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On the Binary Sequences with Indistinguishable Signature for a Given Error Multiplicity in Electronic Testing
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Дата издания
Journal of The Institution of Engineers, SingaporeБиблиографическое описание
On the Binary Sequences with Indistinguishable Signature for a Given Error Multiplicity in Electronic Testing / S. Demidenko [et al.] // Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore. Electronics and Computer Engineering. – 1995. – Vol. 35, № 1. – P. 63–66.Аннотация
Distinct binary seąuences (2 ͫ – 1 bits long) may be compressed by an m-bit signature register into the same signature ualue, when a given error multiplicity is considered. Analytical expressions to compute the number of distinct seąuences collapsed into the same signature are presented, by exploiting the properties of the binary Hamming codę theory and of the binomial coefficients.
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