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Dynamic windows scaling in Unix-like systems interface
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BSUIRБиблиографическое описание
Diomin, V. Dynamic windows scaling in Unix-like systems interface / V. Diomin, D. Kostiuk, A. Nikoniuk // Pattern recognition and information processing : proceeding of the 11th International Conference, Minsk, 18–20 May 2011 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics ; ed.: Rauf Sadykhov [et al.]. – Minsk : BSUIR, 2011. – P. 402–405 : il. – Bibliogr.: p. 405 (7 titles).Аннотация
The models of a scaled down window and of a window with variable scale are presented, as far as their practical implementation for Unix-like systems as the Compiz window manager extension modules. An implementation specific is provided for the X Window System environment. Changes in the original window are dynamically mapped to the compressed image due to hardware-accelerated OpenGL backend. The concept is especially usefid for portable devices with reduced screen resolution as it makes them effectively running software originally designed for desktop computers.
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