Browsing Материалы конференции по статьям by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 203
Суммарное водопотребление и урожайность разноспелых сортов клевера лугового в условиях орошения в северо-восточной части Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article is devoted to studying the influence of irrigation on total water consumption and productivity of red clover precocity on irrigated areas in the northeast of Belarus.2021-03-11
Влияние противофильтрационных преград на формирование контура увлажнения почвы при капельном поливе
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents some results of field experiments to study drip irrigation of berry crops. The influence of antifiltration on the formation of a moist soil zone is described. It is concluded that agrovoloknom reduces filtration losses. It promotes quality moisturizing of plant root system.2021-03-11
Пространственно-временной анализ шквалов на территории Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers changes in the number of days with squalls on the territory of Belarus and features of their formation for the period from 1975 to 2015 (Data from 44 stations). An analysis of space-time variability of the number of days with squalls is performed.2021-03-11
Особенности увлаженнения территории Белорусского Полесья в современных условиях
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers distributing annual precipitation over the territory of Belarusian Polesie in the current climate warming period (1988-2015), the reasons for the observed changes are revealed.2021-03-11
Анализ состояния мелиоративных систем в Гомельском районе
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article analyzes conditions of melioration systems and individually situated hydrotechnical facilities of Gomel district with the aim of obtaining data for designing public and regional programs for land melioration, as well as making decisions on further use of melioration systems.2021-03-11
Экологический анализ загрязнения атмосферного воздуха
(БрГТУ, 2017)Among the environmental indicators that characterize air pollution there are indicators of specific emissions of pollutants per unit area of the country and per inhabitant. These indicators are widely used to compare between different countries, as well as regions within the country.2021-03-11
Адаптация современного города к экстремальным климатическим условиям
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article includes theoretical analysis of general climatic aspects that are influencing on the climat of the modern urbanistic territory, also it gives solutions against extremal climatic conditions.2021-03-11
Оценка содержания меди в воде реки Припять
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents the research results of copper content in the water of the Pripyat river. The concentration dependence of the runoff of the Pripyat River is established. In some years there is excess of MPC.2021-03-11
Исследование показателей радиационной безопасности сушёной рыбы, выловленной на реке Березина
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers the problem of radiation risk from eating individually caught fish. The purpose of this work is to study radiation safety indicators of dried fish that was caught in the Berezina River. The analysis includes 3 types of fish that live in different layers of the river. Fishing was ...2021-03-11
Влияние аэрации на физико-химические и микробиологические показатели картофельного клеточного сока
(БрГТУ, 2017)The work studies the influence of airing on physical-chemical indices of potato cellular juice, a waste of starch production. The time of airing is of great importance for physical-chemical indices of cellular juice. After airing it is possible to use liquid wastes of starch production more effectively ...2021-03-11
О загрязнениях, получаемых от деятельности птицефабрик и способах утилизации отходов птицеводства
(БрГТУ, 2017)Disposal of bird droppings is a specific problem in poultry farming. They are a source of environmental pollution with such toxic substances as ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, hydrocarbons and others. An efficient way of processing chicken manure is a biotech method.2021-03-11
Распределение Ca, Mg, K и Fe по высоте ствола в коре сосны обыкновенной (Pinus Sylvestris l.)
(БрГТУ, 2017)According to the study it was found, that calcium, iron and magnesium in the lower bark and upper parts trunk of a pine significantly different. Potassium not found significant differences. When comparing the concentrations of elements in the bark the upper and lower parts of the trunk of the pine ...2021-03-11
Разработка электронного эколого-гидрографического атласа Березовского района Брестской области
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes an ecological-hydrographical atlas of Berezа district, the stages of its creation, its structure and practical application.2021-03-11
Закономерности распределения химических элементов (CU, PB, NI, CR) в почвах города Молодечно
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article characterizes distribution of chemical elements (Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr) in urbolandscapes and presents their optimal use on the example of the town of Molodechno.2021-03-11
Оценка естественного возобновления леса в процессе полосно-постепенных рубок
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes quantitative and qualitative indicators of the undergrowth in the band-gradual felling, characteristics of natural regeneration in pure composition of mature mossy pine forests2021-03-11
Преимущество вермитехнологии для утилизации органических отходов
(БрГТУ, 2017)The paper concentrates on evaluating the territory of Dobrush district (Gomel region) according to the parameter of surface roughness, which is directly proportional to the erosion hazard of areas.2021-03-11
Повышение эффективности работы городских очистных сооружений с биологической очисткой сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2017)Use of energy-efficient techniques of bio-treatment allows improving waste water treatment at sewage treatment plants.2021-03-11
Необходимость и пути улучшения эколого-мелиоративного состояния осушаемых торфяных почв Западного Полесья Украины
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers the modern problems of drainage systems of Western Polissya of Ukraine on the example of “Birki” drainage systems.2021-03-11
Обоснование необходимости усовершенствования методологии эколого-экономического оценивания водохозяйственно-мелиоративных проектов
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article is devoted to the problems of substantiating economic and ecological efficiency of investments into land reclamation.2021-03-11
Роль Вилейского водохранилища в регулировании уровенного режима реки Вилия после ввода в эксплуатацию Беларусской АЭС
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes characteristics and capabilities of the Vilija Reservoir as a regulator of water level in the Vilija River after commissioning Belarusian nuclear power station.2021-03-11