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Bioecological evaluation of the quality of the surface runoff from urban territories (case study of the city of Brest)

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International Baltic Earth SecretariatБиблиографическое описание
Bulskaya, I. Bioecological evaluation of the quality of the surface runoff from urban territories (case study of the city of Brest) / I. Bulskaya, A. Volchek, A. Kolbas // 3rd Baltic Earth Conference Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts, Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 1 to 5 June 2020 : Conference Proceedings / Edited by Silke Köppen, Marcus Reckermann. – Geesthacht : International Baltic Earth Secretariat, 2020. – P. 37.URI документа
https://rep.bstu.by/handle/data/28076Документ расположен в коллекции

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