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Environmental risks of the Pripyat river in a changing climate

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E3S Web ConfБиблиографическое описание
Environmental risks of the Pripyat river in a changing climate / A. Volchak [et al.] // 2020 International Conference on Building Energy Conservation, Thermal Safety and Environmental Pollution Control (ICBTE 2020). – 2020. – Volume 212. – 10 p. – DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202021201015Аннотация
The paper considers the hydrological characteristics of the Pripyat River. At the same time, extreme hydrological situations are described - floods and low water levels. The influence of land reclamation carried out in the catchment area on the river runoff was established. Forecast estimates of changes in the flow of the Pripyat River and its tributaries are given. For this, a method of hydrological and climatic calculations based on the joint solution of water and heat and power balances was adopted.
URI документа
https://rep.bstu.by/handle/data/26885Документ расположен в коллекции

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