Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Factors influencing the geographical distribution of pollution intensive industries 

      Zoryna, Tatiana Gennadevna; Xueyao Liu (BrSTU, 2022)
      The paper has verified the hypotheses and theories about the location selection of pollution-intensive industries from various perspectives and explored possible factors influencing the geographical distribution of pollution-intensive industries. Based on the pollution intensity index of each industry, ...


    • Foresight: methodological and practical aspects 

      Zatsepina, Elizaveta Vladimirovna; Churlei, Eduard Genrikhovich (БрГТУ, 2023)
      The article discusses methodological and practical aspects of foresight as a modern technology of strategic management, analyzes the terminological field of foresight, clarifies its classification, examines the features of the formation of for-site technologies in Belarus, systematizes the methodological ...


    • Fracture toughness of carbon nanotubes modified cement based materials 

      Zhdanok, Sergey Aleksandrovich; Polonina, Elena Nikolaevna; Sadovskaya, Elena Alexandrovna; Leonovich, Sergej Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2021)
      In order to increase the fracture toughness of concrete, dispersed fiber reinforcement is increasingly used in practice. The initiation of crack initiation occurs at the nanoscale in the cement matrix. Thus, the use of nano-reinforcement with dispersed nanoparticles can have a positive effect on the ...


    • Improving the system of grouping direct and indirect costs of the estimated cost of construction in the Republic of Kazakhstan 

      Khassen, Arman (BrSTU, 2022)
      The article describes the system of estimated standards that exists in the EAEU countries. The author proposes new approaches to the grouping of items of direct and indirect costs included in the estimated cost of construction. The elements of costs, cost items, articles of estimated cost, which ...


    • Increasing the efficiency of neural networks in recognition problems 

      Bury, Yaroslav Anatolievich (BrSTU, 2022)
      The article describes the issues of increasing the efficiency of neural networks in terms of their design and coding of input and output signals. The application of multiple signal coding using extrapolation of the input parameters is described on the example of a system of recognition character ...


    • Influence of cyclic loading parameters on fatigue characteristics of die steel 

      Belskiy, Sergey Evgrafovich; Blokhin, Alexey Vladimirovich; Adel Abdel Basset Rashid (BrSTU, 2022)
      Studying the fatigue characteristics of structural materials is a time-consuming process. The possibility of using high loading frequencies on the example of 5CrNiMn steel is presented in this paper. The results of studies of structurally sensitive characteristics are microhardness, electrical resistance ...


    • Innovative technologies in management municipal solid waste in the Republic of Belarus 

      Бунько, Светлана Александровна; Зазерская, Виктория Васильевна (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article is devoted to the problems of solid municipal waste management in the Republic of Belarus. The importance of finding innovative approaches to waste management due to the growing environmental, economic and social problems in society with an increase in the volume of generated waste is ...


    • Investment priorities during the pandemic 

      Prarouski, Andrey Gennadievich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The work analyzes investment activity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic that caused the global economic crisis. It is concluded that the pandemic has become a catalyst for the digitalization of the world economy. Both countries and businesses that quickly adapt to new conditions will be the ...


    • Lightweight concrete based on bio-aggregates and gypsum binder for construction products 

      Parfenova, Lyudmila Mikhailovna; Matskevich, I. D.; Tolmach, М. P. (БрГТУ, 2023)
      Selecting the optimal composition of gypsum concrete with a two-component organic aggregate and glass fiber is a complex task, which in this work was solved using desing of experiment. Adequate mathematical models of tensile strength in bending, compressive strength and water absorption are determined. ...


    • Limit state design of slender steel webs associated with the shear buckling 

      Martynov, Yu. I.; Nadolski, V. V. (БрГТУ, 2016)
      The interaction of some cases ultimate limit state with the serviceability limit states is established. Thereby the single and multiple local buckling of the web are considered as serviceability limit state for checking shear resistance according to Euro code 3 «Design of steel structures». The method ...


    • Low-carbon economy: world trends and country analysis 

      Zoryna, Tatiana Gennadevna; Zhuxi Yang (БрГТУ, 2023)
      This article outlines the current understanding and specific policies of different countries on the concept of “low-carbon economy”, and is committed to studying the low-carbon economic policies implemented by various countries, with a view to further promoting the “green economy” transformation plan ...


    • Marketing technologies in political management 

      Viktorovich, Evgeny Sergeevich (BrSTU, 2022)
      Abstract Active reflection on the wide possibilities of information as institutions of political communication is due to the fact that in the conditions of global informatization of modern society, the place and role of the media in the system of socio-political relations. The author examines the ...


    • Metaverse city: definition and direction development for urban planning and architecture 

      Kashiripoor, M. M. (БрГТУ, 2023)
      Technology corporations believe that the Internet in its current form will become irrelevant in the foreseeable future. In its place, the metaverse will come – a global virtual space in which it will be possible to live, work, meet friends and do all other daily activities. Many consider this direction ...


    • Method for selecting a costeffective option of the sequence of construction of buildings and structures in a complex 

      Kochurko, Anatoly Nikolaevich; Sryvkina, Lyudmila Gennadievna (BrSTU, 2021)
      When developing a justification for investment in the construction of facilities in accordance with regulatory documents, alternative studies and calculations should be carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of investments. This article offers a method for assessing the economic efficiency ...


    • Microstructure and microhardness of Al-7 alloy WT% BI 

      Hladkouski, Victor Ivanovich; Kushner, Tatyana Leonidovna; Pinchook, Alexander Ivanovich; Shepelevich, Vasily Grigorievich; Shilko, V. M. (БрГТУ, 2023)
      The microstructure and microhardness of the Al–7 WT % BI alloy crystallized at an average melt cooling rate of ~10 K/s has been studied. Bismuth and iron precipitates are mainly localized at the boundaries of aluminum grains, the average size of which is 40 ?m. Bismuth particles have a spherical shape. ...


    • Microstructure development of the cement paste based on the unit cell mode 

      Kravchenko, Valentin Viktorovich (БрГТУ, 2023)
      Microstructure development of the cement paste is closely associated with internal processes such as self-desiccation, shrinkage, creep and other internal processes throughout service life of cement-based materials. The ability to accurately model microstructure parameters is key to predicting internal ...


    • Modelling of the voxel-based microstructure of the cement paste 

      Kravchenko, V. V. (БрГТУ, 2024)
      Microstructural modelling of the cement paste is a hard task due to its extremely complex and heterogeneous structure. At the same time, accurate predicting of early age properties of the cement paste is directly dependent on how close the microstructural model is to the real structure. There are two ...


    • Modern approaches to assessing the impact of investment projects on the socio-economic system of the region 

      Druzhynina, Y. O. (БрГТУ, 2023)
      The issues of socio-ecological and economic interaction of society, nature and business, the consequences of the implementation of investment projects on the socio-economic system of the region are considered. The concept of the socio-ecosystem of regions and business entities of the region is revealed. ...


    • Multi-storeyed building slab foundation settlement 

      Poita, Petr Stepanovich; Shalobyta, Nikolay Nikolaevich; Shalobyta, Tatiana Petrovna; Shalobyta, Elena Nikolaevna (БрГТУ, 2023)
      The purpose of this article is to consider slab (raft) foundation settlement of multi-storey buildings, to analyse their occurrence and development, and to propose methods and recommendations for their prevention or minimisation. The article considers engineering-geological conditions typical for the ...


    • On the issue of increasing the reliability of determining the modulus of the general soil deformation 

      Huts, Ilya Dmitrievich; Nikitenko, Mikhail Ivanovich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The reliability of determining the modulus of general soil deformation directly affects the forecast of the final foundation settlement. Since the calculation of the 2-group ultimate conditions of the foundation bases is crucial in determining the size of the foundations, the solution of this issue ...
