changes in runoff will not occur as the forecasted climatic parameters did not change significantly.
A forecasted decrease in spring runoff was investigated, thus reducing the minimum runoff is not essential. In the event of possible low water
periods the Vileyka reservoir resources, involving the Olkhovskoye and the Snigyanskoye water reservoirs, can be used for compensation
measures, which may be considered as the most reliable backup source of industrial water supply for the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant.
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