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Посмотр Проблемы водоснабжения, водоотведения и энергосбережения в западном регионе Республики Беларусь по названию
Отображаемые элементы 1-20 из 90
Detection of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds in river waters using HPLC-UV/VIS
(БрГТУ, 2010)This paper reports studies of six polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in river waters and wastewater samples. Acenaphthene was the most dominant PAHs found in studied samples while in most samples naphthalene is not observed. A maximum of 778,326 pg 1 'of the six PAHs was recorded in water collected ...2021-05-05
Анализ водохозяйственной инфраструктуры брестской части бассейна р. Неман
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article describes the characteristics of water economy infrastructure of the Brest part of the river Neman basin, which forms the basis for solving problems of rational water use and protection of water resources of the territory. Basic infor-mation about the objects of the water economy complex ...2021-05-05
Анализ и выбор технологической схемы глубокого удаления азота и фосфора из сточных вод на городских очистных сооружениях
(БрГТУ, 2010)Today there is a big need of existing waste disposal plants' reconstruction for the purpose of the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. This article gives the analysis and chart's choice of sewage purification for nitrogen and phosphorus in the municipal treatment facilities.2021-05-05
Анализ энергосберегающих мероприятий и оптимизация потребления газового топлива
(БрГТУ, 2010)Despite the large proportion of gaseous fuel in the residential sector of the country, the modern structure of domestic energy supply has a number of significant short-comings. A study of advanced domestic and foreign experience in fuel economy in gas supply system, in order to operationalize the ...2021-05-05
Видовое разнообразие гидробионтов в условиях подавления вспухания активного ила
(БрГТУ, 2010)During the laboratory experiment on bulking suppression the dynamics of species di-versity in activated sludge was discovered. Optimal conditions for increase in species quantity of investigated biocenosis from 5-7 to 13-14 were determined. Simultaneous re-placement of indicator species was observed. ...2021-05-05
Влияние веществ-загрязнителей, содержащихся в сточных водах, на жизнедеятельность активного ила
(БрГТУ, 2010)In the course of work the qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of sewage of Brest arriving on treatment facilities after their mechanical clearing is carried out. Concentration of ions of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate of ions and heavy metals is defined. In the course of work the ...2021-05-05
Влияние покровного минерального грунта на снижение минерализации органического вещества торфяной почвы
(БрГТУ, 2010)Degradation of ameliorated peat soil in Polesye is one of the main environmental problems. As a result of studying the effect of cover of mineral ground of different capacity applied to the surface of the peat soil it was investigated that its covering with a 20-cm layer of sandy loam protects peat ...2021-05-05
Влияние различных факторов на состояние активного ила очистных сооружений г. Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2010)The results of studies of the effects of various factors on the situation sewage sludge in Brest are provided in the article. The influence of ratio volume of return activated sludge and waste water, oxygen concentration and effluent of various enterprises have been studied there. The recommendations ...2021-05-05
Внедрение управленческого учёта как одного из факторов снижения энергозатрат
(БрГТУ, 2010)The increase in the prices at energy carriers has caused corresponding increase in the prices at all production which is made by the enterprises of building branch. Therefore there was a necessity to consider energy as the major component in struc-ture of expenses which by improvement of power efficiency ...2021-05-05
Водные ресурсы Минской области
(БрГТУ, 2010)In article data about the quality of water resources and its problems are described in short. The structure of water usage is given. Attempts are made to analyse water condition in the region. Data are given about its positive and negative changes in the region.2021-05-05
Водоохранные мероприятия при проектировании автотранспортных предприятий
(БрГТУ, 2010)Water-control practices and perspective systems of sewage treatment of washing of motor transport which are necessary for providing at designing the motor transporta-tion enterprises are considered.2021-05-05
Воздействие берегообразующих факторов на устойчивость берегозащитных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2010)In this report factors causes and conditions which affect stability of coast-protecting structures of reservoirs can be observed. As well as comprehensive ap-proach when estimating factors impact coast-protecting structures taking into account its own strengthening characteristics and physical operation ...2021-05-05
Возможность замены утеплителя ограждающих конструкций вентиляционного канала
(БрГТУ, 2010)Various possibilities of warming venting ducts in living buildings are viewed in this article.2021-05-05
Выбросы загрязняющих веществ и охрана атмосферного воздуха вблизи водных объектов
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article highlights water and air pollution. The author gives examples of nature-conservative measures connecting air protection. In the article it is shown interaction of air protection and water sources.2021-05-05
Гелиоустановка «Луч»
(БрГТУ, 2010)Increase of efficiency of solar power plants for conditions of Republic of Belarus by reduction in price of their design, an action and operation principle. The Basic fea-tures of a solar power plant "ЛУЧ" are splitting of a paraboloid of rotation on sepa-rate cones and orientation on the Sun the ...2021-05-05
Древесный газ и экология
(БрГТУ, 2010)Брылка, Е. Древесный газ и экология / Е. Брылка, Л. Магрел // Проблемы водоснабжения, водоотведения и энергосбережения в западном регионе Республики Беларусь : сборник материалов международной научно-технической конференции, посвященной 65-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, Брест, 22–23 апреля ...2021-05-05
Жидкофазная деструкция пестицидов, на примере раствора имидаклоприда
(БрГТУ, 2010)Liquid-phase destruction of pesticides, by example solution of imidacloprid.2021-05-05
Изменение ветрового режима на территории белорусского полесья в современных условиях
(БрГТУ, 2010)The materials of study of alteration for wind speed on the territory of Belarusian Polesye are introduced and the forecast for the 20-year's outlook is executed.2021-05-05
Изменение влажности почвы при планировке заболоченных массивов со сложной почвенной структурой
(БрГТУ, 2010)The levelling of shallow-lying mineral-wedged peats tends to improve thephysical- and physicothermal properties of soils as well as positively effect the ground-water level coditious.2021-05-05
Использование дисконтинуального способа очистки сточных вод станции технического обслуживания автомобилей
(БрГТУ, 2010)Object of working out is designing of an individual clearing construction with discontinuum in the way of sewage treatment in servicing deport territory in Zhlobin. The work purpose - to spend an ecological estimation discontinuum a way of sewage treatment. In the course of work researches of quality ...2021-05-05