Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • An Optimal Design Problem for Two-dimensional Composite Materials. A Constructive Approach 

      Makaruk, Svetlana F.; Mityushev, Vladimir; Rogosin, Sergei V. (Cambridge Scientific Publishers Printed, 2006)
      We consider an optimal design problem, when it is necessary to locate circular inclusions of fixed size having a given conductivity in a material of fixed shape and a given conductivity in such a way that with prescribed concentration of the inclusions and prescribed external field the whole composite ...


    • Analysis of Lake Water Levels Fluctuations in Poland and Belarus 

      Choiński, Adam; Volchak, Aleksander; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey; Sidak, Svetlana; Kirvel, Pavel (SGGW Water Center, 2020)
      On the basis of the mean volume of annual water levels for 25 lakes (9 Belarusian and 16 Polish) in the period of 55 years (1956-2010) the spectral time analysis of water levels fluctuations has been executed. The spectral time analysis included two parts: analysis based on calculating the variance ...


    • Analysis of water resources in Belarus in view of climate changes 

      Kirvel, Ivan I.; Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Siarhei I.; Kirvel, Pavel I.; Machambietova, Rosa (Pomeranian University, 2018)
      The surface water resources of Belarus for the period 1956-2015 were specified. The redistribution of water resources in the basins of the main rivers and administrative regions was investigated. The refined map of the Belarusian river runoff has been built. Runoff forecasts for 11 rivers in the Neman ...


    • Assessment of changes in the Viliya River runoff in the territory of Belarus 

      Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Sergey I. (De Gruyter Poland, 2018)
      The research results of runoff changes in the River Viliya at 3 stations (Steshitsy Village, Vileyka Town and Mihalishki village) during the period 1946–2014 for the average annual, maximum, minimum summer-autumn and winter runoff are presented. It has been concluded that heterogeneity in the time ...


    • Assessment of Waterpower Potential of Rivers in the Yaselda Catchment 

      Volchak, A.; Vouchak, An.; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2017)
      Volchak, A. Assessment of Waterpower Potential of Rivers in the Yaselda Catchment / A. Volchak, An. Vouchak, M. Barushka // 7th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM7) : Abstacts Book, 17–19 July 2017, Canary Islands, Spain / Edited by: ScienceKnowconferences. ...


    • Automatic identification of the semantically equivalent fragments of the text documents 

      Krapivin, Yury (Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012)
      The article presents a definition of plagiarism identification problem and its solution via automatic identification of the semantically equivalent fragments of the text documents using SAO relations retrieved from the texts.


    • Belarus Rivers Runoff: Current State, Prospects 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (2018)
      Volchak, A. Belarus Rivers Runoff: Current State, Prospects / A. Volchak, М. Barushka // International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming (ICCCGW 2018), October 29–30, 2018, Paris, France: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Environmental and ...


    • Bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne procesów nwestyczyjno-budowlanych w Republice Białoruś 

      Kisel, Alena (Centrum Rzeczoznawstwa Budowlanego Sp. z o.o., 2019)
      W procesie tworzenia nieruchomości nieunikniony jest negatywny wpływ na środowisko. Wpływ ten jest nierownómierny i wymaga zastosowania przepisów prawnych i analizy iyzyka w obszarze bezpieczeństwa środowiska. Można to osiągnąć dzieki wprowadzeniu zarzqdzania ekologicznego.


    • Bioecological evaluation of the quality of the surface runoff from urban territories (case study of the city of Brest) 

      Бульская, Инна Валерьевна; Волчек, Александр Александрович; Колбас, Александр Петрович (International Baltic Earth Secretariat, 2020)
      Bulskaya, I. Bioecological evaluation of the quality of the surface runoff from urban territories (case study of the city of Brest) / I. Bulskaya, A. Volchek, A. Kolbas // 3rd Baltic Earth Conference Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts, Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 1 to 5 June 2020 : ...


    • Brześć Nad Bugiem - Wrota Dla Współpracy Gospodarczej, Naukowej Kulturalnej Pomiędzy Mazowszem I Podlasiem A Polesiem 

      Serafimowicz, Włodzimierz; Koczurko, Anatol; Korol, Ilia; Kroll, Edward (Towarzystwo Naukowe Płockie, 1994)
      Brześć Nad Bugiem - Wrota Dla Współpracy Gospodarczej, Naukowej Kulturalnej Pomiędzy Mazowszem I Podlasiem A Polesiem / W. Serafimowicz [i in.] // Notatki Płockie. – 1994. – № 4/161. – S. 59–62.


    • Center of excellence for young researchers of Brest state technical university 

      Kachurka, Pavel A.; Parfamuk, Siarhei I.; Kachurka, Volha A. (JMTM, 2017)
      The student research work in the Brest state technical university is described. To improve conditions for research work the Centre of excellence for young researchers of the Brest state technical university in the format of a virtual informational resource in the form of a website was created. The ...


    • Changes in the characteristics of extreme temperatures in the Republic of Belarus 

      Meshyk, A.; Борушко, Марина Викторовна; Marozava, V.; Meshyk, K. (Айтумар, 2020)
      The article presents some results of the research of the extreme temperature regime in the Republic of Belarus. Transformations in maximum and minimum air temperatures correspond to the general theory of climate warming. The authors specify regional differences in temperature extremes.


    • Classical Solutions of Mixed Problem on the Plane for Hyperbolic Equation. The Method of Characteristic Parallelogram 

      Korzyuk, V.; Naumavets, S. (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2019)
      This paper regards the mixed problem for wave equation on the plane. The authors of the article prove that the usage of necessary and su - cient homogeneous compatibility conditions guarantees coming to the classical solution in the half-strip. The article gives the classical solution to the ...


    • Classification of regional competitiveness factors 

      Flyachinskaya, Natalia Nikolaevna (КГУ, 2022)
      The current stage of economic development is characterized by increased competition at all levels, including the regional one. The problem of increasing the level of competitiveness of the region is constantly in the spotlight, since in a market economy it is competitiveness that is the catalyst for ...


    • Competition and Market of Science and Technology Products 

      Markau, Andrei; Четырбок, Наталья Петровна (HEILONGJIANG SCIENCE, 2021)
      The research clarifies the target function of science and technology product market, reveals the characteristics of science and technology product selling, and competition relationship type of main participants in the science and technology market, and expounds the competition relationship of the ...


    • Complex-analytic methods for the study of the effective conductivity of composite materials 

      Rogosin, Sergei; Dubatovskaya, Marina; Makaruk, Svetlana; Pesetskaya, Ekaterina (University of Aveiro, 2005)
      The effective conductivity of 2D composite materials is discussed on the base of the complex-analytic methods. Main attention is paid to the application of the methods of boundary value problems for harmonic and analytic functions and functional equations for composite materials having multiply ...


    • Computer regulation of the condition reserves contours 

      Ракишев, Баян; Ашаев, Юрий Павлович; Имашев, Жанатай (1998)
      For the compound-structural multi-component deposits one of the most laborious problems at the stage of initial treatment of geological information is the picking of the conditional intersections – the aggregate of deposed consecutively samples. The last ones must answer the demanded conditional ...


    • Content Lines in Design of Chemical Education for Would-Be Engineers 

      Khaletski, Vitali (The Scientia Socialis Press, 2015)
      Methodology of chemical education for would-be engineers in technical universities is discussed in the report. Content lines as an instrument of structuring of content of chemical courses are proposed by the author. Content lines and their practical implementation in syllabus are analyzed. It was ...


    • Cracking of Prestressed Lightweight Concrete Beams Under Repeated Static Loads 

      Stepanjuk, Vasily (Politechnika Lubelska, 1992)
      Stepanjuk, V. Cracking of Prestressed Lightweight Concrete Beams Under Repeated Static Loads / Vasily Stepanjuk // Budownictwo : V Konferencja Ogólnokrajowa , Lublin–Brześć–Kazimierz, 1992–1993 / Katedra Konstrukcji Budowlanych, Wydział Inżynierii Budowlanej i Sanitarnej Politechniki Lubelskiej, Zarząd ...


    • Creation of clusters in the economy of the Republic of Belarus 

      Tkachuk, Svetlana Nikolaevna; Fedorovich, Natalia Nikolaevna (Кременчук, 2013)
      Tkachuk, S. N. Creation of clusters in the economy of the Republic of Belarus / S. N. Tkachuk, N. Fedorovich // Актуальні питання забезпечення стійкого розвитку національного господарства = Актуальные проблемы обеспечения устойчивого развития национального хозяйства : матеріали всеукраїнської наукової ...
