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Отображаемые элементы 1-20 из 106

      тематика/ключевые слова
      agriculture, cash flow, current activities, investment activities, finan-cial activities, efficiency [1]
      aquaculture, amino acid balance, compound food, diets, protein, salmon [1]
      automotive industry, free economic zone, localization of production, regional development, import substitution [1]
      Belarus, crop production, animal husbandry, production intensification, agricultural machinery, labor productivity, number of employees, costs, profitability, efficiency, digitalization [1]
      climate projections, climate change scenarios, climate models [1]
      cluster, cluster approach, cluster model, economics, partnerships, collaboration [1]
      coin, token, blockchain, hash function, NFT, cryptocurrency [1]
      collector-drainage network, irrigated lands, groundwater level, mineralization [1]
      compressed reinforced concrete elements, stress-strain state, reinforcement by building up additional concrete and reinforcement, reinforcement under load [1]
      diagnostics, inspection, bridge structures, technical condition, categories, load capacity [1]
      digital environment, artificial intelligence, digital platforms, business interaction, personnel [1]
      echnological features, authentic plasters, methodical recommendations, restoration [1]
      environmental education, natural science training, student, teacher, primary education, natural science, mathematics [1]
      family business, organization, problems, efficiency of family entrepreneurship, state policy, legal regulation organization, the construction management project, the project of manufacture of works, calendar plan, duration [1]
      fiber reinforced self-stressing concrete, restrained expansion strains, self-stressing, volumetric constraint, modified strains development mode [1]
      food industry, national economy, food security, economic sanctions, Russia, sanctions pressure [1]
      galvanic coating, electrolyte, cations, anions, electrolysis, chroming, smooth chroming, porous chroming, anodic raspylitelnoe chroming, metallization steel (ironing), electrospark instrument, capacitor, metal surface coating, strong regime, medium regime, weak regime, electromechanical processing [1]
      genetic algorithm, soft computing, chromosomes, genes, fitness function, self-stressed concrete, neural networks [1]
      geographical information systems (GIS), ArchiCAD, Building Information Model (BIM) [1]
      groundwater, pollution, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, heavy metals [1]