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Проблемы водоснабжения, водоотведения и энергосбережения в западном регионе Республики Беларусь: Недавние поступления
Отображаемые элементы 41-60 из 90
Многофакторный метод расчета электрического освещения с применением светодиодныхисточников света
(БрГТУ, 2010)On the basis of the existing methods of the projecting of lighting systems it was suggested the multiple-factor method of the calculation of the electric illumination with the application of the light-emitting diode light source. This method gives both the lighting analysis and determines the economic ...2021-05-05
Возможность замены утеплителя ограждающих конструкций вентиляционного канала
(БрГТУ, 2010)Various possibilities of warming venting ducts in living buildings are viewed in this article.2021-05-05
Энергосберегающая интенсивная технология тепличного выращивания растений
(БрГТУ, 2010)New technology of plant growing in hothouses is proposed by this article. This method is bazed on the increase of dioxed carbon (carbonic gas) in atmosphere around the plants. In our cold climate it is necessary to warm the hothouse by mani-fold heating systems, especially by fuel burning installations. ...2021-05-05
Энергосбережение в строительной отрасли за счёт применения парогаза
(БрГТУ, 2010)The important operation of a production process of manufacturing of building de-signs is warmly-vlazhnostnaja processing of concrete products making them that pro-vides necessary durability of production. Induration of such products should occur at a certain temperature and damp mode. Recently as the ...2021-05-05
Внедрение управленческого учёта как одного из факторов снижения энергозатрат
(БрГТУ, 2010)The increase in the prices at energy carriers has caused corresponding increase in the prices at all production which is made by the enterprises of building branch. Therefore there was a necessity to consider energy as the major component in struc-ture of expenses which by improvement of power efficiency ...2021-05-05
Анализ водохозяйственной инфраструктуры брестской части бассейна р. Неман
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article describes the characteristics of water economy infrastructure of the Brest part of the river Neman basin, which forms the basis for solving problems of rational water use and protection of water resources of the territory. Basic infor-mation about the objects of the water economy complex ...2021-05-05
Сжигание жидких отходов в устройствах пульсирующего горения
(БрГТУ, 2010)The possibility of sewage burning in the mechanism of pulsation combustion yas been reseached.2021-05-05
Анализ энергосберегающих мероприятий и оптимизация потребления газового топлива
(БрГТУ, 2010)Despite the large proportion of gaseous fuel in the residential sector of the country, the modern structure of domestic energy supply has a number of significant short-comings. A study of advanced domestic and foreign experience in fuel economy in gas supply system, in order to operationalize the ...2021-05-05
Древесный газ и экология
(БрГТУ, 2010)Брылка, Е. Древесный газ и экология / Е. Брылка, Л. Магрел // Проблемы водоснабжения, водоотведения и энергосбережения в западном регионе Республики Беларусь : сборник материалов международной научно-технической конференции, посвященной 65-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, Брест, 22–23 апреля ...2021-05-05
Разработка методики расчёта энергетической эффективности комбинированных теплонасосных станций
(БрГТУ, 2010)Among heat sources that have good prospects for the Republic of Belarus are large combination thermocompressor plants including vapor compression water-to-water ther-mocompressor units, hot water boilers and accumulation tanks. This is connected with high degree of heat supply centralization and the ...2021-05-05
Ферментация отходов от убоя скота
(БрГТУ, 2010)Магрел, Л. Ферментация отходов от убоя скота / Л. Магрел, Е. Брылка // Проблемы водоснабжения, водоотведения и энергосбережения в западном регионе Республики Беларусь : сборник материалов международной научно-технической конференции, посвященной 65-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, Брест, ...2021-05-05
Влияние покровного минерального грунта на снижение минерализации органического вещества торфяной почвы
(БрГТУ, 2010)Degradation of ameliorated peat soil in Polesye is one of the main environmental problems. As a result of studying the effect of cover of mineral ground of different capacity applied to the surface of the peat soil it was investigated that its covering with a 20-cm layer of sandy loam protects peat ...2021-05-05
Курс физики как теоретическая основа природообустройства и энергосбережения
(БрГТУ, 2010)In the article effectiveness of knowledge transfer from one known situation to the other (unknown) situation for the purposes of specialists training in the area of nature modernization and energy conservation is considered.2021-05-05
Экологическая оценка объектов недвижимости
(БрГТУ, 2010)Studying and the account of influence of ecological factors on definition of cost of objects of the real estate is a new and perspective direction in scientific and financial and economic sphere. Ecological factors at a real estate estimation are necessary for considering as its metainfrastructure (a ...2021-05-05
Универсальное оборудование для производства различных теплосберегающих изделий из пенополиуретана
(БрГТУ, 2010)In work the complexes of the equipment developed by authors for manufacture of the most effective products from polymeric compositions for preservation of thermal energy in heat-, delivery ducts are described. Complexes contain original design and engineering decisions with use of microprocessor ...2021-05-05
Экологическое знание и экологические программы: нормативно-институциональный аспект взаимосвязи
(БрГТУ, 2010)Ecological knowledge and ecological programs are interrelated and contain norms and institutions. Contemporary society produces risks. Inconsistency of interests, norms and institutions are basis of risk. Ecological knowledge is the basis of ecolog-ical programm.2021-05-05
Особенности оценки и учета неопределенностей техногенных изменений экосистем и биосферных ресурсов при природообустройстве
(БрГТУ, 2010)The features of forecasting of catastrophic changes in water-resource systems and opportunity of management by them are considered. Are in details analyzed both pos-sible groups of the decisions, and applicability of the existing mathematical theories to the decision of prognosis tasks. Is marked, ...2021-05-05
Изменение влажности почвы при планировке заболоченных массивов со сложной почвенной структурой
(БрГТУ, 2010)The levelling of shallow-lying mineral-wedged peats tends to improve thephysical- and physicothermal properties of soils as well as positively effect the ground-water level coditious.2021-05-05
Экологически полноценные водно-дисперсионные лакокрасочные материалы для сложных минеральных поверхностей
(БрГТУ, 2010)Water-borne paints for different type of mineral surfaces offer great interest due to their high exploitation properties and extremely low content of volatile organic com-pounds. The recipe of water-borne paint based on styrene-acrylic copolymeric disper-sion for cement tile and roofing slate was ...2021-05-05
Выбросы загрязняющих веществ и охрана атмосферного воздуха вблизи водных объектов
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article highlights water and air pollution. The author gives examples of nature-conservative measures connecting air protection. In the article it is shown interaction of air protection and water sources.2021-05-05