
Now showing items 1-20 of 153

    • A New Technique for Restricted Boltzmann Machine Learning 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Kroshchanka, Aliaksandr; Turchenko, Volodymyr; Jankowski, Stanislaw; Treadwell, Douglas (Information Science Warsaw University of Technology, 2015)
      Over the last decade, deep belief neural networks have been a hot topic in machine learning. Such networks can perform a deep hierarchical representation of input data. The first layer can extract low-level features, the second layer can extract high-level features and so on. In general, deep belief ...


    • Analysis of water resources in Belarus in view of climate changes 

      Kirvel, Ivan I.; Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Siarhei I.; Kirvel, Pavel I.; Machambietova, Rosa (Pomeranian University, 2018)
      The surface water resources of Belarus for the period 1956-2015 were specified. The redistribution of water resources in the basins of the main rivers and administrative regions was investigated. The refined map of the Belarusian river runoff has been built. Runoff forecasts for 11 rivers in the Neman ...


    • Assessment of changes in the Viliya River runoff in the territory of Belarus 

      Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Sergey I. (De Gruyter Poland, 2018)
      The research results of runoff changes in the River Viliya at 3 stations (Steshitsy Village, Vileyka Town and Mihalishki village) during the period 1946–2014 for the average annual, maximum, minimum summer-autumn and winter runoff are presented. It has been concluded that heterogeneity in the time ...


    • Bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne procesów nwestyczyjno-budowlanych w Republice Białoruś 

      Kisel, Alena (Centrum Rzeczoznawstwa Budowlanego Sp. z o.o., 2019)
      W procesie tworzenia nieruchomości nieunikniony jest negatywny wpływ na środowisko. Wpływ ten jest nierownómierny i wymaga zastosowania przepisów prawnych i analizy iyzyka w obszarze bezpieczeństwa środowiska. Można to osiągnąć dzieki wprowadzeniu zarzqdzania ekologicznego.


    • Brześć Nad Bugiem - Wrota Dla Współpracy Gospodarczej, Naukowej Kulturalnej Pomiędzy Mazowszem I Podlasiem A Polesiem 

      Serafimowicz, Włodzimierz; Koczurko, Anatol; Korol, Ilia; Kroll, Edward (Towarzystwo Naukowe Płockie, 1994)
      Brześć Nad Bugiem - Wrota Dla Współpracy Gospodarczej, Naukowej Kulturalnej Pomiędzy Mazowszem I Podlasiem A Polesiem / W. Serafimowicz [i in.] // Notatki Płockie. – 1994. – № 4/161. – S. 59–62.


    • Center of excellence for young researchers of Brest state technical university 

      Kachurka, Pavel A.; Parfamuk, Siarhei I.; Kachurka, Volha A. (JMTM, 2017)
      The student research work in the Brest state technical university is described. To improve conditions for research work the Centre of excellence for young researchers of the Brest state technical university in the format of a virtual informational resource in the form of a website was created. The ...


    • Classical Solutions of Mixed Problem on the Plane for Hyperbolic Equation. The Method of Characteristic Parallelogram 

      Korzyuk, V.; Naumavets, S. (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2019)
      This paper regards the mixed problem for wave equation on the plane. The authors of the article prove that the usage of necessary and su - cient homogeneous compatibility conditions guarantees coming to the classical solution in the half-strip. The article gives the classical solution to the ...


    • Competition and Market of Science and Technology Products 

      Markau, Andrei; Четырбок, Наталья Петровна (HEILONGJIANG SCIENCE, 2021)
      The research clarifies the target function of science and technology product market, reveals the characteristics of science and technology product selling, and competition relationship type of main participants in the science and technology market, and expounds the competition relationship of the ...


    • Computer regulation of the condition reserves contours 

      Ракишев, Баян; Ашаев, Юрий Павлович; Имашев, Жанатай (1998)
      For the compound-structural multi-component deposits one of the most laborious problems at the stage of initial treatment of geological information is the picking of the conditional intersections – the aggregate of deposed consecutively samples. The last ones must answer the demanded conditional ...


    • Creation of clusters in the economy of the Republic of Belarus 

      Tkachuk, Svetlana Nikolaevna; Fedorovich, Natalia Nikolaevna (Кременчук, 2013)
      Tkachuk, S. N. Creation of clusters in the economy of the Republic of Belarus / S. N. Tkachuk, N. Fedorovich // Актуальні питання забезпечення стійкого розвитку національного господарства = Актуальные проблемы обеспечения устойчивого развития национального хозяйства : матеріали всеукраїнської наукової ...


    • Działalność wspólnot późnoprotestanckich na Zachodniej Białorusi w latach 1921-1939 

      Lisouskaya, Tatsiana (Białoruskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, 2018)
      The article is dedicated to the activities of protestant communities (Baptists, Pentecostals, Adventists, Methodists, etc.) in the territory of Western Belarus in 1921-1939. The author examines the community and non-church activities of local communities, noting that the rapid growth ...


    • Effect of Air Temperature Increase on Changes in Thermal Regime of the Oder and Neman Rivers Flowing into the Baltic Sea 

      Choiński, Adam; Ptak, Mariusz; Volchak, Alexander; Kirvel, Ivan; Valiuškevičius, Gintaras; Parfomuk, Sergey; Kirvel, Pavel; Sidak, Svetlana (MDPI, 2021)
      The paper presents long-term changes in water temperature in two rivers, Oder and Neman, with catchments showing different climatic conditions (with dominance of marine climate in the case of the Oder and continental climate in the case of the Neman River). A statistically significant increase in mean ...


    • Electromagnetic Grinding of Gas-Thermal Sprayed Coating 

      Blagodarny, Vladimir; Niaroda, Michael (Uniyersity of Technology in Košice, 2006)
      Process of magnetic-electric grinding (MEG) of the gas- thermal sprayed coatings was considered. The special installation for MEG was created. Influence of electro physical parameters of MEG on a roughnesś of surface and productivity of process was established.


    • Energy consumption of modern residential houses of the same energy efficient classes 

      Navaseltsau, Uladzimir; Khaletski, Vitali; Melnikov, Vladimir (IOP Publishing, 2020)
      The aim of the study is to identify and to compare the design and operation demands of thermal energy for heating and ventilation, the search for the reasons of increased energy consumption. For the study, energy-efficient class B houses were selected in terms of specific heat energy consumption ...


    • Energy efficiency of multi-apartment residential houses with individual heat supply 

      Navaseltsau, Uladzimir; Navaseltsava, Dzina; Shenogin, Mikhail (IOP Publishing, 2020)
      The aim of this work is to study the functioning of heating and hot water systems of the discussed houses, to find the reasons for increased energy consumption. Four energyefficient houses in the Brest region (Republic of Belarus) with apartment heat supply and a mechanical ventilation system with ...


    • Evaluation of the Hydrochemical Regime of the Viliya River in the context of Environmental Problems of the Baltic Sea 

      Taratsenkava, Maya A.; Volchak, Alexander A.; Kirvel, Ivan I. (Pomeranian University in Slupsk, 2019)
      The article assesses the transformation of the hydrochemical regime of the river Viliya, belonging to the Baltic Sea basin. The dynamics of average annual values for the period from 1994 to 2017 according to 14 indicators of surface water quality is considered. The statistical parameters of ...


    • Exogenous shore processes in water reservoirs of Belarus 

      Levkevich, Viktor E.; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey I. (De Gruyter Poland, 2020)
      The article presents the results of observations and research on the dynamics of exogenous erosion processes on the shores of lowland reservoirs in Belarus. Features and regularities of the dynamics of development of exogenous shores subject to abrasion-processing and an assessment of planned and ...


    • Forecast changes in runoff for the Neman River basin 

      Volchak, A.; Parfomuk, S. (Институт водного хозяйства им. Ц. Мирцхулава ГТУ, 2016)
      Volchak, A. Forecast changes in runoff for the Neman River basin / A. Volchak, S. Parfomuk // Collected papers / Ts. Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University. – Tbilisi, 2016. – № 71. – P. 45–54. – Bibliogr.: p. 53–54 (14 titles).


    • Lake water level variations in Belarus 

      Volchak, Aleksandr A.; Kirvel, Ivan (De Gruyter Poland, 2013)
      Lake level is one of the most important lake characteristics which allows the results of different effects to be identified and detected. In this work time series of the water levels of Belorussian lakes were analysed in order to detect pattern variations, to evaluate quantitatively the transformation ...


    • Modeling of the trajectory of the level fluctuations in Lake Naroch 

      Kirvel, Ivan I.; Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Sergey I. (Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2016)
      As a result of the conducted investigations of the level fluctuations in Lake Naroch the initial data are divided into 3 components: a polynomial regression that makes it possible to find out an independent on time Law of trajectory, a periodic component of sinusoidal type and a residual sequence ...
