Neural Networks in Ischemic Strokes Diagnostics

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Scientific adviser
Golovko, VladimirDate
Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSECitation
Vaitsekhovich, H. Neural Networks in Ischemic Strokes Diagnostics / Henadzi Vaitsekhovich ; supervisor: Vladimir Golovko // Proceedings of XIV International PhD Workshop (OWD’2012), Wisla, 20–23 October 2012 / Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrotechnics [et al.] ; edited Marcin Szczgiel. – Gliwice : Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012. – P. 364–369 : il. – Bibliogr.: p. 369 (8 titles).Abstract
In this paper the neural network model for transient ischemic attacks recognition have been addressed. The proposed approach is based on integration of the NPCA neural network and multilayer perceptron. The dataset from clinic have been used for experiments performing. Combining two different neural networks (NPCA and MLP) it is possible to produce efficient performance in terms of transient ischemic attacks detection and recognition. The main advantages of using neural network techniques are quickness and ability to assist a doctor in making decision.

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