Water balance of lake Łebsko

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Chlost, I. Water balance of lake Łebsko / I. Chlost // Actual scientific, technical and environmental problems of habitat conservation: a collection of scientific articles of the International scientific and practical conference, Brest, April 6–8, 2016 : in 2 parts / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Brest State Technical University, Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources resources and environmental protection, Brestmeliovodkhoz; under the editorship of A. A. Volchek [et al.]. – Brest : BrSTU, 2016. – Part 2. – P. 3–8. – Bibliogr.: p. 7–8 (15 titles).Abstract
Статья содержит краткую характеристику колебаний уровня воды в озере Лебско в сочетании с результатами расчетов водного баланса за 2003–2007 гг. Среди элементов баланса особое внимание было уделено участию притока морской воды в круговороте воды в озере.
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The article contains a brief characteristic of fluctuations in water level in Lake Łebsko in conjunction with the results of calculations of the water balance for 2003–2007. Among the balance elements, special attention was paid to the participation of the inflow of sea water in the water circulation in the lake.

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