Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Modern technologies of hardening of machine parts 

      Sakhanko, Sergei; Niaroda, Mikhail (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2018-04-20)
      Sakhanko, Sergei. Modern technologies of hardening of machine parts / Sergei Sakhanko, Mikhail Niaroda // Students on their way to science (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students) : 13th International Scientific Conference, collection of abstracts, Jelgava, april 20, 2018 / Latvia university ...


    • Modern tools of financial analysis in ERP-systems on the example of the "Galaxy 9.1" 

      Аверина, Ирина Николаевна (Луганский национальный университет им. В. Даля, 2020)
      Averina, I. N. Modern tools of financial analysis in ERP-systems on the example of the "Galaxy 9.1" / I. N. Averina // Информационные технологии в экономике: материалы IV Республиканской научно-практической Интернет-конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых с международным участием, 25–26 ...


    • Multi-Layer Structure of Neural Network Agents for Intrusion Detection 

      Vaitsekhovich, Leanid (Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012)
      In this article a multi-agent model of intrusion detection system have been addressed. Three level architecture of agent hierarchy was applied. The algorithm of agent interaction can be described with a directed graph. The model is able to perform a classification of network intrusions by classes as ...


    • Multilayer Neural Networks Training Methodic 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Maniakov, Nikolaj; Makhnist, Leonid (Lviv polytechnic, 2003)
      Is proposed three new techniques for training of jnpUt vector If is defined as' multilayer neural networks. Its basic concept is based on the gradient descent method. For every methodic are showed formulas for calculation of the adaptive training steps. Matrix algorithmization for all of this techniques ...


    • Neural Network Model for Transient Ischemic Attacks Diagnostics 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Apanel, Elena; Mastykin, Alexander; Vaitsekhovich, Henadzi; Evstigneev, Victor (BSUIR, 2011)
      In this paper the neural network model for transient ischemic attacks recognition have been addressed. The proposed approach is based on integration of the NPCA neural network and multilayer perceptron. The dataset from clinic have been used for experiments performing. Combining two different neural ...


    • Neural Networks for Chaotic Time Series Forecasting 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Savitsky, Yury (BSUIR, 2001)
      This paper examines neural network in order to predict behavior o f chaotic systems. The prediction is performed both on the level o f emergent structures and on the level o f individual data points. The network is tested using the Henon and Lorenz chaotic time series. The results o f experiments and ...


    • Neural Networks in Ischemic Strokes Diagnostics 

      Vaitsekhovich, Henadzi (Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012)
      In this paper the neural network model for transient ischemic attacks recognition have been addressed. The proposed approach is based on integration of the NPCA neural network and multilayer perceptron. The dataset from clinic have been used for experiments performing. Combining two different neural ...


    • Neural networks in transient ischemic attacks diagnostics 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Apanel, Elena; Mastykin, Alexander; Vaitsekhovich, Henadzi (БГУ, 2011)
      In this paper the neural network model for transient ischemic attacks recognition have been addressed. The proposed approach is based on integration of the NPCA neural network and multilayer perceptron. The dataset from clinic have been used for experiments performing. Combining two different neural ...


    • Nonlinear Modeling of Annual Runoff of Main Rivers in Belarus 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Meshyk, Aleh; Parfomuk, Sergey; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Chernikova, Olga (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2021)
      The article investigates the problem of mathematical description of long-term fluctuations of river runoff, which is relevant for solving problems of modeling and forecasting in engineering hydrology. The description of the process of runoff fluctuations is based on the stochastic differential equations ...


    • Novel Roof Coatings Based on Styrene-Acrylic Copolymeric Dispersions 

      Khaletzky, Vitaly (Vilnius University, 2001)
      Khaletzky, V. Novel Roof Coatings Based on Styrene-Acrylic Copolymeric Dispersions / V. Khaletzky // Chemistry 2001 : 5th National Lithuanian Conference, Vilnius, September 27, 2001 / Institute of Chemistry, Vilnius University, Lithuanian Chemical Society. – Vilnius, 2001. – P. 124.


    • Numerical research of the chemostat model for the single-nutrient competition 

      Чичурин, Александр Вячеславович; Shvychkina, Alena (University of Podlasie, 2013)
      The continuous culture of micro-organisms using the chemostat is an important research technique in microbiology and population biology. We consider here chemostat model for the single-nutrient competition. For the model we find the solution when the parametric relation a1 = a2 is observed. It is ...


    • On Generalized Solutions of Some Differential Equations with Singular Coefficients 

      Antonevich, A. B.; Kuzmina, E. V. (State University of Novi Pazar, 2022)
      The article deals with the problem of existence of generalized solutions to simplest linear differential equation with a singular coefficient q. The generalized solution was introduced by choice one of the distribution Q corresponding q, and choice an approximation of Q by a family of common ...


    • On the Binary Sequences with Indistinguishable Signature for a Given Error Multiplicity in Electronic Testing 

      Demidenko, Serge; Ivanyukovich, Alexander; Makhnist, Leonid; Piuri, Vincenzo (Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore, 1995)
      Distinct binary seąuences (2 ͫ – 1 bits long) may be compressed by an m-bit signature register into the same signature ualue, when a given error multiplicity is considered. Analytical expressions to compute the number of distinct seąuences collapsed into the same signature are presented, by exploiting ...


    • Oб одном классе нелинейных дифференциальных уравнений со старшей производной дробного порядка 

      Дацык, Виктор Тимофеевич; Фомина, Н. А. (БрГУ имени А. С. Пушкина, 2011)
      Дацык, В. Т. Oб одном классе нелинейных дифференциальных уравнений со старшей производной дробного порядка / В. Т. Дацык, Н. А. Фомина // Современные проблемы математического моделирования и новые образовательные технологии в математике : сборник материалов республиканской научно-практической конференции, ...


    • Oб одном классе нелинейных дифференциальных уравнений со старшей производной дробного порядка 

      Дацык, Виктор Тимофеевич; Фомина, Н. А. (БрГУ имени А. С. Пушкина, 2011)
      Дацык, В. Т. Об одном дифференциальном уравнении дробного порядка, содержащем дробную производную по Адамару / В. Т. Дацык, С. Б. Максимук // Современные проблемы математического моделирования и новые образовательные технологии в математике : сборник материалов республиканской научно-практической ...


    • Peculiarities of Snow Cover in Belarus 

      Meshyk, Aleh; Vouchak, Anastasiya (2018)
      Meshyk, A. Peculiarities of Snow Cover in Belarus / A. Meshyk, An. Vouchak // International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering. – Vol. 12. – № 10, 2018.


    • Personal cryptography using artificial neural networks 

      Безобразов, Сергей Валерьевич; Blackledge, J. M. (Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет МИФИ, 2016)
      This paper presents a method of generating encryption algorithms using neural networks. Based on the application of natural noise sources we ‘teach’ a system to approximate the input noise with the aim of generating an output nonlinear sequence. This output is then treated as an iterator which is ...


    • Perspective Approaches to Semantic Knowledge Representation and their Applications in the Context of the Task of Automatic Identification of the Semantically Equivalent Fragments of the Text Documents 

      Hardzei, Aliaksandr; Krapivin, Yury (БГУИР, 2020)
      The article presents the solution of the maintenance the trust in science in context of the problem of the automatic identification of the semantically equivalent fragments of the text documents. The solution refers to the implementation of the principles of unification of information representation ...


    • PINGUINO и персональный генератор энтропии 

      Касьяник, Валерий Викторович (ЛНУ ім. І. Франка, 2011)
      Проблема получения качественных случайных числовых последовательностей в настоящее время решается созданием различных сложных генераторов псевдослучайных чисел, однако с ростом вычислительных мощностей, повышается вероятность взлома даже таких алгоритмов. Создание достаточно простого и дешевого ...


    • Pre-processing of the sensors information for robustness control of the mobile robot 

      Golovko, Vladimir Adamovich; Klimovich, A. N.; Gladyschuk, V. B. (University of Durhan, 1999)
      The neural system for orientation of the robot on unfamliar district in this article is considered. In basis it lays several of the neural networks, which are united in the uniform system The primal problem o f the system is, that with an inexact іnfonration from sensor devices should to supply correct ...
