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    • Analysis of water resources in Belarus in view of climate changes 

      Kirvel, Ivan I.; Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Siarhei I.; Kirvel, Pavel I.; Machambietova, Rosa (Pomeranian University, 2018)
      The surface water resources of Belarus for the period 1956-2015 were specified. The redistribution of water resources in the basins of the main rivers and administrative regions was investigated. The refined map of the Belarusian river runoff has been built. Runoff forecasts for 11 rivers in the Neman ...


    • Assessment of Waterpower Potential of Rivers in the Yaselda Catchment 

      Volchak, A.; Vouchak, An.; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2017)
      Volchak, A. Assessment of Waterpower Potential of Rivers in the Yaselda Catchment / A. Volchak, An. Vouchak, M. Barushka // 7th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM7) : Abstacts Book, 17–19 July 2017, Canary Islands, Spain / Edited by: ScienceKnowconferences. ...


    • Lake water level variations in Belarus 

      Volchak, Aleksandr A.; Kirvel, Ivan (De Gruyter Poland, 2013)
      Lake level is one of the most important lake characteristics which allows the results of different effects to be identified and detected. In this work time series of the water levels of Belorussian lakes were analysed in order to detect pattern variations, to evaluate quantitatively the transformation ...


    • The changes of water resources in Belarus 

      Volchak, Alexander; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey (LIBRON, 2016)
      The total water resources in Belarus have not changed during last years. However, the redistri- bution of water resources for the basins of main rivers is specified. There was an increasing of runoff for the Pripyat and Western Dvina rivers, and a decreasing of runoff for the other rivers in ...


    • The present-day condition of water resources in Belarus 

      Volchek, Alexander A.; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey; Makhambetova, Roza (De Gruyter Poland, 2013)
      The optimal number of hydrological monitoring stations for the annual values, the maximum spring, the minimum summer-autumn and the minimum winter river runoff in Belarus is determined. The research on optimization of the hydrological network of Belarus led to a conclusion about the optimum number of ...
