Научно-технические и экологические проблемы природопользования: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 61
Научно-технические и экологические проблемы природопользования
(БрГТУ, 2012)В сборнике представлены статьи, подготовленные участниками международной научно-практической конференции «Научно-технические и экологические проблемы природопользования», которая состоялась 18-20 апреля 2012 г. на факультете водоснабжения и гидромелиорации УО «БрГТУ».2021-08-25
Особенности хозяйственных мероприятий при реконструкции мелиоративных систем в северо-восточной части Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)The article deals with a complex of activities in the process of reconstruction of meliorative Systems in conditions of north-eastern part of Belarus. These activities will be able to increase the quality of project-cost documentation and the effectiveness of meliorative systems reconstruction.2021-08-24
Опыт картографирования опасных метеорологических явлений на территории Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)Thе spatial distribution of the dangerous meteorologie phenomens on territory of Republic Belarus is estimated. The trend analysis of the dangerous meteorologie phenomens is executed. For mapping the information is advised Kriging.2021-08-24
Эффективные поглотители нефтепродуктов: изделия и автоматизированный комплекс для их производства
(БрГТУ, 2012)In this work efficient composite with membrane structure which absorbing petroleum oil is describcd. It is shown, that the sorbtion of the nonpolar and polar hydrocarbon molecules is determined with fluidstructured elements, the last being the transport channels for the penetration of the sorbate ...2021-08-24
Особенности прогноза вероятности возникновения техногенных проблем в экосистемах
(БрГТУ, 2012)Features of the probability forecast of occurrence of tcchnogenic problems in ecological systems on the basis of mathematical forecasting models of probability are considered. Variation principles with working out of methods of construction of extreme laws of distribution of parameters of ecological ...2021-08-24
Эффект удаления органических соединений из природной воды в электрокоагуляторе с применением смешанного железо-алюминиевого коагулянта
(БрГТУ, 2012)Яловая, Н. П. Эффект удаления органических соединений из природной воды в электрокоагуляторе с применением смешанного железо-алюминиевого коагулянта / Н. П. Яловая, П. П. Строкач // Научно-технические и экологические проблемы природопользования : сборник материалов Международной научно-практической ...2021-08-24
Применение систем оценки технического состояния оборудования для снижения эксплуатационных затрат
(БрГТУ, 2012)Article describes the importance of industrial equipment service systems dclivery, in accordance with its technical conditions to reduce operation costs. We considcr the problems, solved by vibration monitoring Systems. We present the constituent elements of the vibration diagnostics systems and their ...2021-08-24
Водно-дисперсионные лакокрасочные материалы для древесины с уменьшенной эмиссией органических растворителей
(БрГТУ, 2012)Most solvents used in paint industry are toxic and dangerous for environment. Appropriate altemative for their use in recipes of coatings is wide application of water-based paints. Limit concentrations of base solvents (white spirit, toluene, xylene) in the air, water and soil according Belarusian and ...2021-08-24
Влияние хлоридов на скорость химических процессов в системе CaO–SiO₂–Al₂O₃–H₂O в сульфатно-гидрокарбонатных средах
(БрГТУ, 2012)The joint influence of hydrocarbonate and chloride ions on the processes of sulphate corrosion of a cement clinker was shidied. The decrease of speed and intensivity of sulphate corrosion in the presence of both HCO₃‾ and Cl‾ was revealed.2021-08-24
Использование промышленных отходов для получения химических мелиорантов - аддуктов
(БрГТУ, 2012)The main idea of the technical implementation of the proposed method lies in the fact that on the basis of two or more industrial solid wastes (phosphogypsum) and liquid effluent processing of natural raw materials (phosphates, borates, and polyhalite) to obtain a new useful product in the form of ...2021-08-24
Экологичный противоскользящий материал для горизонтальной разметки автомобильных дорог
(БрГТУ, 2012)Environmental-friendly material for road-marking with anti-sliding properties was obtained by the author. Properties were examinated in site.2021-08-24
Экологичная фасадная краска на основе комбинированного плёнкообразователя
(БрГТУ, 2012)Novell water-borne paint based on mixture of film-formers was elaborated by the author. The paint exhibit appropriate properties for mineral surfaces.2021-08-24
Сохранение и восстановление плодородия почв при планировке мелкозалежных торфяников
(БрГТУ, 2012)Agrotechnical and agrochemical arrangements are the rational method of conservation and restoration of fine peatlands fertility together with the presence of mineral wedgings out when doing the lay-out of them.2021-08-24
Геоэкологическая оценка комфортности климата Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2012)For the first time estimation of separate eco-climatic indices and the complex geoecological estimation of the climatic comfort in 1984-2008 in the city of the Brest are executed.2021-08-24
Качественное и полуколичественное определение простых сахаров и их смесей методом ИК-Фурье-спектроскопии
(БрГТУ, 2012)The main target of present work is founding laws in infra-red spectrums of simple sugars and their mixes for quality, semi-quantitative and their qualitative their definition in hydrolysates of food hetero-poly-sugars.2021-08-24
Аспекты внедрения международных подходов построения оценки качества поверхностных вод
(БрГТУ, 2012)Development of the national water quality assessment system based on adaptation EU of methods and practices is discussed in the article. Some proposals for correction of articles of the Water code of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere water quality monitoring and assessment was prepared in the ...2021-08-24
Химия в борьбе за чистоту природы
(БрГТУ, 2012)In the message complex use of production wastes of a caprolactam and their processing in water-soluble polymer which is widely used in different branches of a national economy of Byelorussia is shown.2021-08-24
Аккумулирование тепловой энергии в гелиосистемах
(БрГТУ, 2012)In this article classification of heat-sink devices is resulted. The method of accumulation of warmth which gives decrease in Capital and current expenses in solar power, increase of efficiency of action of solar installations, possibility of preservation and warmth recycling, thanks to realisation ...2021-08-24
Энергосбережение и природопользование
(БрГТУ, 2012)The correlation between energy saving and nature using is described. Some examples of new equipments show the achievements of Scientific Laboratory PULSAR. The ways of overcome of new equipments using difficulties are proposed.2021-08-24
Автоматизированная система обработки эколого-экономических данных
(БрГТУ, 2012)In article the automated system of processing of the ecological-economic information which is used for estimation and the forecast of a level of security by resources of new projects and branches of economy is described. For realization of function of support of decision-making in corresponding section ...2021-08-24