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Исследование сорбентов, применяемых для очистки ливневых водостоков от нефтепродуктов
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Мажейкене, А. Б. Исследование сорбентов, применяемых для очистки ливневых водостоков от нефтепродуктов / А. Б. Мажейкене, С. И. Швядене // Научно-технические проблемы водохозяйственного и энергетического комплекса в современных условиях Беларуси : сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции, Брест, 21–23 сентября 2011 года : 2 частях / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ; под ред. П. С. Пойты [и др.]. - Брест : БрГТУ, 2011. - Часть 1. – С. 81–84. - Библиогр.: с. 84 (12 назв.).Аннотация
Suspended solids and oil products are considered as the most important pol-lutants in the storm water. As suspended solids can be easily retained from storm water by simple sedimentation, for oil products it is usually needed to have a sec-ondary treatment: filtration through sorbents media. Although storm water filtration through a sorbent filter gives high treatment efficiency, it is usually impossible to ensure the right speed of storm water coming to the treatment facilities (it is usually too high to ensure an efficient sorption). For this reason the research and analysis of three different synthetic sorbents („Fibroil“, „Duck“, „Reo-dry“) were performed in the laboratory under extreme conditions (filtration speed 30 m/h). According to the results of the experiment, all three sorbents have similar treatment efficiency, but “Fibroil” is suitable for filtration under 30 m/h speed 6 times longer than “Duck” and 13 times longer than “Reo-dry”.
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