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Повышение эффективности работы городских очистных сооружений с биологической очисткой сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2017)Use of energy-efficient techniques of bio-treatment allows improving waste water treatment at sewage treatment plants.2021-03-11
Оценка необходимости разделения атмосферных осадков на приходную и расходную части при водобалансовых расчетах в условиях Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article is devoted to determining distribution of precipitation and its influence on water balance of soils. The author analyzes precipitation registered at Minsk meteorological station for over 50 years.2021-03-11
Поливные нормы при внутрипочвенном орошении
(БрГТУ, 2017)Irrigation rate is a one of the main elements of irrigation mode. During the irrigation necessary to strive to increase the humidity of soil settlement. Using wastewater irrigation occurs when intrasoil their treatment under the influence of microorganisms for which waste water is a breeding ground.2021-03-11
Особенности увлаженнения территории Белорусского Полесья в современных условиях
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers distributing annual precipitation over the territory of Belarusian Polesie in the current climate warming period (1988-2015), the reasons for the observed changes are revealed.2021-03-11
Адаптация современного города к экстремальным климатическим условиям
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article includes theoretical analysis of general climatic aspects that are influencing on the climat of the modern urbanistic territory, also it gives solutions against extremal climatic conditions.2021-03-11
Фотокаталитическая активность BIVO4 из отработанных ванадиевых катализаторов
(БрГТУ, 2017)The results of the photocatalytic activity of bismuth orthovanadate synthesized from vanadium catalyst waste are presented in the article. A comparative analysis was carried out from five different catalytic materials on the destruction of the acid telon blue dye.2021-03-11
Обоснование необходимости усовершенствования методологии эколого-экономического оценивания водохозяйственно-мелиоративных проектов
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article is devoted to the problems of substantiating economic and ecological efficiency of investments into land reclamation.2021-03-11
Ландшафтная неоднородность водосборов как фактор формирования уровенного режима рек Брестской области
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes the results of studying the geography of hydrological posts and landscape (at the level of the genera of landscapes) of Brest Region basin.2021-03-11
Ферментативная окислительная способность активного ила как параметр очистки сточных вод в аэротенках
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article is devoted to a study of microbial dehydrogenases of activated sludge in aeration tanks at municipal wastewater treatment plants. High potential oxidizing capacity of activated sludge is revealed by alternation of aerobic and anaerobic conditions.2021-03-11
Влияние противофильтрационных преград на формирование контура увлажнения почвы при капельном поливе
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents some results of field experiments to study drip irrigation of berry crops. The influence of antifiltration on the formation of a moist soil zone is described. It is concluded that agrovoloknom reduces filtration losses. It promotes quality moisturizing of plant root system.2021-03-11
Суммарное водопотребление и урожайность разноспелых сортов клевера лугового в условиях орошения в северо-восточной части Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article is devoted to studying the influence of irrigation on total water consumption and productivity of red clover precocity on irrigated areas in the northeast of Belarus.2021-03-11
Влияние бензина на развитие растений
(БрГТУ, 2017)Phytotesting of soil contaminated with gasoline was carried out in the laboratory. White mustard, common beans, one-year-old sunflower, corn ordinary and ordinary barley were used as test plants. The tests revealed depressing, neutral and stimulating effects of gasoline on plants and soil biota in ...2021-03-11
Состояние мелиоративных систем в Октябрьском районе Гомельской области
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents results of melioration lands inventory in Gomel region. The aim of the research was to get data to develop projects for public and regional programs of land melioration, as well as to make decisions on future use of melioration systems in the region.2021-03-11
Анализ состояния мелиоративных систем в Гомельском районе
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article analyzes conditions of melioration systems and individually situated hydrotechnical facilities of Gomel district with the aim of obtaining data for designing public and regional programs for land melioration, as well as making decisions on further use of melioration systems.2021-03-11
Озеленение санитарно-защитной зоны предприятия ОАО Дрогичинский комбикормовый завод
(БрГТУ, 2017)The sanitary protection zone at the enterprise depends on a class of danger of the enterprise and is subject to gardening according to the norms and rules specified in TKP. Planting of the sanitary protection zone is necessary for decrease in distribution of harmful substances on borders of the ...2021-03-11
Особенности территориального размещения предприятий гидроэнергетики в Республике Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes the features of the location of hydroelectric power stations in the Republic of Belarus.2021-03-11
Оценка содержания меди в воде реки Припять
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents the research results of copper content in the water of the Pripyat river. The concentration dependence of the runoff of the Pripyat River is established. In some years there is excess of MPC.2021-03-11
Роль Вилейского водохранилища в регулировании уровенного режима реки Вилия после ввода в эксплуатацию Беларусской АЭС
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes characteristics and capabilities of the Vilija Reservoir as a regulator of water level in the Vilija River after commissioning Belarusian nuclear power station.2021-03-11
Analysis of the technical condition of reclaimed lands and drainage structures
(БрГТУ, 2017)В статье анализируется техническое состояние рекультивированных земельных и дренажных сооружений в Литве. В статье анализируются состояние освоенных земель, основных и защитных рвов. В статье рассматривается не только состояние мелиоративных структур, но и основные причины ухудшения и износа. В статье ...2021-03-11
Ментальный образ озеленённости города Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2017)The paper describes a mental image of the greening of the city of Brest. The results of the study can be further used in urban development, planning, etc.2021-03-11