Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • The impact of digitalization on a country's economic development 

      Флячинская, Наталия Николаевна (Издательство «Ассистент плюс», 2023)
      Флячинская, Н. Н. The impact of digitalization on a country's economic development / Н. Н. Флячинская // Молодежь и научно-технический прогресс : сборник докладов XVI Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Губкин, 6 апреля 2023 года : в 2 томах / Министерство ...


    • The influence of the altered structure zone characteristics after the material jet treatment on the samples stress state during tensility 

      Verameichyk, A. I.; Neroda, M. V.; Holodar, B. G. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 2023)
      The article investigates the influence of the mechanical characteristics (elasticity module, Poisson coefficient) of the material altered structure zones, which arise after heat treatment by concentrated high-energy impact. For rectangular samples, two forms of the structure formation zone are analyzed ...


    • The Innovation Processes in Organizational Structures 

      Будурян, Татьяна Алексеевна; Захарчук, Татьяна Дмитриевна (ЖДТУ, 2014)
      Today, the practice of functioning organizational structures of innovative organizations shows that they simultaneously operate in complex and rapidly changing environments. Moreover, the dynamics of the environment in which the most innovative companies operate are defined by very frequent changes ...


    • The Logistics Infrastructure Network of Belarus and its Universal Applications 

      Kugan, Svetlana (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny, 2020)
      The effective functioning of logistics infrastructure is a prerequisite for the modernization of a regional and national economy. It is also a prerequisite for the transition to an innovative development path; to include the amelioration of a population’s living standards. The study of historical ...


    • The Main Tendencies of Development of Social Responsibility of Business in the Republic of Belarus 

      Davydzenka, Natallia; Filipava, Tatsiana (ЖДТУ, 2015)
      Business can't exist in isolation from society and the state. Society is the one of factors influencing on the functioning of the modern organizations. The Social Responsibility of Business (SRB) or the corporate social liability (CSL) is the voluntary contribution of business to development of society ...


    • The present-day condition of water resources in Belarus 

      Volchek, Alexander A.; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey; Makhambetova, Roza (De Gruyter Poland, 2013)
      The optimal number of hydrological monitoring stations for the annual values, the maximum spring, the minimum summer-autumn and the minimum winter river runoff in Belarus is determined. The research on optimization of the hydrological network of Belarus led to a conclusion about the optimum number of ...


    • The role of innovation in activity of the industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus 

      Носко, Наталья Викторовна; Дашкевич, Татьяна Викторовна (ЖДТУ, 2016)
      This article is devoted to problems of innovation to strengthen the competitiveness of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.


    • The Smart Urban Transport System 

      Shviatsova, Alena; Shuts, Vasily (БГУИР, 2020)
      In the paper principles of functioning an intelligent urban transport system based on unmanned electric vehicles which capable of adapting to passenger traffic’s changes in real time are considered. The algorithm of drawing up a plan of passenger transportation by means of such transport system ...


    • The smart urban transport system based on robotic vechicles 

      Shviatsova, Alena; Shuts, Vasily (Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019)
      This article is devoted to the description of an intelligent urban transport passenger system based on unmanned electric vehicles called infobuses, and the principles of its functioning, namely, a conveyor-cassette method of transporting passengers. The introduction describes the prerequisites for ...


    • The use of mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery to ensure air quality in residential premises 

      Navaseltsau, Uladzimir; Navaseltsava, Dzina; Khaletski, Vitali (E3S Web Conf, 2019)
      The construction industry is an important segment of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus. In recent years, strict environmental safety requirements have been imposed on the quality of housing being built. The carbon dioxide content in the classrooms’ air of the university as model objects ...


    • The World Economy: Internationalization and Globalization 

      Федоров, Александр Владиславович (ЖДТУ, 2016)
      Fyodorov, A. V. The World Economy: Internationalization and Globalization / A. V. Fyodorov // Сучасні інструменти реалізації практичного менеджменту, маркетингу та логістики: особливості застосування в глобальному конкурентному середовищі : збірник матеріалів I Міжнародної науково-практичної on-line ...


    • Thermal Influence and Thermal Zones of Magnetic-electric Grinding of Gas-thermal Sprayed Goatings 

      Blagodarny, Vladimir; Niaroda, Michael (Uniyersity of Technology in Košice, 2007)
      The influence of major factors of magnetic-electric grinding on temperature in processing zone is considered. The schedules of dependence of temperature on technology factors MAG is obtained. The zones of thermal MAG influence are revealed.


    • Thermal resources of climate of Belarus and their application in “Green” energy industry 

      Борушко, Марина Викторовна (International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University, 2019)
      This abstract presents some research aimed at studying thermal resources of Belarus climate. The researcher analyzes the factors that influence solar radiation on the land surface such as the duration of sunshine, the number of clear and cloudy days with total and lower cloud cover, and total solar ...


    • Thermal resources of the climate of West Polesie, Belarus 

      Meshyk, A.; Sheshka, M.; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (2017)
      Meshyk, A. Thermal Resources of the Climate of West Polesie, Belarus / A. Meshyk, M. Sheshka, M. Barushka // 7th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM7) : Abstracs Book, Canary Islands, Spain, 17–19 July 2017 ; edited by Science Know conferences. – Las ...


    • Training of the recurrent neural networks for prediction 

      Savitsky, Jury; Golovko, Vladimir (BSUIR, 1999)
      In this paper the technique of creation of effective methods of training recurrent neural network for prediction problems are discussed. The various functions of activation of neural units are considered. The adaptive algorithms of training of neural networks with varied functions of activation of ...


    • Types of foundation effective on packed soil 

      Pojta, P. S.; Shvedovskiy, P. V.; Shalobyta, T. P. (БНТУ, 2008)
      Pojta, P. S. Types of foundation effective on packed soil / P. S. Pojta, P. V. Shvedovskiy, T. P. Shalobyta // Construction and architecture = Строительство и архитектура : сборник научных трудов II Международного научно-практического семинара по реализации задач государственной программы ориентированных ...


    • Updating the ICT study programs for master 

      Lebed, S. F. (БрГУ им. А. С. Пушкина, 2021)
      Lebed, S. F. Updating the ICT study programs for master / S. F. Lebed // Формирование готовности будущего учителя математики к работе с одаренными учащимися : сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции, Брест, 14–15 апреля 2021 г. / Брестский государственный университет им. А. ...


    • Vibroacoustic diagnostics of gear drives by using of wavelet analysis 

      Omes, Dmitry; Dragan, Alexandr (University of Novi Sad, 2014)
      For last ten years wavelet-transform has found wide application in vibroacoustic signal processing. The wavelet-analysis gives unique possibilities to recognize local features of investigated signal. Following researches have been realized: sequentially it was recorded vibration signal generated during ...


    • Wariantowe projektowanie konstrukcji i struktur budowlanych zgodnie z metodą SIMPLEX 

      Черноиван, Анна Вячеславовна; Тимошук, Наталья Александровна (Centrum Rzeczoznawstwa Budowlanego Sp. z o.o., 2019)
      W artykule omówiono metody ekonomicznego uzasadnienia przy wyborze najlepszej opcji konstruktywnego rozwiązania budynku, a także jedno z podejść z wykorzystaniem metody simpleks, która pozwala nie uwzględniać wskaźników kosztowych konstruktywnych rozwiązań rozważanych opcji projektowych.


    • Ways of attracting Internet resources for the enterprise trade activity expansion 

      Аверина, Ирина Николаевна (ЦФЕНД, 2017)
      Averina, I. N. Ways of attracting Internet resources for the enterprise trade activity expansion / I. N. Averina // Сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку економіки, обліку, фінансів та управління в Україні та світі : збірник тез доповідей Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, Полтава, 14 листопада ...
