Теоретические аспекты устойчивости строительных предприятий

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Wydawnictwo Politechniki CzęstochowskiejCitation
Головач, Э. П. Теоретические аспекты устойчивости строительных предприятий / Э. П. Головач // Budownictwo o zoptymalizowanym potencjale energetycznym : praca zbiorowa / Politechnika Częstochowska, Katedra Budownictwa ogolnego i fizyki budowli ; pod redakcją Tadeusza Bobki, Jarosława Rajczyka. – Częstochowa : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, 2010. – С. 90–94. – Библиогр.: с. 94 (6 назв.).Abstract
Under the stability of the company, usually refers to its ability for some time to maintain performance within acceptable limits, even if external conditions do not allow this activity to be economically efficient. Thus, under the resistance is not understood as a lack of stability of the profound changes and the effectiveness and reliability of the enterprise as a systemic phenomenon. The article deals with the notion of systemic stability of a construction business, the conditions and criteria for sustainability of the company, factors that affect system stability.

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