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Successful chemical education for non-chemists: how might it be achieved

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Šiauliai UniversityБиблиографическое описание
Khaletski, V. Successful chemical education for non-chemists: how might it be achieved / V. Khaletski, N. Golub // Science and Technology Education in the Central and Eastern Europe: Past, Present and Perspectives : 6th IOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe, Šiauliai, 17-21 June, 2007 / International Organization for Science and Technology Education, Šiauliai University; edited by V. Lamanauskas and Gintaras Vaidogas. – Šiauliai, 2007. – P. 68–71. – Bibliogr.: p. 71.Аннотация
The aim of this study was to find an effective model of teaching chemistry for would-be engineers. It was shown
that incorporation of "professional", "ecological" and "real-world" components to the classical general chemistry
course and including practical engineering tasks to laboratory improves the quality of engineering education and makes
the process of teaching more interesting for the students.
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