Browsing 25–27 сентября 2013 г. by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 80
Влияние нефтесодержащих загрязнений на природные водные объекты
(БрГТУ, 2013)Negative effects of oily contaminants for natural water are discussed in the article. The properties and the form of oily contaminants determine their admission to the aquatic environment and migration patterns of petroleum products.2021-08-23
Нормирование допустимых сбросов особо опасных химических веществ в составе сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article is devoted to the proposals for control of maximum allowable concentration of dangerous substances in waste water.2021-08-23
Методологические основы применения метода пространственных разностей при оценке влияния искусственных водоемов на температурный режим зарегулированных рек
(БрГТУ, 2013)The estimation method of artificial reservoir influence on temperature regime of the rivers is given in the article. This method allows the specialists to do not only qualitative but also quantitative analysis of the current changes, and can be used in hydroengineering projects substantiating nature ...2021-08-23
Экологичный термопластичный материал для горизонтальной разметки автомобильных дорог на основе сложного эфира канифоли
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article provides a comparative analysis of advanced materials for horizontal road marking. The authors have developed a new eco-friendly thermoplastic road marking material. The tests of the material in the laboratory and field conditions. Found that the new material forms a solid, flexible, ...2021-08-23
Оценка природно-рекреационного потенциала реки Припять и ее зонирование по профилирующим видам туризма и отдыха
(БрГТУ, 2013)As а result of full assessment of natural and recreational potential of the Pripyat River within its area a zoning of the water area with the allocation of three sections which differ in structure of profiling types of tourism and recreation was carried out. The results of research in practice will ...2021-08-23
Силиконмодифицированные лакокрасочные материалы с низким содержанием летучих органических соединений
(БрГТУ, 2013)Silicon modified outdoor paints for different type of mineral surfaces offer great interest due to their high exploitation properties such as low water absorption and high water vapor permeability. The recipe of facade paint based on styrene-acrylic filmformer modified by silicon resins was elaborated ...2021-08-23
Установка со слоевым пульсирующим горением для обезвреживания газообразных отходов низких концентраций
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article suggests the installation of thermal neutralization of gas and air emissions and using the workflow layer pulsating combustion.2021-08-23
Результаты инвентаризации водохранилищ и каналов Могилевской области
(БрГТУ, 2013)Provides information on the current condition and use of reservoirs Mogilev region. Thе ways of using them in aspect. Provides data on drainage systems in the context of administrative districts. This article is based on materials inventories of water bodies, held at RUE "CRICUWR" in 2008-2010.2021-08-23
Оптимизация сельских ландшафтов Бытовского Поозерья в свете сбалансированного развития
(БрГТУ, 2013)This paper attempts to assess the landscape structure of the rural landscape of the Byt?w Lake District the design and development of sustainable landscapes. The analysis of the natural conditions of the area has been made, i.e. abiotic components: relief, water conditions, soil, and biotic: real ...2021-08-23
Влияние изменения температурного режима водоема на жизнедеятельность водных экосистем
(БрГТУ, 2013)Artificial rise of temperature of water is capable to render versatile negative influence on physical and chemical and hydrobiological modes of reservoirs. Rising of temperature of water can lead to infringement of structure of flora of reservoirs at which normal progress of organism and its capacity ...2021-08-23
Оценка ветро- и гелиоэнергегических ресурсов территории Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2013)The actualised information on the assessment of wind and solar energy resources on the territory of the Republic of Belarus which is available in the State Institution "Republican Hydrometeorological Center" are presented in this paper. The recommendations and the main guidelines of effective use of ...2021-08-23
Определение интенсивности снеготаяния по территории трансграничных водосборов Республики Беларусь на основе данных пассивного микроволнового сканирования поверхности Земли
(БрГТУ, 2013)The approach to estimate snow-melting coefficients on the basis of combined analysis of snow water equivalent values and average daily temperature is presented. Low resolution daily maps of snow water equivalent distribution received through microwave radiometry data are used to obtain practical ...2021-08-23
Математическое моделирование Днепровско-Бугского канала с целью разработки правил управления его водным режимом
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article is devoted to the Rules of the Dnieper-Bug Canal water management based on mathematical modeling of the channel, which includes the morphometric characteristics of the channel, adjacent areas and the canal tributaries.2021-08-23
Ресурсосберегающая технология орошения, с использованием «гелиоопреснительных теплиц» и подводом воды к корневой системе растений
(БрГТУ, 2013)The possibility of using capillary injection and irrigation systems in the Mangistau region using "heliodesalted greenhouses" and a supply of recycled sea water to the root system of plants and crops are discussed in the article.2021-08-23
Совершенствование технических нормативных правовых актов в области проектирования очистных сооружений сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2013)Revision of the norm for the content of pollutants in waste water discharged into water bodies demanded change rules designing waste water treatment plants. Changing environmental requirements for waste water treatment plants require as using of best available techniques so and using the international ...2021-08-23
Проблемы использования и охраны водных ресурсов бассейна реки Западная Двина
(БрГТУ, 2013)In this article the main problems of water resources usage and protection in the river Zapadnaya Dvina basin are stated. Actions of the scheme of complex use and protection of waters have to be directed on solutions of these problems.2021-08-23
Анализ работы систем водоснабжения малых населенных пунктов
(БрГТУ, 2013)Technological plans of iron’s removal in small establishments and settlements. Using of simplified aeration method in sand filters. Application of rapid filters with activated carbon for iron’s removal from water.2021-08-23
Обоснование норм водопотребления в частном секторе
(БрГТУ, 2013)The problems of the real water consumption in the private sector are considered. The estimated quantities of water consumption for irrigation of farmlands depending on their size and climatic conditions are defined.2021-08-23
Теория и практика обоснования создания водохранилищ
(БрГТУ, 2013)The basic theoretical principles of natural water reservoirs after the emergence of "backwater effect". Of their development should be considered at the stage of their design and construction.2021-08-23
Рациональное использование пастбищ как фактор интенсификации животноводческой отрасли Белорусского Поозерья
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article presents the results of field studies on the influence of seals on not fertilized and fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers sod-clay soils. In all the experiments, mineral fertilizers favorable effect as the biological activity of the soil and crop yield, that actualizes the ...2021-08-23