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How might the cultural learning preferences of the participants of the enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus (BELL) project impact on their learning designs?

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Olney, T. How might the cultural learning preferences of the participants of the enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus (BELL) project impact on their learning designs? / T. Olney, M. Endean, D. Banks // Enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus = Совершенствование непрерывного образования в Республике Беларусь : proceedings of the final conference on the Erasmus+ project, Brest, October 13–14, 2020 / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Educational Establishment “Brest State Technical University” ; editorial board: K. Laganovska, V. A. Khaletsky, I. A. Pozdnyakova. – Brest : BrSTU, 2020. – P. 20–28. – List of references: p. 28 (4 titles).URI документа
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