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Отображаемые элементы 1-20 из 38
Управление дефектностью высоколегированных кремниевых структур шумовых диодов
(БрГТУ, 2022)The types of defects in noise diode (ND) structures have been experimentally established, which mainly affect their noise properties. The determined energy values allow one to establish the presence of background impurities (copper and iron) and state that one of the causes of noise is the ionization ...2023-01-23
Анализ вероятности отказа конструкции на основе приближения хвостовых частей распределений случайных величин нагрузки и сопротивления
(БрГТУ, 2022)The article discusses the analysis of the reliability of the structure, which is performed on the example of the calculation of a compressed reinforced concrete column, in which the state of the column X is determined as the difference between itscompression resistance R and the external compressive ...2023-01-23
Клеткавы аўтамат для мадэлявання дажджавога сцёку
(БрГТУ, 2022)The two dimensional cellular automaton and a reasonable simplifications for the shallow water (Saint Venant) differential equations based model, for the computational simulation of rain surface runoff is proposed. The adequacy analysis of the calculations performed in their practical application is presented.2023-01-23
Цифровизация административных процедур в Республике Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2022)The Republic of Belarus does not stand aside from global trends. The country pays close attention to global digitalization. State strategies and programs adopted in recent years in the field of e-government development provide for a number of serious measures to deepen electronic interaction between ...2023-01-23
Применение информационных технологий в анализе работ художников портретистов
(БрГТУ, 2022)The article discusses the possibilities of applying mathematical methods in art and various spheres of human activity within the framework of the optional course "Golden Ratio". Various examples of mathematical «laws of beauty» and their application in life and art are studied.2023-01-23
Расчет вероятности безотказной работы системы управления складом
(БрГТУ, 2022)Reliability theory establishes the patterns of failures and restoration of the system and its elements, considers the influence of external and internal influences on the processes in systems, creates the basis for calculating reliability and predicting failures, seeks ways to improve reliability in ...2023-01-23
Современные средства представления информационного контента
(БрГТУ, 2022)This article discusses modern ways of distributing information content, modern elements of the media sphere, the main trends in the development of the media, the most popular domestic and foreign media resources and the main specifics of their work.2023-01-23
Концепция и реализация системы типа «Перчатка» для определения положения кисти руки в пространстве
(БрГТУ, 2022)An own concept of a hardware-software complex, consisting of a virtual reality glove, has been developed. This system has the basic functions of tracking, capturing and transmitting information about the flexion of the joints of all five fingers, detecting the position and orientation of the hand in ...2023-01-23
Модификация работы городского общественного пассажирского транспорта
(БрГТУ, 2022)An optimization model for organizing the work of the urban passenger public transport system is proposed, which consists in choosing a unique route for its movement. A necessary condition for the implementation of this optimization is the ability for passengers to register their final stops.2023-01-23
Анализ инструментов CRM Salesforce для автоматизации распределения входящих записей среди пользователей
(БрГТУ, 2022)The problematic situation of automation of the distribution of incoming CRM rec-ords among CRM users is described, the possibilities of a criteria approach to such distribution are determined. The main tools of CRM Salesforce using the criteria approach for solving a problem situation are identified, ...2023-01-23
Компьютеризация физического лабораторного практикума
(БрГТУ, 2022)The question of constructing a physical laboratory workshop based on a PC is discussed. Two approaches are compared: the use of digital laboratories and specialized laboratory installations. It is shown that the second way is preferable. It is consistent with the trend of modern instrument making, ...2023-01-23
Преимущества фреймворка Playwright для функционального тестирования веб-приложений
(БрГТУ, 2022)This article is about automated software testing. Key features of Playwright framework for end-to-end automated testing of web applications are described. This framework helps to solve the problem of cross-browser testing. It also gives an opportunity for developers to select the most suitable programming ...2023-01-23
«Homemode» – модульная беспроводная система «Умный дом»
(БрГТУ, 2022)With the appearance of smartphones, people increasingly began to use wireless data transmission methods. This trend has not bypassed the Smart Home systems market, some representatives of which have already felt that the usual methods of automation through the use of wired systems are not relevant for ...2023-01-23
Прогнозирование курса валют средствами библиотеки prophet языка программирования R
(БрГТУ, 2022)This article is devoted to the use of the capabilities of the prophet library of the R programming language to build models and forecasts based on them for the exchange rates of the dollar, euro and Russian ruble in devaluation conditions. This article describes the methods used, as well as the ...2023-01-23
Применение инструментов виртуализации для изучения ERP-систем в вузе
(БрГТУ, 2022)The article is devoted the virtualization tools as well as their use for studying ERP-systems at the BSTU Department of the Intelligent Information Technologies.2023-01-23
Экономический анализ и оптимизация управленческих решений
(БрГТУ, 2022)This article describes the development of optimal methods for the implementation of innovative technologies, the effective use of Internet services, the management of multimedia, interactive and neurotechnologies. The main purpose of this article is to determine the purpose and features of the use of ...2023-01-23
Balance therapy gamification based on stabilotrainer with mobile access
(БрГТУ, 2022)This article is devoted to the gamification of balance therapy based on stabilotrainer with mobile access, with the preservation of training results on a cloud server and the differentiation of access to a remote database. Variants of game training are considered.2023-01-23
Возможности применения порядковых статистик в задачах обеспечения надежности технических объектов
(БрГТУ, 2022)The problems of analytical calculation of the technical objects reliability by the limit state method at all stages of the object's life cycle (design, creation, operation) are considered. The fundamental shortcomings of the statistical analysis traditional (parametric) methods are shown for the ...2023-01-23
Падыход да ацэнкі сацыяльна-эканамічных рызык, прычынай якіх з'яўляецца рачная паводка
(БрГТУ, 2022)The approach to forecast damage caused by flooding of anthropogenic transformed territories in a river floodplain of a plain type is presented. Spatial analysis of the level of the territory usage and the depth/duration of flooding is proposed, the results of which are applicable in preparation of ...2023-01-23
Техника динамической визуализации в задаче организации обучения в области компьютерных информационных технологий
(БрГТУ, 2022)The features of the application of dynamic visualization techniques in the construction of training systems in the field of computer information technologies are considered. The key stages of a systematic approach to the design and development of such systems are given.2023-01-23