Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 89
Эффективный нефтепоглощающий полимерный материал
(БрГТУ, 2010)In work porous polymeric composite effectively absorbing mineral oil with мембранной structure is described. It is shown, that sorbtion of not polar and polar hydrocarbonic molecules is caused by elements with gas structure which are transport channels for penetration of sorbate molecules in volume ...2021-05-05
Экологическое состояние подземных вод г. Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2010)Groundwater quality is formed under the influence of both natural and anthropogenic factors. Main sources of contamination are industrial emissions, sewage disposal, inappropriate solid waste treatment, private houses without cleaning systems. Chemical contamination of groundwater was registered in ...2021-05-05
К проблеме безопасности жизнедеятельности в многоквартирных домах товариществ собственников
(БрГТУ, 2010)Co-ops maintenance problems have been discussed, and ways of dealing with such problems at legal and executive levels have been proposed.2021-05-05
Использование подземных вод г. Барановичи и Барановичского района
(БрГТУ, 2010)Three cluster underground water intakes - Volokhva, Shchara-1 and Shchara-2 - have been explored are already in operation for the utility and drinking water supply of Baranovichy. A Dubrovno water intake area has been explored as well. Total capacity of operating and prospected water intakes is 11,1 ...2021-05-05
Использование дисконтинуального способа очистки сточных вод станции технического обслуживания автомобилей
(БрГТУ, 2010)Object of working out is designing of an individual clearing construction with discontinuum in the way of sewage treatment in servicing deport territory in Zhlobin. The work purpose - to spend an ecological estimation discontinuum a way of sewage treatment. In the course of work researches of quality ...2021-05-05
Detection of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds in river waters using HPLC-UV/VIS
(БрГТУ, 2010)This paper reports studies of six polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in river waters and wastewater samples. Acenaphthene was the most dominant PAHs found in studied samples while in most samples naphthalene is not observed. A maximum of 778,326 pg 1 'of the six PAHs was recorded in water collected ...2021-05-05
Проблемы наружного водостока
(БрГТУ, 2010)The construction of projecting tray of the system of outer water stream for preventing watering of outer walls of buildings.2021-05-05
Исследование влияния процесса очистки промывных вод станций обезжелезивания коагулированием в присутствии фосфатов на свойства образующихся осадков
(БрГТУ, 2010)Backwash waters which includes iron components is formed in a result of the operation the stations of iron removal of underground waters. Today the sludge unsets in the ground, polluting natural environment of Republic of Belarus and Polesie. The developed technology includes a treatment of backwash ...2021-05-05
Мониторинг качества воды из питьевых водопроводов
(БрГТУ, 2010)The purpose of the given work is carrying out of monitoring of quality of the potable water submitted to buildings on metal pipelines, laid in 70th years of the last century, for revealing change of parameters from normalized on SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 [1]. Also it is necessary to assess information results ...2021-05-05
Обоснование объемов, направляемых на очистку поверхностных сточных вод с территории промышленных предприятий
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article the recommendations of division of surface sewage and account of volume of submitted for treatment on the basis of developed "criterion of relative stabilization of quality of the surface sewage" has been given. After achievement of this criterion (as a critical layer of rain) the quality ...2021-05-05
Методические основы учета температурных факторов при проектировании водохозяйственных мероприятий
(БрГТУ, 2010)In article modern approaches to an estimation of temperature influences on a de-sign of buildings and constructions are stated. Maps of isotherms of the maximum and minimum temperatures of external air for territory of Belarus are constructed. The technique of definition of temperatures of air is ...2021-05-05
Показатели, используемые для оценки и сравнения водных режимов почв
(БрГТУ, 2010)The similarity criteria of crop water regimes (indicator of atmospheric humidifying, indicator of soil humidifying, indicator of intrasoil moisture exchange, factor of a superficial drain) are determined on the basis of similarity theory with the use of 71- theorem. It is given an example of similarity ...2021-05-05
Оценка качества воды в замкнутых водоемах по стабильности развития гидробионтов
(БрГТУ, 2010)The lead estimation of a condition of populations water organisms (Viviparus viviparus, Rana esculenta and Salvinia natans) the closed reservoirs of city of Brest and his vicinities on a level Morphological and genetic a homeostasis has shown, as the investigated kinds are markers of quality of water, ...2021-05-05
Учет взаимного влияния участков водопроводной сети при назначении диаметров труб
(БрГТУ, 2010)In the article the possibility of using method of marginal costs for determining the diameters of the water mains sections is analyzed. The appropriate calculations are given. A method of optimization of the water mains is offered.2021-05-05
Влияние различных факторов на состояние активного ила очистных сооружений г. Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2010)The results of studies of the effects of various factors on the situation sewage sludge in Brest are provided in the article. The influence of ratio volume of return activated sludge and waste water, oxygen concentration and effluent of various enterprises have been studied there. The recommendations ...2021-05-05
Применение озона для снижения окраски сточных вод предприятий легкой промышленности на примере ОАО «Бресткий чулочный комбинат»
(БрГТУ, 2010)In article efficiency of application of ozone for decrease in colouring of industrial sewage of Open Society «Brest hosiery mill» is investigated. Possibility of achievement of necessary degree of purification by means of ozonization unlike drugs applied now is shown.2021-05-05
Перспективные технологии очистки воды от органических загрязнений
(БрГТУ, 2010)The article gives ап overview of purification of natural waters and sewage by methods of advanced oxidation technologies. The mechanisms of photocatalysis with titanium dioxide and photo-Fenton processes and the results of research on wastewater treatment of paper mill are described.2021-05-05
Жидкофазная деструкция пестицидов, на примере раствора имидаклоприда
(БрГТУ, 2010)Liquid-phase destruction of pesticides, by example solution of imidacloprid.2021-05-05
Уровень развития и деструкционный потенциал активного ила городских очистных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2010)Hydrobiology analysis of active sludge from Lida and Soligorsk wastewater treatment facilities has been done. Distribution of active sludge microorganisms’ indicative groups has been studied. Active sludge dehydrogenase activity has been determined and conclusion about toxygenic stowage on active ...2021-05-05
Исследование органических примесей в воде методом флуоресцентной спектроскопии
(БрГТУ, 2010)Method of the fluorescent spectroscopy allow to carry out the operative control and monitoring of presence of organic substances over various reservoirs. Also this technique is useful to supervise a degree of water treating from organic compounds.2021-05-05