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The Architecture of the Neural System for Control of a Mobile Robot
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BPIБиблиографическое описание
The Architecture of the Neural System for Control of a Mobile Robot / V. Golovko [and etc.] // International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI'99 = Международная конференция по нейронным сетям и искусственному интеллекту ICNNAI'99 : Proceedings, Brest, Belarus, 12–15 October 1999 / Brest Polytechnic Institute, Department of Computers and Laboratory of Artificial Neural Networks, Belarus Special Interest Group of International Neural NetWork Society, International Neural NetWork Society, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarus), Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Engineering Cybemetics (Belarus), Universidad Politechnica de Valencia (Spain), Institute of Computer Information Technologies (Ukraine, Ternopil) ; ed. V. Golovko. – Brest : BPI, 1999. – P. 57–61.Аннотация
Building autonomous mobile robots has been a primary aim of robotics and artificial intelligence. Artificial neural networks are capable of performing the different aspecis of autonomous drmng, such as collision-free motions, avoiding obstacles, mapping and planning of path. This paper describes the global architecture of the neural system for autonomous control of a mobile robot. Such neural system has the ability for self-training and self-organizing. The purpose of this paper is to present the key ideas and approaches underlying our research in this area.
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