23–25 апреля 2014 г.
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Микробиологический эффект орошения сельхозугодий сточными водами СГЦ «Западный»
(БрГТУ, 2014)Population dynamics of sanitary indicative bacteria in sewage irrigated soil was characterized by feature - increase performance by 10 - 100 times immediately after irrigation and decrease by the end of the growing season. The exception was the rate of coliforms. By the end of the growing season the ...2021-05-06
Районирование территории Беларуси по синхронности колебаний максимальных расходов воды дождевых паводков
(БрГТУ, 2014)Division into districts of the territory of Belarus according to the synchronism of fluctuations of the maximum discharges of rainfall floods water has been made. Results are submited in figures and in tables.2021-05-06
Пути улучшения экологического состояния водных объектов Кобринского района
(БрГТУ, 2014)Article is devoted to the development of activities to improve the ecological status of water bodies in the Kobrin raion (Brest region, Belarus). The article contains results studies of the current state of water bodies and sources of pollution.2021-05-06
Оценка влагозапасов минеральных почв Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2014)Rational use of agro-climatic resources is a necessary part of the scientific study of measures to improve soil fertility. One of the indicators of soil fertility is the root layer humidity.2021-05-06
Расчетные методы обоснования продуктивности осушаемых земель в проектах строительства и реконструкции мелиоративных систем на основе долгосрочного прогноза
(БрГТУ, 2014)The calculation methods of long-term forecast crop capacity on the drained lands on the stage of development of new construction and reconstruction projects of melioration objects in real natural, agrotechnical and melioration conditions are considered. It will enable to carry out an adequate estimation ...2021-05-06
Необходимость улучшения эколого-мелиоративного состояния осушаемых торфяных почв Западного Полесья Украины
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article considers the modern problems of functioning the drainage systems of Western Polissya of Ukraine on the example of «Zabolottya» and «Stubla»drainage systems2021-05-06
Современные проблемы водохозяйственного комплекса
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article analyzes water use by sectors of the national economy of Belarus in the modern period. An improved surface water resources of Belarus for the period from 1956 to 2005, data transformation flow in the basins of major rivers and administrative areas. Maps of the average annual flow of rivers ...2021-05-06
Очищення стоків нафтопереробного об’єкта
(БрГТУ, 2014)The methods and equipment of reduce pollution by sewage are described. Experimental study on treatment of wastewater from oil and on their basis the equipment - thin-layer tank, filter-adsorber that allow you to increase the degree of effluent to 75-85%, which will reduce emissions into the environment.2021-05-06
Сосудистые растения прудов северной части г. Гродно
(БрГТУ, 2014)Results of the taxonomical and ecological analysis of specific composition of vascular plants of ponds of northern part of Grodno (Belarus) are given in article. The strong likeness of such results with received by E. Garin for the dug-out reservoirs of the Yaroslavl region of Russia is revealed. ...2021-05-06
Индикаторы оценки водно-ресурсного потенциала городов Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2014)The main indicators of water use in cities of Belarus are considered in the article. They are: sufficiency of water resources, total water intake per capita, proportion of groundwater in total water intake per capita, domestic water consumption per capita.2021-05-06
Оценка погодно-климатических условий при оценке эффективности функционирования рисовых оросительных систем
(БрГТУ, 2014)In the article discussed the necessity and approaches to assessing weather and climate conditions in assessing the efficiency of the rice irrigation systems.2021-05-06
Изменение ферментативной активности ила аэротенков городских очистных сооружений при мутагенной обработке
(БрГТУ, 2014)The mutagenic treatment improves the properties of the activated sludge. It allows to create new versions of bacterial populations that are more resistant to adverse factors. The use of chemical mutagenesis techniques increases the dehydrogenase, catalase and peroxidase activity of microorganisms of ...2021-05-06
Расчет расстояний между разноуровневыми дренами дренажно-модульных систем
(БрГТУ, 2014)The technology of the ground water level regulation with the help of self-regulated modules is presented and the methodology of distances calculation between drains.2021-05-06
Оценка и возможности повышения эффективности функционирования придунайских рисовых систем
(БрГТУ, 2014)Performed the analysis of retrospective and recent state of the general efficiency of functioning the Danube rice irrigation systems basis on the complex of substantiated criteria of technological, economic and ecological efficiency and determined their rational values for the studied conditions2021-05-06
Возможности применения биоремедиации для очистки поверхностного стока с урбанизированных территорий
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article offers the brief review of bioremediation techniques suitable for treatment of surface runoff from urbanized territories. Authors highline advantages of bioremediation in comparison to traditional treatment methods.2021-05-06
Анализ водопользования в бассейне реки Днепр
(БрГТУ, 2014)The article describes the General characteristics of the information of water use in the river Dnepr basin , which is necessary for detecting problems of water use and protection when drawing up the schemes of complex use of water resources.2021-05-06
Оценка связи между загрязнением атмосферы и экологически обусловленными заболеваниями жителей крупного промышленного города
(БрГТУ, 2014)The results of the quantitative risk assessment of non-carcinogenic effects of air pollution in Makeevka are presented in the paper. The pattern of disease is presented and the results of risk assessment are compared with the statistical data on the incidence of the city's population. The paper ...2021-05-06
Параметры регулирования водно-воздушного режима почв и расчет элементов техники и режима осушения и подпочвенного увлажнения
(БрГТУ, 2014)This paper describes the data control water-air regime of soil and providing payment bits and pieces of technology and subsoil moisture regime on drained lands.2021-05-06
Исследование процесса глубокой минерализации активного ила хозяйственно-бытовых очистных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2014)The process of deep mineralization of excess activated sludge of city treatment facilities, by means of an extended aerobic-anaerobic treatment, studied the main factors affecting the system are defined and counted.2021-05-06
Особенности качественного состава многотоннажных отходов сахарного производства в контексте перспектив их оптимального использования
(БрГТУ, 2014)The main agrochemical properties of defecate and conveyor washing sludge as a waste of sugar manufacture, promising for use in agriculture are investigated. It is shown that the main obstacle to widespread application of the conveyor washing sludge is its pollution by heavy metals of the first hazard ...2021-05-06