Научно-технические и экологические проблемы природопользования: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 61
Использование средоулучшающих свойств комнатных растений для оптимизации воздушной среды и оздоровления человека
(БрГТУ, 2012)То explore the possibilities of ornamental plants as phyto-filters for air space from toxic to humans of Chemical impurities, improving the climate and the general sanitary condition of the environment and, in addition, will create a favorable psycho-emotional impact.2021-08-24
Анализ однородности и независимости рядов годового стока рек Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)Statistical analysis of long-term fluctuations of annual runoff for the major Belarusian rivers executed to establish the statistical homogeneity and independence, and also to identify a trend in the studied series.2021-08-24
Осадки сточных вод и проблема их утилизации
(БрГТУ, 2012)The analisys of problem of stored precipitations of sewage is given in the article and methods of Processing and recycling of precipitations of domestic sewage, its advantages and disadvantages were investigated.2021-08-24
Методы очистки газообразных отходов низких концентраций
(БрГТУ, 2012)The methods of purification of the waste gas with a Iow concentrations of harmful substances, their merits and demerits are considered in the article.2021-08-24
Разработка устройства для контактной термической обработки жидких промышленных отходов
(БрГТУ, 2012)This paper presents a study on the development of devices for contact heat treatment of liquid industrial waste.2021-08-24
Геоэкологическая оценка состояния водотоков - приемников сточных вод в бассейне Днепра
(БрГТУ, 2012)In the article it carries out the hydrochemical typing of rivers, in which it discharges the waste water. It gives proof of development necessity of new methodological approach at the choice of parameters list of local monitoring of surface water in the place of waste water outlets. It permits to ...2021-08-24
Экологические аспекты строительства и эксплуатации ветроэнергетических станций
(БрГТУ, 2012)This paper presents the consideration of wind power installations influence factors on environment and the person, and measures of elimination of negative influence of these factors.2021-08-24
О целесообразности проектирования одно- и двухтрубных систем водяного отопления в современных условиях
(БрГТУ, 2012)About expediency of designing of one-trumpet and two-trumpet systems of water heating in modern conditions is presented in the paper.2021-08-24
Ландшафтная модель геосистемы «Озёрный водосбор» как основа экологического паспорта водоема
(БрГТУ, 2012)We propose a model of landscape geosystem «lakes catchment» ecological passport of the reservoir. A map of the landscape structure of the lake basin the rank urotshistshe was created and calculated characteristics of the natural watershed area.2021-08-24
Особенности вертикального озеленения зданий в климатических условиях Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)Features of vertical gardening of buildings in climatic conditions of Belarus are described. Merits and demerits of vertical gardening for walls of buildings are designated.2021-08-24
Оптимизация децентрализованных систем газоснабжения
(БрГТУ, 2012)A general concept and ability to study the component composition of LPG supplied to the needs of the household gas supply, integrated considering specificity production and consumption of the product, the requirements for safety, reliability and cost of gas supply systems. This ensures reliable and ...2021-08-24
Влияние внешних экологических факторов на бетонные конструкции
(БрГТУ, 2012)One of ways to lower extemal influence on concrete is updating. Acceleration processes of concrete corrosion and destruction of buildings promotes environmental contamination.2021-08-24
Обсуждение вопросов энерго- и ресурсосбережения во внеучебной работе со студентами
(БрГТУ, 2012)The article shows the results of students’ intcrnational seminar. The problem of power supply of a modem society is one of the most actual problems of the present. Use of unreviving power resources of fossil fuels causes the most serious economical and ecological problems. The world community uses ...2021-08-24
Производство торфяной продукции энергетического назначения с применением ультразвуковых колебаний
(БрГТУ, 2012)Actual possibilities of decrease in power consumption of manufacture of peat production of power purpose due to influence of ultrasonic fluctuations on raw material before drying are considered.2021-08-24
Экологический и экономический аспекты возврата серебра из кинофотоматериалов
(БрГТУ, 2012)The results of experimental data on the content of silver in the modern kinofotomaterialah various purposes, manufactured by leading manufacturing companies. The results were obtained using the method of potentiometric titration. The experimental data obtained for kinofotomaterialov used in the learning ...2021-08-24
Оценка изменений термического и ледового режимов рек при создании низконапорных водохранилищ
(БрГТУ, 2012)The article is dedicated to the problem of transformation of rivers temperature conditions influenced by manmade reservoirs. A quantitive estimation of average decade, average monthly, maximum and average annual water temperatures of regulated rivers in the tailwater of storage pools has been achieved ...2021-08-24
Теоретические предпосылки интенсификации очистки промывных вод станций обезжелезивания воды коагулированием
(БрГТУ, 2012)The results of the electrokinetic potential research of backwash water of groundwater iron removal plants are discussed and studied in the paper. This is established that the stability of the sol due to zeta potential value of which on average is 40.45 mV. To destabilize the coagulation is recommended.2021-08-24
Технологические схемы обесцвечивания и обезжелезивания поверхностных вод Белорусского Полесья для использования в целях технического водоснабжения
(БрГТУ, 2012)Thе characteristic of water objects of Byelorussia is presented. Theoretical possibilities of removal of chromaticity and iron in river waters for their use with a view of technical water supply are presented. Technological schemes of water purification are shown.2021-08-24
Солодувни и бровары на реке Западный Буг
(БрГТУ, 2012)This article describes medieval technologies of beer and malt manufacturing using water from the river of Western Bug.2021-08-24
Газовая коррозия железобетонных коллекторов городской водоотводящей сети
(БрГТУ, 2012)Дмухайло, Е. И. Газовая коррозия железобетонных коллекторов городской водоотводящей сети / Е. И. Дмухайло, С. Г. Белов // Научно-технические и экологические проблемы природопользования : сборник материалов Международной научно-практической конференции, Брест, 18–20 апреля 2012 г. / Министерство ...2021-08-24