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Посмотр Материалы конференции по статьям. Часть 1 по названию
Отображаемые элементы 1-20 из 41
Stormwater treatment plant conception
(БрГТУ, 2011)The practice of urban stormwater management has until recently focused only on drainage and flood control. Yet more concern should be taken to reduce pollu-tion loads on water recipients by implementing source control management, on-site treatment and building stormwater pollution control facilities. ...2020-05-11
Блочно-модульные очистные сооружения поверхностных сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2011)The article the recommendations of division of surface sewage and account of volume of submitted for treatment on the basis of developed criterion of "relative stabilization of quality of the surface sewage" has been given. The variants of dis-posal and treatment surface sewage are represented. The ...2020-05-11
Влияние влаготеплообеспеченности вегетационных периодов на урожай сельскохозяйственных культур
(БрГТУ, 2011)Analysis of independent data from field research confirms the legitimacy of the use and relatively high accuracy of the model to take account not only the food re-gime, but also the conditions of moisture and heat supply of the growing season. Satisfactory accuracy of calculations by generalizing ...2020-05-12
Воздействие гидротехнического строительства на гидрологический режим и русловые процессы зарегулированных рек
(БрГТУ, 2011)The article presents the results of studies on the effect of reservoirs of Belarus on the hydrological regime of rivers and fluvial processes in the tail water. The es-timation of changes of water, temperature, ice and hydrochemical regime of regu-lated rivers. The data on the direction and parameters ...2020-05-12
Гидрогеологические изыскания при осушении подтапливаемых территорий населенных пунктов
(БрГТУ, 2011)The article defines the problem of the drainage of agriculture lands and under-flood urban areas, as well as shows the importance of the hydrogeological pros-pecting for further reclamation activity planning. There is also mentioned the specif-ic prospecting work during the design of the system of the ...2020-05-12
Инновации при производстве строительных материалов
(БрГТУ, 2011)New installation so called steamgas generator is discribed in this article. It is protected by some patents of invention. This installation use pulsatory combustion. The steamgas generator is applied in industry for heart moisture processing of building materials.2020-05-11
Инструментальный метод определения интенсивности окраски сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2011)The article deals with the problems arising at definition of intensity of coloring of sewage by a traditional visual method are considered. The decision of the given problem on the basis of the developed tool method of definition of intensity of color-ing of sewage with use scanning spectrofotometer ...2020-05-11
Интенсификация процесса термического концентрирования сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2011)The analysis of the thermal method of desinfection of industrial sewage has been made. The possibility of sewage desinfection with the mechanism of pulsation combustion has been reseached.2020-05-11
Исследование сорбентов, применяемых для очистки ливневых водостоков от нефтепродуктов
(БрГТУ, 2011)Suspended solids and oil products are considered as the most important pol-lutants in the storm water. As suspended solids can be easily retained from storm water by simple sedimentation, for oil products it is usually needed to have a sec-ondary treatment: filtration through sorbents media. Although ...2020-05-11
Исследование способов снижения общей жесткости воды
(БрГТУ, 2011)Research of ways of decrease in the general rigidity of water by methods of a boiling and freezing has shown that in conditions of life the given physical methods are effective, accessible, that is why economic, therefore can be used for decrease in rigidity of used water.2020-05-11
К вопросу расчета затопления для системы мониторинга и прогнозирования паводка
(БрГТУ, 2011)The algorithm and its implementation are presented for precise evaluation of inundated territories to be used in system of flood monitoring and prediction, which is in development for the Pripyat' river. The chosen method is based on geometrical approach of flood modeling and results in building ...2020-05-12
К проблемам ремонта ездового полотна переездных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2011)Method is presented for registration of consumption of resources during the construction of bridges. This method reduces the time required to perform control operations.2020-05-12
Когенерационная гелиоустановка "Луч"
(БрГТУ, 2011)In Belarus level of solar illuminance is sufficient for development and applica-tion of devices catching solar energy and reformative it in other kinds of energy. The solar power plant in which there is an operation of energy of high potential at first in solar converters, and the remnant of the energy ...2020-05-11
Компьютерные системы вибрационного мониторинга и оценки технического состояния механизмов
(БрГТУ, 2011)The hardware-software organization of computer multichannel systems of the vibrating control is considered. Application of such systems provides carrying out in a mode of real time of the continuous control over a vibrating condition of technical objects, the decision of problems of the signal system ...2020-05-11
Мелиоративное освоение бассейна реки Ясельды
(БрГТУ, 2011)The analysis of the land reclamation for the basin of the Yaselda River is giv-en; the positive and negative consequences for the melioration development of the territory are reviewed.2020-05-12
Натурные исследования водорегулирующих сооружений с противофильтрационными элементами из полимерных материалов
(БрГТУ, 2011)There have been given the results of full-scale experiments of water regulating constructions on the canals of melioration systems. Polyethylene filmy screens have been used instead of sheet pilings in these constructions.2020-05-12
Научно-методические основы разработки рекомендаций по снижению зарастания малых водохранилищ
(БрГТУ, 2011)The main features vegetation of lake-reservers as new man-made water-bodies are shown.2020-05-12
Об оценке моментов распределения вероятностей модели диффузионного типа в стохастической гидрологии
(БрГТУ, 2011)This research work deals with the model of several years’ fluctuation of the river flow, which was received by applying the stochastic differential equation of Ornstein−Uhlenbeck. The process under consideration is the homogeneous in terms of time Markow process of diffusion type with corresponding ...2020-05-12
Обоснование технологических параметров систем газоснабжения
(БрГТУ, 2011)The article contains algorithm of the scientific substantiation of optimum para-meters of reservoir systems liquefied petroleum gas, provides guidance on the choice of performance and the volume of LPG reservoirs.2020-05-11
Опыт разработки водосберегающих режимов орошения в условиях юга Западной Сибири
(БрГТУ, 2011)The obtained results can be used in solution of hydromeliorative and water problems.2020-05-12