Пространственное распределение выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух Гомельской области
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504.5 (476)Citation
Галай, Е. И. Пространственное распределение выбросов загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух Гомельской области / Е. И. Галай // Вестник Брестского государственного технического университета. Серия: Водохозяйственное строительство и теплоэнергетика. – 2008. – № 2. – С. 77–81 : ил. – Библиогр.: с. 79 (7 назв.).Abstract
Оценен вклад Гомельской области в загрязнение атмосферы. Определены удельные показатели валовых выбросов ингредиентов в воздух, в т.ч. твердых веществ и оксида углерода, от стационарных источников по административным районам области. Установлена неоднородность пространственного распределения плотности выбросов загрязняющих веществ и объема их выброса на душу населения по районам области.
Annotation in another language
Тhe main appraisal of condition of the surroundings belongs to ecological indices including air pollutions. The air pollution in Gomel region was estimated. Gomel region is distinguished by pollution from permanent sources (22%). Specific share showings of total air pollution from permanent sources in administrative districts in Gomel region including solid substances and carbon monoxide have been established. The results of calculations have been presented in tables and maps. Heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of the density of air pollution from permanent sources and volumes of the pollution per head in every district has been determined. The technogenous loading of ingredients per unit of area and per head in Mosir, Gomel, Rechitsa, Svetlogorsk, Zhlobin disticts is considerable. Maximum data of compactness of air pollution were noted in Mozir district (22400 kg/km²), minimum data were determined in Bragin district (86 kg/km²). It is due to different standards of industrial development. The spatial-temporal changeableness of the specific indices of hard substances and carbon oxide was exposed in each administrative district in Gomel region.
- 2008 [25]
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