Browsing Научно-технические и экологические проблемы природопользования by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 61
Оценка антропогенной нагрузки на окружающую среду в рамках комплексных исследований экологического состояния административных районов
(БрГТУ, 2012)In article new scientific principles of an estimation of agricultural loading in tenitory of administrative districts are stated. It is offcred to consider the areas of farmland, volumes of fertilizers and pesticides, a livestock of caftle. In the article new approaches to estimation of anthropogenic ...2021-08-24
Особенности формирования суммарного испарения на территории Белорусского Полесья в современных условиях
(БрГТУ, 2012)Results of analysis of total evaporation obtained by meteorological stations of Belarusian Polesye are discussed in the article. Changing of evaporation caused by global warming was evaluated by the authors.2021-08-24
Особенности формирования гидрографов весеннего половодья на реках Белорусского Полесья
(БрГТУ, 2012)Changing of hydrographs’ parameters of spring flood on rivers of Belarusian Polesye during a period since 1968 till 2005 is discussed in the article.2021-08-24
Прогнозная оценка изменения гидроэнергетического потенциала рек Беларуси на современном этапе
(БрГТУ, 2012)Results of calculation of change of a hydroenergy potential of the rivers of Belarus in the conditions of modern climate change are presented in the article. Calculations are executed for 88 hydrometric points of the rivers.2021-08-24
Производство торфяной продукции энергетического назначения с применением ультразвуковых колебаний
(БрГТУ, 2012)Actual possibilities of decrease in power consumption of manufacture of peat production of power purpose due to influence of ultrasonic fluctuations on raw material before drying are considered.2021-08-24
Концепция энергоэффективности жилых зданий как составная часть энергетической политики
(БрГТУ, 2012)Possibilities of the complex decision of a problem energy savings of residential buildings are considered: both at the expense of perfection of constructive system of buildings, and at the expense of application energy-efficient engineering systems.2021-08-24
Очистка сточных вод, содержащих синтетические поверхностно-активные вещества
(БрГТУ, 2012)The problem of pollution of water by synthetic surfactants is described in the article. Possiblc methods of sewage purification are discussed by the authors.2021-08-24
Водно-дисперсионные лакокрасочные материалы для древесины с уменьшенной эмиссией органических растворителей
(БрГТУ, 2012)Most solvents used in paint industry are toxic and dangerous for environment. Appropriate altemative for their use in recipes of coatings is wide application of water-based paints. Limit concentrations of base solvents (white spirit, toluene, xylene) in the air, water and soil according Belarusian and ...2021-08-24
Использование промышленных отходов для получения химических мелиорантов - аддуктов
(БрГТУ, 2012)The main idea of the technical implementation of the proposed method lies in the fact that on the basis of two or more industrial solid wastes (phosphogypsum) and liquid effluent processing of natural raw materials (phosphates, borates, and polyhalite) to obtain a new useful product in the form of ...2021-08-24
Особенности прогноза вероятности возникновения техногенных проблем в экосистемах
(БрГТУ, 2012)Features of the probability forecast of occurrence of tcchnogenic problems in ecological systems on the basis of mathematical forecasting models of probability are considered. Variation principles with working out of methods of construction of extreme laws of distribution of parameters of ecological ...2021-08-24
Особенности хозяйственных мероприятий при реконструкции мелиоративных систем в северо-восточной части Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)The article deals with a complex of activities in the process of reconstruction of meliorative Systems in conditions of north-eastern part of Belarus. These activities will be able to increase the quality of project-cost documentation and the effectiveness of meliorative systems reconstruction.2021-08-24
Качественное и полуколичественное определение простых сахаров и их смесей методом ИК-Фурье-спектроскопии
(БрГТУ, 2012)The main target of present work is founding laws in infra-red spectrums of simple sugars and their mixes for quality, semi-quantitative and their qualitative their definition in hydrolysates of food hetero-poly-sugars.2021-08-24
Геоэкологическая оценка состояния водотоков - приемников сточных вод в бассейне Днепра
(БрГТУ, 2012)In the article it carries out the hydrochemical typing of rivers, in which it discharges the waste water. It gives proof of development necessity of new methodological approach at the choice of parameters list of local monitoring of surface water in the place of waste water outlets. It permits to ...2021-08-24
Анализ однородности и независимости рядов годового стока рек Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)Statistical analysis of long-term fluctuations of annual runoff for the major Belarusian rivers executed to establish the statistical homogeneity and independence, and also to identify a trend in the studied series.2021-08-24
Осадки сточных вод и проблема их утилизации
(БрГТУ, 2012)The analisys of problem of stored precipitations of sewage is given in the article and methods of Processing and recycling of precipitations of domestic sewage, its advantages and disadvantages were investigated.2021-08-24
Исходные предпосылки к обоснованию конструкции и расчету параметров дренажно-аккумулирующих систем для природоохранного обустройства объектов складирования отходов
(БрГТУ, 2012)The design characteristics and mathematical expressions for drainage-accumulation system filtration and sorption characteristics determining in the complex of engineering land reclamation measures have been considered.2021-08-24
Влияние хлоридов на скорость химических процессов в системе CaO–SiO₂–Al₂O₃–H₂O в сульфатно-гидрокарбонатных средах
(БрГТУ, 2012)The joint influence of hydrocarbonate and chloride ions on the processes of sulphate corrosion of a cement clinker was shidied. The decrease of speed and intensivity of sulphate corrosion in the presence of both HCO₃‾ and Cl‾ was revealed.2021-08-24
Опыт картографирования опасных метеорологических явлений на территории Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)Thе spatial distribution of the dangerous meteorologie phenomens on territory of Republic Belarus is estimated. The trend analysis of the dangerous meteorologie phenomens is executed. For mapping the information is advised Kriging.2021-08-24
Теоретические предпосылки интенсификации очистки промывных вод станций обезжелезивания воды коагулированием
(БрГТУ, 2012)The results of the electrokinetic potential research of backwash water of groundwater iron removal plants are discussed and studied in the paper. This is established that the stability of the sol due to zeta potential value of which on average is 40.45 mV. To destabilize the coagulation is recommended.2021-08-24
Экологический и экономический аспекты возврата серебра из кинофотоматериалов
(БрГТУ, 2012)The results of experimental data on the content of silver in the modern kinofotomaterialah various purposes, manufactured by leading manufacturing companies. The results were obtained using the method of potentiometric titration. The experimental data obtained for kinofotomaterialov used in the learning ...2021-08-24