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Материалы конференции по статьям: Недавние поступления
Отображаемые элементы 41-60 из 203
Закономерности распределения химических элементов (CU, PB, NI, CR) в почвах города Молодечно
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article characterizes distribution of chemical elements (Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr) in urbolandscapes and presents their optimal use on the example of the town of Molodechno.2021-03-11
Использование иммобилизованных клеток Pseudomonas fluorescens для производства антибиотиков и аминокислот
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes the immobilization of cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens and determines efficiency of catalase, oxidase, and nitrate reductase in bacteria Cells.2021-03-11
Общая характеристика парковой зоны г. Курска на примере парка КЗТЗ и пути его улучшения
(БрГТУ, 2017)Parks of the city of Kursk in general do not meet the requirements for urban parks. Assessment of KZTZ Park in Kursk helps to develop optimization measures to improve the state of the Park.2021-03-11
Мышьяк в грунтовой воде, его особенности влияния на организм человека
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article is about arsenic and its influence on human’s health. Arsenic is a highly toxic widespread element. It is concentrated in different natural formations, metal ores and in products of their conversion. Arsenic is presented in high concentration in chemical compounds and used in medicine, ...2021-03-11
Синантропизация как способ диагностики изменения структуры фитоценозов естественных ландшафтов при сельскохозяйственном воздействии (на примере Медвенского района Курской области)
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers peculiarities of transformation of components of natural landscapes in different types of agricultural impacts.2021-03-11
Негативное воздействие нелегальной добычи янтаря на окружающую среду (на примере Украины)
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article is about negative effects of illegal amber extraction. Firstly, that’s damage to the environment. Damage caused to subsoil, hydrosphere, biosphere and etc. is also outlined.2021-03-11
Эколого-геоморфологическая оценка города Витебска
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article provides information about geological, geomorphological and climatic conditions in Vitebsk. Technological transformation of Vitebsk’s relief was studied. The purpose of the article is to evaluate ecological and geomorphological conditions on the territory of Vitebsk.2021-03-11
Оценка естественного возобновления леса в процессе полосно-постепенных рубок
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes quantitative and qualitative indicators of the undergrowth in the band-gradual felling, characteristics of natural regeneration in pure composition of mature mossy pine forests2021-03-11
Распределение Ca, Mg, K и Fe по высоте ствола в коре сосны обыкновенной (Pinus Sylvestris l.)
(БрГТУ, 2017)According to the study it was found, that calcium, iron and magnesium in the lower bark and upper parts trunk of a pine significantly different. Potassium not found significant differences. When comparing the concentrations of elements in the bark the upper and lower parts of the trunk of the pine ...2021-03-11
Оценка эстетической привлекательности береговых пейзажей городской реки
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article is supposed to give a methodology to assess the aesthetic appeal of coastal landscapes of the river city from the point of view of subjective and objective approach.2021-03-11
Разработка электронного эколого-гидрографического атласа Березовского района Брестской области
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes an ecological-hydrographical atlas of Berezа district, the stages of its creation, its structure and practical application.2021-03-11
Микофлора Бродницкого лесничества
(БрГТУ, 2017)This work is the first work on the study of the species diversity of the fungi of the Brodnitsky forestry of Ivanovo district. It produces a taxonomic analysis of fungi that grow on the territory of individual plots and quarters of forestry.2021-03-11
Буда-кошелевские дубравы: опыт создания лесных культур дуба черешчатого
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article examines the state of oak stands in the forests of BudaKoshelevsky experienced timber enterprise, studies mixed cultures of English oak, their farming create.2021-03-11
Современные аспекты использования местной флоры в качестве элемента экологического каркаса городских территорий (на примере г.Могилева и Могилевской области)
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article discusses the use of local flora as part of the ecological framework of urban territories on the example of the city of Mogilev and Mogilev region. It could be a basis for further research and protection of plant resources in the city.2021-03-11
Web-картографирование радиоэкологического состояния окружающей среды для целей применения в учебном процессе
(БрГТУ, 2017)This report describes web-mapping methods of radio-ecological status of the environment. The web-apps can be used in "Radioecology" course.2021-03-11
Видовое разнообразие грибных болезней листьев древесных пород г. Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents the influence of urban environment on fungal diseases of leaves and condition of green plantings in Kovalevo area in the city of Brest. The study results in the list of diseases and pathogens, parasitic on the leaves of trees and shrubs. The most common types of pathogenic fungi ...2021-03-11
Пищевое поведение лани европейской в островных экосистемах юго-востока Украины
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article gives information about the peculiarities of fallow deer’s eating behavior in island ecosystems in the southeast of Ukraine. The level of biotopes usage and the time that animals spent on feeding were shown. It demonstrates the dependence of the duration of feeding on the weather conditions.2021-03-11
Учебно-дидактические игры как эффективное средство интерактивного обучения на уроках географии
(БрГТУ, 2017)The teacher of the future should have several professional and personal competencies, work in the modern informative environment. Modern school’s education should be based on the two-way process of mastering new knowledge and skills. This didactics’ type of teaching is characterized as innovative. ...2021-03-11
Оценка уровня загрязнения атмосферного воздуха выбросами стационарных и передвижных источников города Речица
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article is supposed to assess the level and dynamics of atmospheric air pollution from stationary and mobile sources in Rechitsa to decide about the necessity to implement particular measures for air protection and reduction of air Pollution.2021-03-11
Оценка уровня загрязнения тяжелыми металлами русла р. Городничанка (г. Гродно)
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article contains the results of tests on heavy metals presence in the water and the topsoil selected along the Gorodnichanka river in different districts of the city of Grodno. The research was conducted with the use of X-ray fluorescence Analysis.2021-03-11