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Последние добавления

  • Analysis on thermal stress of ultra-long basement based on XFEM and stress trajectory visualizat 

    Хунъян Се; Юйхан Жэнь; Хао Чжэн; Желткович, Андрей Евгеньевич; Вэй Фу; Чжоюй Мин; Мэйсинь Шуай; Ивэнь Дай (БрГТУ, 2024)
    Research is conducted on the cracking problem of the side walls of ultra-long seamless basement structures under high-temperature and sunny construction environments in summer. Long term temperature monitoring was conducted on a basement under construction in the Modern Service Industry Park of ...


  • Application of convolutional neural network in stress calculations of reinforced concrete slabs of road pavemen 

    Молош, Виктор Викторович; Желткович, Андрей Евгеньевич; Пархоц, Константин Геннадьевич; Томашев, Игорь Геннадьевич (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The design of rigid reinforced concrete slabs of foundations, slabs, road surfaces is based on calculation models, which are developed on a relatively limited number of experimental studies, in most cases requiring quite large material and time costs. The complex stress-strain state occurring in stiff ...


  • Early-age effective elastic properties of cement-based composites 

    Кравченко, Валентин Викторович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The problem of the prediction the early age effective elastic properties of cement-based composites is one of the most important and at the same time complicated problems of concrete technology. Cement-based composites consist of a large number of randomly distributed phases with different geometric ...


  • A homogenization method for stiffness characteristics of cement paste under viscoelastic behavior 

    Кравченко, Валентин Викторович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The microstructure of cement paste is extremely complex and heterogeneous, consists of randomly distributed phases with an arbitrary geometry, formed during the hydration process. The key phase of cement paste –calcium silicate hydrate exhibits distinct viscoelastic behavior causing creep in cement-based ...


  • Influence of the connection method of floor-by-floor supported masonry walls with the supporting floor on the crack resistan 

    Новик, Павел Анатольевич; Юськович, Виталий Иванович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of deflections of supporting floors on the crack resistance of floor-by-floor supported masonry walls, depending on the method of their connec-tion with the reinforced concrete floor. This article shows that the deflection of ...


  • Calculation of steel-reinforced concrete structures of the building of the National library of the Republic of Belarus 

    Лазовский, Дмитрий Николаевич; Шохина, Людмила Митрофановна; Поправко, Александр Васильевич; Глухова, Татьяна Михайловна (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The unique building of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus includes not only urban planning, architectural, technological modern solutions, but also structural ones. One of such modern structural solutions is the use of composite (steel-concrete) structural ...


  • Assessment of the prediction methods of restrained strains and self-stresses of the members made of expansive concretes 

    Тур, Виктор Владимирович; Семенюк, Ольга Сергеевна; Семенюк, Сергей Михайлович; Юськович, Виталий Иванович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    In various time periods, interest to RC structures made of expansive concretes was very different: from admiration after its successful utilization in the real practice of civil engineering works (for instance, jointless self-stressed and post-tensioned slab-on-ground with dimensions of 144x72 m2) to ...


  • To the issue of increasing the reliability of determining the mechanical characteristics of soils 

    Пойта, Петр Степанович; Шалобыта, Николай Николаевич; Шалобыта, Татьяна Петровна (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The problem of determining reliable characteristics of soils necessary for the design of foundations of buildings and structures is important and urgent. The main parameters determining the mechanical properties of soils are their strength and deformation characteristics, obtained, ...


  • Influence of environmental parameters on the processes of occurrence and development of defects in bridge structures 

    Кривицкий, Павел Васильевич; Матвеенко, Никифор Викторович; Олехнович, Кирилл Александрович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    Environment influence in the form of precipitation, temperature variations, seasonal freeze-thaw cycles and human activity lead to the appearance of damages (defects) on the surface of reinforced concrete structures of buildings. As studies show, untimely performance of works on maintenance of objects ...


  • The use of powder materials of highly hard compounds for the formation of electric spark coatings for various functional purposes 

    Овчинников, Евгений Витальевич; Михайлов, Валентин Владимирович; Чекан, Николай Михайлович; Эйсымонт, Евгения Ивановна; Линник, Дмитрий Александрович; Ивашку, Сергей Христофорович; Акула, Игорь Петрович; Веремейчик, Андрей Иванович; Свистун, Андрей Чеславович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    Electric spark alloying of solid surfaces is a promising direction for increasing the performance properties of materials. Formation of superhard material coatings on a substrate allows to significantly increase hardness, wear resistance, resistance to high temperatures and pressure, ...


  • Microstructure of rapidly solidified alloy Al-1.5 WT.% Pb 

    Гладковский, Виктор Иванович; Кушнер, Татьяна Леонидовна; Максимов, Юрий Викторович; Пинчук, Александр Иванович; Шепелевич, Василий Григорьевич (БрГТУ, 2024)
    Ultra-rapid quenching from the melt makes it possible to obtain a significant refinement of the structural components of alloys, a significantincrease in the mutual solubility of components during the formation of solid solutions, and the release of metastable phases. When using the ultrafast quenching ...


  • Modelling photosynthetically active radiation in Belarus 

    Мешик, Олег Павлович; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (БрГТУ, 2024)
    This research considers indirect methods for modelling values of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from shortwave radiation data in theRepublic of Belarus. The authors performed calculation and modelling in three models. Model 1 (the Ross and Tooming formula) is a universal ...


  • Comprehensive assessment of the ecological state of reservoirs in the urbanized territories of the south-west of Belarus 

    Кириченко, Лариса Александровна; Волчек, Александр Александрович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The current state of reservoirs in urban areas is one of the characteristics of the ecology of the urban system and its social attractiveness. Therefore, the development of criteria for a comprehensive assessment of reservoirs in urbanized areas in order to develop ...


  • Modeling of erosion and design of structures for strengthening the Western Bug river banks 

    Волчек, Александр Александрович; Парфомук, Сергей Иванович; Шешко, Николай Николаевич; Шпендик, Наталья Николаевна; Сидак, Светлана Васильевна; Кухаревич, Михаил Федорович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The Western Bug River is a transboundary river in Eastern Europe. The average long-term water discharge in the studied section is 80.2 m3/s, and the spring flood with 1% probability is 818 m3/s. Retrospective analyses of aerial photography data for the period from 2004 to 2022 ...


  • Extraction of nitrogen and phosphorus from the wastewater of municipal treatment facilities 

    Бунина, Наталья Григорьевна; Марцуль, Владимир Николаевич; Чухольский, Антон Игоревич (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The article presents a new solution to reduce the load of phosphorus and nitrogen on urban wastewater treatment plants, basedon the use of semi-burnt dolomite to extract these elements from sludge waters. The efficiency of the proposed method is compared with existing purification technologies using ...


  • Problems of risk management in the radiation safety in the Republic of Belarus in different situations 

    Герменчук, Мария Григорьевна (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The article presents an analysis of themain sources of radioecological risks and disasters in the world and the Republic of Belarus. It is shown that the consequences of radioecological disasters are aggravated by natural phenomena and disasters (hydrometeorological, seismological, etc.). For the ...


  • Assessment of demand and supply of scientific and technical information in the context of forecasting technological trends 

    Макаревич, Сергей Викторович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    Each year, an increasing number of countries base their innovation development strategies on forecasts of scientific and technological development. There are numerous methods for forecasting technological trends, with the STI proposal being a key indicator. This article presents an ...


  • Mechanism for the development of digital transformation of transport and logistics activities 

    Лапковская, Полина Игоревна; Семашко, Евгений Александрович (БрГТУ, 2024)
    In modern economic conditions, the management of transport and logistics flows is associated with the universal penetration of digital technologies. Digitalization allows for the optimization of the entire supply chain, including transportation and warehousing operations. Digital ...


  • Topical issues of artificial intelligence in the education system 

    Пильгун, Татьяна Владимировна; Пильгун, Елена Витальевна (БрГТУ, 2024)
    The active implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in various spheres of global public life contributes to the actualization of questions about the role of the education system in the technical and technological development of the nation. The goal of the higher education system in the ...


  • China's experience in the development and application of construction cost engineering 

    Юйхао Цзян; Музи Ван; Сяоюй Фань; Юйлинь Нин; Голубова, Ольга Сергеевна (БрГТУ, 2024)
    This paper provides an in-depth discussion of China's rich experience in the field of building cost engineering development and application, especially focusing on the current development of assembly building, which is the most representative of the process of ...


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