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Цифровая система управления образованием

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378:04Библиографическое описание
Иванов, Б. М. Цифровая система управления образованием / Б. М. Иванов, О. Г. Атдаева // Цифровая среда: технологии и перспективы. DETP 2022, Брест, 31 октября 2022 г. / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ; редкол.: Н. Н. Шалобыта [и др.]. – Брест : БрГТУ, 2022. – С. 74–77.Аннотация
At present, the widespread introduction of innovative technologies is the most important mechanism for the formation of the competitiveness of the national economy of Turkmenistan. In ensuring the further development of the education sector, a huge role is assigned, to the development and implementation of the most advanced information and telecommunication technologies. The main goal approved in the country of the «Concept for the development of the digital education system in Turkmenistan» is to improve the education system through the widespread use of digital resources, distance learning for educational programs at all levels of education in accordance with the innovative development of the country and ensuring its compliance with world standards.
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