Проблемы водоснабжения, водоотведения и энергосбережения в западном регионе Республики Беларусь: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 90
Устройство для забора воды из механически загрязненных водоисточников
(БрГТУ, 2010)In article the water intake is presented that is applied to mechanically polluted liquids. The basic difference of the device, this presence of the mechanism of selfcleaning in the form of a cleaner brush. The self-cleaning mechanism is put in action from a stream of a liquid of pump station selected ...2021-05-05
Исследования математической модели процесса биологической очистки теплой воды, используемой для питания энергетических установок в спиртовом производстве
(БрГТУ, 2010)The problem of organic admixtures removal quite often appears in hot (Г=Д>0°С) water treatment in carbonation units in schemes of recycling water supply of power objects. Existent technical solutions not always fulfill their duties. Use of bioreactors with floating filter bed can be the one of rational ...2021-05-05
Опыт работы фильтра с плавающим фильтрующим слоем в схемы декарбонизации воды на ОАО "Ривнеазот"
(БрГТУ, 2010)Replacement of filters with quartz bed in the decarbonization flowsheet by filters with floating filter bed, equipped with system of air-water flushing, ensures necessary treatment and sustained operation.2021-05-05
Снежный покров и его оценки при исследовании факторов весеннего половодья рек Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2010)In article the problems of influencing of a snow overlying strata on a high water of the rivers are esteemed.2021-05-05
Проблемы повторного загрязнения питьевой воды в системах ее распределения
(БрГТУ, 2010)Design factors and materials, physicochemical properties of water in water sources, hydrodynamic operational conditions and technological regulations for water network operation have an influence on quality of water, supplied to consumers. Divergence of mentioned parameters from their rational values ...2021-05-05
Оценка способов утилизации осадков сточных вод гомельских очистных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2010)In a complex of problems of housing and communal services of one of the major the problem of a choice of directions of processing and recycling of deposits of the sewage formed on city clearing constructions continues to remain. It is impossible to finish process of sewage treatment, not having effective ...2021-05-05
Разработка технологии утилизации осадка водопроводных станций
(БрГТУ, 2010)Risk of ingress of toxic contaminations from sludge beds of water purification plants into water sources gains special currency. Existent technologies for utilization of admixtures from flush and technological water of those plants cannot always gain positive effect. Developed by us technology of use ...2021-05-05
Оценка влияния гидроморфологических факторов на величину дождевых паводков малых рек Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2010)In article describes the results of the analysis of formulas which are used for definition of the maximum expenses of water of rainfall floods on the rivers of Belarus at absence or insufficiency of the given hydrometric supervision. The role of the various parameters entering into the formulas is revealed.2021-05-05
Проблемы коррозии в водооборотных системах
(БрГТУ, 2010)Волкова, Г. А. Проблемы коррозии в водооборотных системах / Г. А. Волкова // Проблемы водоснабжения, водоотведения и энергосбережения в западном регионе Республики Беларусь : сборник материалов международной научно-технической конференции, посвященной 65-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, ...2021-05-05
Экологические проблемы очистки поверхностных стоков
(БрГТУ, 2010)Основными источниками загрязнения поверхностного стока, формирующегося на городской территории и промышленных площадках, являются продукты эрозии почвы, пыль, строительные материалы в момент их транспортировки, сырье, продукты и полупродукты, хранящиеся на открытых складских площадках, выбросы ...2021-05-05
Удаление из воды сероводорода на примере ГП «Козливский спиртовый завод»
(БрГТУ, 2010)Brining results of artesian water treatment from to the hydrogen sulfide on "Kozlovskiy alcoholic factory". Technological scheme,formed technological and economic indexes of processes of water treatment are projected.2021-05-05
Исследование областей применения коэффициентов водообмена в фильтрационных схемах по расчету дренажа
(БрГТУ, 2010)In work results of the analysis and practical use of factors of the water exchange used for calculation of distances between drains are resulted. The algorithm of the decision of the settlement equations is optimised.2021-05-05
Смк как инструмент повышения управляемости процессов водоснабжения и водоотведения
(БрГТУ, 2010)In the article are discoverad the advantages of introduction the managments system of the quality (MSQ) on the enterprise, which exploit system of water supply and sewerage. The effective operation of these systems is not possible without strict maintenance of the technological and industrial discipline ...2021-05-05
Общие принципы построения технологических схем современных малогабаритных установок для очистки и кондиционирования воды
(БрГТУ, 2010)The modern tendencies in practice of water facilities of the small consumers. Communal directions of constructing of the technological schemas of small-sized purification plants and conditioning of water.2021-05-05
Рурмус Берестейского замка
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article presents results of comparison analysis of literary and archeological data together with still existing fragments of medieval urban water supply systems, on the basis of which the reconstruction of water supply system of Berestye castle in XVI century was proposed.2021-05-05
Анализ и выбор технологической схемы глубокого удаления азота и фосфора из сточных вод на городских очистных сооружениях
(БрГТУ, 2010)Today there is a big need of existing waste disposal plants' reconstruction for the purpose of the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. This article gives the analysis and chart's choice of sewage purification for nitrogen and phosphorus in the municipal treatment facilities.2021-05-05
Гелиоустановка «Луч»
(БрГТУ, 2010)Increase of efficiency of solar power plants for conditions of Republic of Belarus by reduction in price of their design, an action and operation principle. The Basic fea-tures of a solar power plant "ЛУЧ" are splitting of a paraboloid of rotation on sepa-rate cones and orientation on the Sun the ...2021-05-05
Проблемы утилизации опасных биологических отходов при производстве сельскохозяйственной продукции
(БрГТУ, 2010)The most rational ways of the decision of a problem of recycling of a biological waste are considered. Destruction of a biowaste by burning with use incinerator is the optimal variant, it will allow with high degree efficiency of resources and ecological compatibility to solve a neutralization problem.2021-05-05
Трансформируемый термический экран для дополнительной теплозащиты наружных стен зданий
(БрГТУ, 2010)The construction for additional thermal protection of external walls of buildings – the warning system «Thermal screen» - is presented in the paper.2021-05-05
О проблемах внедрения новых технологий и оборудования
(БрГТУ, 2010)Every year the questions connected with power safety of the country, en-erdgyguarding, all become more actual. Dynamics of a life, considerable growth of an industrial complex, intensive development of some branches assume to prosecute more densely and more effectively subjects enerdgyguarding. In ...2021-05-05