Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 89
Видовое разнообразие гидробионтов в условиях подавления вспухания активного ила
(БрГТУ, 2010)During the laboratory experiment on bulking suppression the dynamics of species di-versity in activated sludge was discovered. Optimal conditions for increase in species quantity of investigated biocenosis from 5-7 to 13-14 were determined. Simultaneous re-placement of indicator species was observed. ...2021-05-05
Комплекс гидротехнических сооружений на реке щара
(БрГТУ, 2010)The characteristic of the unique structures of the water-power development on the River Shchara in the river-head of the Oginskiy Channel is given.2021-05-05
Особенности ионного состава подземных вод Брестской области
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article contains the research materials of the subterranean and middle water used for drinking and features the result of the chemical content analysis of such meta-bolically active elements as Fe. Mn, Pb, Si. Cl. The obtained data prove certain off-standard deviations of chemical concentration ...2021-05-05
Основные эколого-водохозяйственные проблемы и пути повышения эффективности водопользования в бассейне Немана
(БрГТУ, 2010)In this article the main problems of water resources usage and protection in the river Neman basin are stated and the ways to solve them are outlined.2021-05-05
Коррозионные повреждения железобетонных конструкций под действием хлорсодержащих сред
(БрГТУ, 2010)Concrete structures generally make up a significant and important part of the na-tional infrastructure. The operation, maintenance and repair of concrete structures are consuming ever more energy and resources while heavily burdening the environment with the large quantities of waste produced. In ...2021-05-05
Водные ресурсы Минской области
(БрГТУ, 2010)In article data about the quality of water resources and its problems are described in short. The structure of water usage is given. Attempts are made to analyse water condition in the region. Data are given about its positive and negative changes in the region.2021-05-05
Научно-методические основы разработки рекомендаций по снижению зарастания малых водохранилищ
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article is considered to the main factors determining the process of impound-ments overgrowing. The common scheme of river impoundments overgrowing is de-scribed. A row of methodological recommendations are given for the creating of im-poundments on a base of lakes.2021-05-05
Экологические предпосылки строительства противофильтрационных завес
(БрГТУ, 2010)Among actual environmental problems on the first place protection of underground waters against pollution and an exhaustion is put forward. To maintenance of protec-tion of an environment in separately taken region from technologically fatal conse-quences are applied grout curtain.2021-05-05
Проблемы применения и эксплуатации установок для термической обработки осадков сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2010)The main thermal methods of waste-water deposits treatment are discussed in the article. Advantages and disadvantages of different devices for thermal processing of deposits are described. High-temperature combustion of deposits as a perspective method is offered by the authors.2021-05-05
Капельное орошение интенсивного плодоводства Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2010)Development and an introduction of technology of trickling watering in fruit-berrylike complexes is an essential constituent of a strategic problem on secu-rity of resistant development of a fruit growing of Byelorussia. As criterion for a set-ting of water-requirement for an irrigation of fruit-berrylike ...2021-05-05
Расчет и визуализация на электронной карте зон затопления при прохождении волны прорыва гидротехнического сооружения напорного фронта
(БрГТУ, 2010)Data has been presented on the creation of a software for calculation of the inrush wave in case of failure of belarusian hydrotechnical constructions of the pressure front. This software is connected to the software for visualisation of the flood zones of the inrush wave of failure of hydrotechnical ...2021-05-05
Воздействие берегообразующих факторов на устойчивость берегозащитных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2010)In this report factors causes and conditions which affect stability of coast-protecting structures of reservoirs can be observed. As well as comprehensive ap-proach when estimating factors impact coast-protecting structures taking into account its own strengthening characteristics and physical operation ...2021-05-05
Разработка критериев гидролого-геоморфологического подобия при прогнозировании абразионных процессов водохранилищ Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2010)Changing the hydrologic conditions of reservoir objects leads to renewal of abra-sion risk-processes. The similarity criteria were developed to predict abrasion risk-processes on the different types of reservoir objects. The boundary conditions for the similarity criteria were specified.2021-05-05
Исследование водно-физических свойств осушенных торфяников водосбора р. Бобрик
(БрГТУ, 2010)The results of the field investigation of the density of reclaimed peat soils of the Bobrik River water basin have been stated. The characteristics of its alteration ac-cording to the area and vertical profile have been determined.2021-05-05
Оценка увлажнения почв в зоне подтопления водохранилищ
(БрГТУ, 2010)The factors influencing changes soil and vegetation are noted. It is shown, that conse-quence of flooding is humidifying a soil structure by the subsoil waters, promoting ex-pansion of belts of flooding. It proves to be true change of types of processes of for-mation soil. Changes of types soil are ...2021-05-05
Влияние веществ-загрязнителей, содержащихся в сточных водах, на жизнедеятельность активного ила
(БрГТУ, 2010)In the course of work the qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of sewage of Brest arriving on treatment facilities after their mechanical clearing is carried out. Concentration of ions of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate of ions and heavy metals is defined. In the course of work the ...2021-05-05
Мониторинг качества поверхностных вод в бассейне реки Западный Буг в местах сброса в них сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2010)This article presents the information about the practice of water quality impact monitoring in the Western Bug basin. The calculation of the mixing zone of river and waste water for r. Mukhavets produced. It is concluded that the net site of impact ob-servations in the points of effluent discharge is ...2021-05-05
Водоохранные мероприятия при проектировании автотранспортных предприятий
(БрГТУ, 2010)Water-control practices and perspective systems of sewage treatment of washing of motor transport which are necessary for providing at designing the motor transporta-tion enterprises are considered.2021-05-05
Изменение ветрового режима на территории белорусского полесья в современных условиях
(БрГТУ, 2010)The materials of study of alteration for wind speed on the territory of Belarusian Polesye are introduced and the forecast for the 20-year's outlook is executed.2021-05-05
Исследование внутригодового распределения стока воды рек Припятского гидрологического района тепловодно-балансовым методом
(БрГТУ, 2010)The ongoing climate fluctuations is expressed not only in variations of climatic characteristics, but also in the active impact on the hydrological regime of rivers, par-ticularly the redistribution of runoff within the hydrological phases, and between them. Тhese changes are amplified by anthropogenic ...2021-05-05