Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Stress-strainstate of the flexible element with composite unremovable formwork 

      Shalobyta, N. N.; Shalobyta, T. P. (Centrum Rzeczoznawstwa Budowlanego, 2019)
      The article deals with the work under load of a bent reinforced concrete girder element with a fixed formwork made of cement-bonded particleboard reinforced with. The main strength and deformation parameters of a multi component structure are determined, the main pre-purpose of which is to use overlap ...


    • Successful chemical education for non-chemists: how might it be achieved 

      Khaletski, Vitali; Golub, Natalya (Šiauliai University, 2007)
      The aim of this study was to find an effective model of teaching chemistry for would-be engineers. It was shown that incorporation of "professional", "ecological" and "real-world" components to the classical general chemistry course and including practical engineering tasks to laboratory improves ...


    • Sui Generis Systems Protection for Design: Cumulation, Partial Cumulation and Demarcation of Legal Regimes 

      Ipatova, Olga (Global Academy Publishing House, 2023-01-31)
      The use of design decisions is regulated in most countries by sui generis legislation (special legislation), which is associated with the uniqueness of the legal design of an industrial design, its “incompatibility” with the established legal classification of intellectual property objects: inventions ...


    • System of urban unmanned passenger vehicle transport 

      Shuts, Vasili; Shviatsova, Alena (Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 2019)
      This article describes the system of unmanned urban passenger transport based on mobile autonomous robotic vehicles. The article describes an algorithm for drawing up a non-conflicting plan of passenger transportation on demand. The relevance of this system is conditioned changing social and economic ...


    • Technological defects of cylindrical gear wheels and their diagnostics on a parameter of kinematic error 

      Jock, Ivan V.; Dragan, Alexander V.; Scorohodov, Andrew S.; Chudovski, Valery A. (Oulu University, 1999)
      Technological defects of cylindrical gear wheels and their diagnostics on a parameter of kinematic error / I. V.Jock [et al.] // Tenth World Congress on the theory of Machine and Mechanisms, Oulu, Finland, June 20-24, 1999. – Oulu : Oulu University, 1999. – Vol. 6. – P. 2435–2439. – Bibliogr.: p. ...


    • The application of ozone to reduce the coloring intensity of aqueous solutions of dyes used in the textile industry 

      Белов, Сергей Григорьевич; Наумчик, Григорий Остапович (E3S Web Conf, 2020)
      The article discusses the mechanisms of interaction of ozone with aqueous solutions of organic dyes. Two different dyes with different types of chromophore systemwere investigated: azo dye and thiazine dye. A detailed methodology for performing experimental studies makes it possible to accurately ...


    • The cassette method principles of passengers transportation through the intelligent transportation system 

      Shviatsova, Alena; Shuts, Vasily (Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020)
      The article describes the application of the cassette method of passenger transportation, taking into account the dynamics of passenger traffic during the day by means of an intelligent transport system based on unmanned electric vehicles. The calculation of the required number of electric cars for ...


    • The changes of water resources in Belarus 

      Volchak, Alexander; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey (LIBRON, 2016)
      The total water resources in Belarus have not changed during last years. However, the redistri- bution of water resources for the basins of main rivers is specified. There was an increasing of runoff for the Pripyat and Western Dvina rivers, and a decreasing of runoff for the other rivers in ...


    • The criterion of arising motion conflict of unmanned vehicles during implementing transportation plan in intelligent urban passenger transportation system 

      Shviatsova, O. V.; Shuts, V. M. (Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020)
      The proposed article is devoted to the description of an intelligent urban passenger transport system based on unmanned electric vehicles, sequentially moving along a separate line. This system is a passenger transport system of a new urban mobility, formed under the influence of social conditions ...


    • The development of state-private partnership in Brest and Brest region 

      Будурян, Татьяна Алексеевна; Довыденко, Наталья Александровна (ЖДТУ, 2015)
      State-private partnership (SPP) involves cooperation between private, mainly industrial companies, and state organizations for the common scientific or technical activity. Such partnership enables the creation of innovative systems corresponding to the global economic development trends and ensuring ...


    • The family club activities for organizing a social partnership of the pre-school educational institution and the family 

      Latipov, Zagir A.; Bykova, Svetlana S.; Zhigalova, Maria P. (Akpar Sanayi, 2016)
      The urgency of the theme is caused by the need for interaction between the family and the preschool educational organization towards a fully and harmoniously developed personality. Of all the forms of cooperation of educational organizations and families, the most relevant is a social partnership, ...


    • The Innovation Processes in Organizational Structures 

      Будурян, Татьяна Алексеевна; Захарчук, Татьяна Дмитриевна (ЖДТУ, 2014)
      Today, the practice of functioning organizational structures of innovative organizations shows that they simultaneously operate in complex and rapidly changing environments. Moreover, the dynamics of the environment in which the most innovative companies operate are defined by very frequent changes ...


    • The Logistics Infrastructure Network of Belarus and its Universal Applications 

      Kugan, Svetlana (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny, 2020)
      The effective functioning of logistics infrastructure is a prerequisite for the modernization of a regional and national economy. It is also a prerequisite for the transition to an innovative development path; to include the amelioration of a population’s living standards. The study of historical ...


    • The Main Tendencies of Development of Social Responsibility of Business in the Republic of Belarus 

      Davydzenka, Natallia; Filipava, Tatsiana (ЖДТУ, 2015)
      Business can't exist in isolation from society and the state. Society is the one of factors influencing on the functioning of the modern organizations. The Social Responsibility of Business (SRB) or the corporate social liability (CSL) is the voluntary contribution of business to development of society ...


    • The present-day condition of water resources in Belarus 

      Volchek, Alexander A.; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey; Makhambetova, Roza (De Gruyter Poland, 2013)
      The optimal number of hydrological monitoring stations for the annual values, the maximum spring, the minimum summer-autumn and the minimum winter river runoff in Belarus is determined. The research on optimization of the hydrological network of Belarus led to a conclusion about the optimum number of ...


    • The role of innovation in activity of the industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus 

      Носко, Наталья Викторовна; Дашкевич, Татьяна Викторовна (ЖДТУ, 2016)
      This article is devoted to problems of innovation to strengthen the competitiveness of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.


    • The smart urban transport system based on robotic vechicles 

      Shviatsova, Alena; Shuts, Vasily (Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019)
      This article is devoted to the description of an intelligent urban transport passenger system based on unmanned electric vehicles called infobuses, and the principles of its functioning, namely, a conveyor-cassette method of transporting passengers. The introduction describes the prerequisites for ...


    • The use of mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery to ensure air quality in residential premises 

      Navaseltsau, Uladzimir; Navaseltsava, Dzina; Khaletski, Vitali (E3S Web Conf, 2019)
      The construction industry is an important segment of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus. In recent years, strict environmental safety requirements have been imposed on the quality of housing being built. The carbon dioxide content in the classrooms’ air of the university as model objects ...


    • The World Economy: Internationalization and Globalization 

      Федоров, Александр Владиславович (ЖДТУ, 2016)
      Fyodorov, A. V. The World Economy: Internationalization and Globalization / A. V. Fyodorov // Сучасні інструменти реалізації практичного менеджменту, маркетингу та логістики: особливості застосування в глобальному конкурентному середовищі : збірник матеріалів I Міжнародної науково-практичної on-line ...


    • Thermal Influence and Thermal Zones of Magnetic-electric Grinding of Gas-thermal Sprayed Goatings 

      Blagodarny, Vladimir; Niaroda, Michael (Uniyersity of Technology in Košice, 2007)
      The influence of major factors of magnetic-electric grinding on temperature in processing zone is considered. The schedules of dependence of temperature on technology factors MAG is obtained. The zones of thermal MAG influence are revealed.
