Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Cassette robotized urban transport system of mass conveying passenger based on the unmanned electric cars 

      Shuts, V.; Shviatsova, A. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Shuts, V. Cassette robotized urban transport system of mass conveying passenger based on the unmanned electric cars / V. Shuts, A. Shviatsova // Наука. Инновации. Производство = Science. Innovation. Production : сборник материалов VI Белорусско-Корейского научно-технического форума, 10 апреля 2019 г. ...


    • Center of excellence for young researchers of Brest state technical university 

      Kachurka, Pavel A.; Parfamuk, Siarhei I.; Kachurka, Volha A. (JMTM, 2017)
      The student research work in the Brest state technical university is described. To improve conditions for research work the Centre of excellence for young researchers of the Brest state technical university in the format of a virtual informational resource in the form of a website was created. The ...


    • Changes in the characteristics of extreme temperatures in the Republic of Belarus 

      Meshyk, A.; Борушко, Марина Викторовна; Marozava, V.; Meshyk, K. (Айтумар, 2020)
      The article presents some results of the research of the extreme temperature regime in the Republic of Belarus. Transformations in maximum and minimum air temperatures correspond to the general theory of climate warming. The authors specify regional differences in temperature extremes.


    • Chronological Structure of Long-Term Alteration of River Flow of Belarus 

      Волчек, Александр Александрович; Лукша, Владимир Валентинович (С. Б. Лаврова, 2002)
      Analysis of the hydrological information permits to determine the parameters (period and amplitude) for the nearly 5-year period in perennial variability of a river flow for the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Statistic characteristics of the period's values and peculiarities of the annual ...


    • Classical Solutions of Mixed Problem on the Plane for Hyperbolic Equation. The Method of Characteristic Parallelogram 

      Korzyuk, V.; Naumavets, S. (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, 2019)
      This paper regards the mixed problem for wave equation on the plane. The authors of the article prove that the usage of necessary and su - cient homogeneous compatibility conditions guarantees coming to the classical solution in the half-strip. The article gives the classical solution to the ...


    • Classification of regional competitiveness factors 

      Flyachinskaya, Natalia Nikolaevna (КГУ, 2022)
      The current stage of economic development is characterized by increased competition at all levels, including the regional one. The problem of increasing the level of competitiveness of the region is constantly in the spotlight, since in a market economy it is competitiveness that is the catalyst for ...


    • Comparative Study of Social and Professional Values of Modern Teachers with Various Pedagogical Experience (the Case of Russia and Belarus) 

      Drozdikova-Zaripova, Albina R.; Kalatskaya, Natalya N.; Zhigalova, Maria (Kazan Federal University, 2019)
      The paper investigated the changing system of values and value orientations of teachers belonging to different generations and cultures in the context of variability in globalization processes. The paper is aimed to identify cross-cultural features of social-professional values and value orientations ...


    • Competition and Market of Science and Technology Products 

      Markau, Andrei; Четырбок, Наталья Петровна (HEILONGJIANG SCIENCE, 2021)
      The research clarifies the target function of science and technology product market, reveals the characteristics of science and technology product selling, and competition relationship type of main participants in the science and technology market, and expounds the competition relationship of the ...


    • Complex-analytic methods for the study of the effective conductivity of composite materials 

      Rogosin, Sergei; Dubatovskaya, Marina; Makaruk, Svetlana; Pesetskaya, Ekaterina (University of Aveiro, 2005)
      The effective conductivity of 2D composite materials is discussed on the base of the complex-analytic methods. Main attention is paid to the application of the methods of boundary value problems for harmonic and analytic functions and functional equations for composite materials having multiply ...


    • Computer regulation of the condition reserves contours 

      Ракишев, Баян; Ашаев, Юрий Павлович; Имашев, Жанатай (1998)
      For the compound-structural multi-component deposits one of the most laborious problems at the stage of initial treatment of geological information is the picking of the conditional intersections – the aggregate of deposed consecutively samples. The last ones must answer the demanded conditional ...


    • Computing of Lyapunov Exponents Techniques Using Neural Networks 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Savitsky, Yury (BSUIR, 2003)
      The authors examine neural network techniques for computing of Lyapunov spectrum using observations from unknown dynamical system. Such an approach is based on applying of multilayer perceptron (MLP) for forecasting the next state of dynamical system from the previous one. It allows for evaluating the ...


    • Content Lines in Design of Chemical Education for Would-Be Engineers 

      Khaletski, Vitali (The Scientia Socialis Press, 2015)
      Methodology of chemical education for would-be engineers in technical universities is discussed in the report. Content lines as an instrument of structuring of content of chemical courses are proposed by the author. Content lines and their practical implementation in syllabus are analyzed. It was ...


    • Convergence and integration of artificial neural networks with knowledge bases in next-generation intelligent computer systems 

      Kovalev, Mikhail; Kroshchanka, Aliaksandr; Golovko, Vladimir (БГУИР, 2022)
      In the article, an approach to the integration and convergence of artificial neural networks with knowledge bases in next-generation intelligent computer systems through the representation and interpretation of artificial neural networks in a knowledge base is considered. The syntax, denotational, and ...


    • Cracking of Prestressed Lightweight Concrete Beams Under Repeated Static Loads 

      Stepanjuk, Vasily (Politechnika Lubelska, 1992)
      Stepanjuk, V. Cracking of Prestressed Lightweight Concrete Beams Under Repeated Static Loads / Vasily Stepanjuk // Budownictwo : V Konferencja Ogólnokrajowa , Lublin–Brześć–Kazimierz, 1992–1993 / Katedra Konstrukcji Budowlanych, Wydział Inżynierii Budowlanej i Sanitarnej Politechniki Lubelskiej, Zarząd ...


    • Creation of clusters in the economy of the Republic of Belarus 

      Tkachuk, Svetlana Nikolaevna; Fedorovich, Natalia Nikolaevna (Кременчук, 2013)
      Tkachuk, S. N. Creation of clusters in the economy of the Republic of Belarus / S. N. Tkachuk, N. Fedorovich // Актуальні питання забезпечення стійкого розвитку національного господарства = Актуальные проблемы обеспечения устойчивого развития национального хозяйства : матеріали всеукраїнської наукової ...


    • Deep Learning Approach in the Context of Information Retrieval for Solving both Automatic Natural Language Generation and Automatic Text Generation Problems 

      Krapivin, Yury (БГУИР, 2021)
      The article presents the solution of practical application of the deep learning approach in the context of information retrieval based on the usage of LSTM and GPT-2 language models for solving both automatic natural language generation and automatic text generation problems.


    • Deep neural networks application in next-generation intelligent computer systems 

      Kroshchanka, Aliaksandr (БГУИР, 2022)
      In the article, an approach to building hybrid next-generation intelligent computer systems (NGICS) based on the integration of pre-trained models of deep neural networks and logical models developed using the OSTIS technology is proposed. To reduce the requirements for the size of the training dataset, ...


    • Designing a Language Course for Students of Logistics 

      Rakhuba, V. I. (Миколаївський національний аграрний університет, 2019)
      Changes that take place in a society bring forward special demands to graduates’ competences. During the time of studies a student should acquire skills in foreign language communication within the framework of their profession which will help them to be more competitive in labour market.


    • Designing genially-based interactive polycode texts for students to learn technical vocabulary 

      Prokopiuk, Olga Vasilievna (2021)
      The author defines the term “integral meaning” and justifies the necessity for technical students to explore the integral meaning of technical terms while learning foreign languages. The articles outlines the principles of designing interactive polycode texts, intended for students to analyze the ...


    • Detectors Tuning in the Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems 

      Kachurka, Pavel; Kachurka, Viachaslau (Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012)
      Modern Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems operate with large amount of data. Most host-based systems can analyze big number of traffic features in real-time mode. But the network-based systems cannot gather and analyze network connections in the same way because of the high network speed and ...
