Browsing Материалы конференции по статьям. Часть 3 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Расчетные методы обоснования продуктивности осушаемых земель в проектах строительства и реконструкции мелиоративных систем на основе долгосрочного прогноза
(БрГТУ, 2014)The calculation methods of long-term forecast crop capacity on the drained lands on the stage of development of new construction and reconstruction projects of melioration objects in real natural, agrotechnical and melioration conditions are considered. It will enable to carry out an adequate estimation ...2021-05-06
Необходимость улучшения эколого-мелиоративного состояния осушаемых торфяных почв Западного Полесья Украины
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article considers the modern problems of functioning the drainage systems of Western Polissya of Ukraine on the example of «Zabolottya» and «Stubla»drainage systems2021-05-06
Формирование рисков и организация мониторинга при обеспечении населения ровенской области питьевой водой
(БрГТУ, 2014)We proposed a method of evaluation of the level of risks arising from the water supply of the population from the centralized and decentralized water sources. We did the substantiation of the monitoring of water supply of Rivne region. Taking under control the risks, arising from the consumption of ...2021-05-06
Микробиологический эффект орошения сельхозугодий сточными водами СГЦ «Западный»
(БрГТУ, 2014)Population dynamics of sanitary indicative bacteria in sewage irrigated soil was characterized by feature - increase performance by 10 - 100 times immediately after irrigation and decrease by the end of the growing season. The exception was the rate of coliforms. By the end of the growing season the ...2021-05-06
Использование сбросной подогретой воды энергетических объектов для культивирования пресноводных креветок
(БрГТУ, 2014)Was approved that the fast-growing subtropical and tropical species of freshwater shrimp as monoculture and polyculture with fish in cages and ground ponds can be cultivated on relief heated water of power plants.2021-05-06
Эколого-токсикологическая характеристика поверхностных вод реки Горынь
(БрГТУ, 2014)Based on the hydrochemical characteristics of surface water quality, given the ecological and toxicological characteristics of the middle of the river Horyn. Defining indicators revealed the formation of water quality class. Assessed levels of toxic contamination. The results of evaluations showed ...2021-05-06
Исследование качественных и количественных характеристик осадков производственных сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2014)Analysis of composition of sludge industrial wastewater was done in order to develop methods of their application as a soil-additives.2021-05-06
Очищення стоків нафтопереробного об’єкта
(БрГТУ, 2014)The methods and equipment of reduce pollution by sewage are described. Experimental study on treatment of wastewater from oil and on their basis the equipment - thin-layer tank, filter-adsorber that allow you to increase the degree of effluent to 75-85%, which will reduce emissions into the environment.2021-05-06
Индикаторы оценки водно-ресурсного потенциала городов Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2014)The main indicators of water use in cities of Belarus are considered in the article. They are: sufficiency of water resources, total water intake per capita, proportion of groundwater in total water intake per capita, domestic water consumption per capita.2021-05-06
Анализ эффективности компьютерных программ по подбору насосного оборудования для систем водоснабжения и канализации
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article is supposed to give information of computer programs which are used for selecting pumps. These programs are produced by major pump-production companies. The key idea of choosing needed pump equipment is life cycle cost analysis. Thatisnotwidespreadoptionamonglistedprograms.2021-05-06
Изменения гидрологического режима малой реки под воздействием урбанизации территории водосбора на примере реки Мышка
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article is about changes of hydrological regime of small river under the impact of urbanization of catchment area by the example of the river Myshka.2021-05-06
Анализ последствий новой редакции Водного кодекса Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article discusses certain provisions of the new draft of the Water Code of the Republic of Belarus. Points to numerous inaccuracies and contradictions. Analyzes the economic, environmental and social impacts.2021-05-06
Современное состояние родников Брестской области
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article considers the conditions of forming the sources, classifications springs and modern state of the springs and the surrounding areas.2021-05-06
Анализ потерь и неучтенных расходов воды в коммунальном хозяйстве Донбасса
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article is devoted to the problem of calculation and comparative analysis of individual technological standards for using drinking water for structural divisions of Enterprise "Company "Water of Donbas".2021-05-06
Элементы техники полива прерывистого дождевания машиной Bauer Rainstar T–61
(БрГТУ, 2014)In the article presented results of researches on studying the structure of artificial intermittent rain, when watering mobile drum-hose sprinkler machine Bauer Rainstar T–61. Determined that the rain created irrigation machine meets all the agrotechnical requirements. The average drop diameter of 1.2 ...2021-05-06
Оценки влияния климатических трендов на динамику урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур
(БрГТУ, 2014)The quantification of influence of modern climatic trends on productivity of cereals crops and winter rapeseed for various territories including Belarus is given.2021-05-06
Особенности качественного состава многотоннажных отходов сахарного производства в контексте перспектив их оптимального использования
(БрГТУ, 2014)The main agrochemical properties of defecate and conveyor washing sludge as a waste of sugar manufacture, promising for use in agriculture are investigated. It is shown that the main obstacle to widespread application of the conveyor washing sludge is its pollution by heavy metals of the first hazard ...2021-05-06
Радиационно-экологическое состояние затопления на территории бывшей мелиоративной сети ближней зоны Чернобыльской АЭС
(БрГТУ, 2014)In the following article the results of analyses of cesium-137 and strontium-90’s content in the water, flooded areas’ ground sedimentation which are situated in former reclamation project nearby Chernobyl NPP are represented. Also the estimation of radionuclides biological accessibility to the different ...2021-05-06
Районирование территории Беларуси по синхронности колебаний максимальных расходов воды дождевых паводков
(БрГТУ, 2014)Division into districts of the territory of Belarus according to the synchronism of fluctuations of the maximum discharges of rainfall floods water has been made. Results are submited in figures and in tables.2021-05-06
Таксономическая и эколого-географическая характеристика фитопланктона реки Муховец
(БрГТУ, 2014)We studied the phytoplankton of the river Mukhovets in 2013. Found 41 species of algae of 7 departments. 78 % of all species of algae are of 3 departments: Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta. The low species diversity of phytoplankton river Mukhovets may indicate a high level of water pollution.2021-05-06