Kinematic criteria of smoothness of work of cylindrical gear wheels

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China Machinery PressCitation
Dragan, A. V. Kinematic criteria of smoothness of work of cylindrical gear wheels / A. V. Dragan, A. S. Scorohodov, V. S. Alexandrova // Proceedings of the 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, China, August 18–21, 2003 / China Machinery Press, edited by Tian Huang. – Tianjin : China Machinery Press, 2004. – P. 773–776. – Bibliogr.: p. 776 (7 titles).Abstract
The results of theoretical and experimental researches are given in the work, which purpose is the development of techniques and means of diagnostics of gear wheels, and also criteria determining smoothness of work of gearing on the basis of the information about kinematic errors.

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