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Отображаемые элементы 1-20 из 79
Experimental research on sorption of petroleum products from storm water by filtration
(БрГТУ, 2013)This article describes the analyses, which were accomplished with the help of the device of experimental filtration, when pollutants from wastewater were being removed bу filtration wastewater through sorbents FIBROILr filler in filtering rate 30 m/h. The results showed how efficiently andJiow much ...2021-08-23
Актуальные вопросы загрязнения поверхностного стока с городской территории на примере г. Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2013)City environment is quite specific in terms of its hydrology: it is presented by mostly impervious surfaces, which are the reason of formation of significant amount of surface runoff. Various types of pollutants are reported to be found in urban runoff. For the city of Brest nutrients and suspended ...2021-08-23
Анализ работы систем водоснабжения малых населенных пунктов
(БрГТУ, 2013)Technological plans of iron’s removal in small establishments and settlements. Using of simplified aeration method in sand filters. Application of rapid filters with activated carbon for iron’s removal from water.2021-08-23
Биологическая очистка хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод с применением технологии Biocos
(БрГТУ, 2013)Environment protection is one of the most important issues among many problems facing humanity. Water quality degradation is caused by contamination with artificial substances; due to not deep enough waste water treatment. One of the advanced waste water biological treatment technology is BlOCOS-process. ...2021-08-23
Биологическое удаление азота и фосфора из городских сточных вод при реконструкции очистных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2013)Considered technological schemes of reconstruction aeration tank with the technology of deep nutrient removal. Shows the dynamics of nitrogen and phosphora. The final choice of the scheme and the establishment of the residence time in each zone may be only after the pilot studies.2021-08-23
Влияние гумусовых веществ природных вод на параметры коагуляционной очистки в процессе мембранной фильтрации
(БрГТУ, 2013)On the basis of the data of research of a molecular-mass distribution and fluorescent sounding of the dissolved organic matters of surface natural waters the conclusion about influence of high-polymeric fractions of humic substances on pollution of membranes in a straining action is made.2021-08-23
Влияние изменения температурного режима водоема на жизнедеятельность водных экосистем
(БрГТУ, 2013)Artificial rise of temperature of water is capable to render versatile negative influence on physical and chemical and hydrobiological modes of reservoirs. Rising of temperature of water can lead to infringement of structure of flora of reservoirs at which normal progress of organism and its capacity ...2021-08-23
Влияние нефтесодержащих загрязнений на природные водные объекты
(БрГТУ, 2013)Negative effects of oily contaminants for natural water are discussed in the article. The properties and the form of oily contaminants determine their admission to the aquatic environment and migration patterns of petroleum products.2021-08-23
Гидрологический мониторинг и водные ресурсы Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2013)The updated data about the network of hydrological observations in the Republic of Belarus, about the availability of water resources of this territory in the section of areas and about the long term average stock in the largest transboundary gauges are presented in this work.2021-08-23
Динамика уровней водоемов Беларуси в позднеледниковье и голоцене
(БрГТУ, 2013)The change of a water relationships of the pools of locale both nature of terraneous and water green during Late Glaciation and Holocene under influencing of a climate in different parts of terrain of locale is rotined. The decrease of levels of pools in a present phase is connected to an alteration ...2021-08-23
Дослідження очищення стічних вод електрохімічним методом
(БрГТУ, 2013)The paper presents the research to reduce pollution from wastewater sludge method, electrochemical treatment and adsorption on uglerodmineralnih materials (TIM), On the basis of experimental data the revealed that the method of separation of solid contaminants in the sump and process tonkosharovom ...2021-08-23
Закономерности развития деформаций грунтовых откосов дамб и плотин и естественных береговых склонов в условиях водных объектов Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2013)In this article describes the laws that establish the relationship of processes and development of coastal in reservoirs Belarus allowing for the catchment, eroded soils, hydrology artificial water bodies, which allow the enlarged scale of assessment and forecast of siltation and formation of the coast ...2021-08-23
Изменения плотности и количества некоторых химических соединений в бассейне реки Боручинки (Северная Польша)
(БрГТУ, 2013)Изменения плотности и количества некоторых химических соединений в бассейне реки Боручинки (Северная Польша) / Р. Чеслински [и др.] // Актуальные научно-технические и экологические проблемы сохранения среды обитания : сборник материалов IV Международной научно-практической конференции, 25–27 сентября ...2021-08-23
Интенсификация процесса коагуляции с применением высокоэффективных коагулянтов и высокомолекулярных флокулянтов
(БрГТУ, 2013)The report examines the use of promising new coagulants and flocculants for intensification of natural water purification, coagulation treatment method used for the extraction of water stabilized and unstabilized surface-active compounds (surfactants) and fine colloidal substances which are not removed ...2021-08-23
Использование ализариновых и катехиновых красителей и их производных в качестве фотосенсибилизатора для сенсибилизированных красителем фотоэлементов (DSSC)
(БрГТУ, 2013)Optical and structural properties of alizarin and catechol dyes and their derivatives in dye sensitized solar cell have been studied. The performance for different types of dyes have been tested. The highest efficiency of DSSC prepared was ŋ=0,252 % for quinizarin dye.2021-08-23
Использование дистанционного зондирования земли в экологии
(БрГТУ, 2013)Researches of infonnation of DZZ are used in various areas as it is possible to receive quickly and qualitatively reliable result. In our researches infonnation of DZZ will bе used for monitoring of ruslovy processes on the cross-border watcr objects, being of special importance as Frontier of ...2021-08-23
Исследование качественного состава воды в водоприемниках
(БрГТУ, 2013)The qualitative composition of receiving water in filtrating room was determined by the authors. Analysis of water quality upstream and downstream in Mukhavets river showed that the human impact on the pond is insignificant.2021-08-23
Исследования очистительной способности почвы при различных нормах нагрузки
(БрГТУ, 2013)In article it is provided researches of cleaning ability of the soil at various norms of loading. Extent of sewage treatment and migration of water-soluble salts in the soil horizons is compared.2021-08-23
Колебания уровня воды на верховом торфянике балтийского типа Чарне Багно в прадолине Реды-Лебы
(БрГТУ, 2013)The subject of this paper is a high peat bog of the Baltic type - Czarne Bagno. Since 2006 the area of 103 ha has been covered by reserve protection. The discussed peat complex borders from the east on the edge of the morainic plateau and in the west it reaches the River ?eba and its old beds. The ...2021-08-23
Компостирование осадка сточных вод городских очистных сооружений для использования в зеленом строительстве города
(БрГТУ, 2013)The results of studying problem utilization sediments flowing waters are stated in the given paper.2021-08-23