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The present-day condition of water resources in Belarus

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De Gruyter PolandБиблиографическое описание
The present-day condition of water resources in Belarus / A. A. Volchek [et al.] // Limnological Review. – 2013. – Volume 13: Issue 4. – P. 221–227. – DOI 10.2478/limre-2013-00025.Аннотация
The optimal number of hydrological monitoring stations for the annual values, the maximum spring, the minimum summer-autumn and the minimum winter river runoff in Belarus is determined. The research on optimization of the hydrological network of Belarus led to a conclusion about the optimum number of hydrological stations in the country, but in the case of observing the values of the annual runoff, the number of the existing plants is the minimum necessary, and reducing their number is inadmissible. On the basis of trends in air temperature changes, precipitation and humidity deficits from 1985 to 2009, the forecasts of these parameters are prepared until 2020. Taking into account the models of climatic parameter change, a possible change in the water regime of the rivers in the future is investigated.
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