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Balance therapy gamification based on stabilotrainer with mobile access
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Дата издания
004.383:611.85Библиографическое описание
Lyutych, A. V. Balance therapy gamification based on stabilotrainer with mobile access / A. V. Lyutych // Цифровая среда: технологии и перспективы. DETP 2022, Брест, 31 октября 2022 г. / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ; редкол.: Н. Н. Шалобыта [и др.]. – Брест : БрГТУ, 2022. – С. 148–150.Аннотация
This article is devoted to the gamification of balance therapy based on stabilotrainer with mobile access, with the preservation of training results on a cloud server and the differentiation of access to a remote database. Variants of game training are considered.
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